Monday 3 October 2022

Jason's thesis

Jason Statesman - now Heir-Lord Moradian - has completed his thesis. We fixed the date of the defense for this Friday. I've got two reknowned scholars to review his thesis. Professor Baaria, from Hedion, is an expert in the historical evolution of Holdership, and academician Bogoliubov from the Nakrian Academy of Arts and Sciences has clusterwide respected expertise on sociological Holdership studies. 

I hope Jason is up for the debate, he should rest well and trust in his studies. I'll try to help him where I can... The defense is public, so after the experts we'll also have time for questions from the audience. Sometimes these non-expert questions can be the hardest... Although I am not officially a promotor here, I do feel some stress for "my" student. Probably I shouldn't - I've read the thesis and it seems very nice, he put some work into it, and by interviewing lady Liliana Llyr, countess Faith Griffiths, and lady Erica Munory, he has woven an intriguing tapestry of contrasting examples.