Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Never a dull moment

Never a dull moment at the Lamp. First, plumbers that try to make an extra buck by selling Faith's bathwater. These were also the culprits that hid extra copy of The Scent in the library. Thank God the Reverend Mother and the Little Sisters came in to sort that out.

And then yesterday, there was an attempt on Heir-Lord Jason Moradian's life. His own mistake - taking unchecked neural implants that he bought from the dark web past security and into his quarters. It was rigged! He got badly hurt, but luckily no-one else got injured and security quickly got all over it. He must be much more careful!

Friday, 26 August 2022


A synod. The order I belong to from time to time calls on all its members to come to some central location and debate on some urgent matters of faith. Maybe the best analogy is a Caldari shareholder meeting being called to vote on a small change in a subrule of an article of the corporate charter. It is mandatory to go. To get to quorum, Caldari would say, but here in Amarr it is simply a moral obligation.

Even though it takes me away from my worldly obligations, this is a good occasion to meet brothers that I have not seen in a long time, and to tell each other about all that happened since we last met. It felt good, even though not all the news from friends and acquaintances has been good.

Tomorrow, it is the last day of the synod and then I will travel back to Nasreri.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Somewhere between business motivation and self-improvement

I thought it was strange: a lot of baseliners hovering around the bookshelf of Business Motivation and Self-Improvement. 

Those have never been popular here. Certainly not with Amarr baseliners. It is different for our Legionaire Caldari friends, they are more interested in that sort of works. But it weren't statesfolk hanging around the Business Motivation shelf...

So, I went to check it out. The customers that were there dispersed really quickly as I approached.

And, what did I find, lodged between "Twelve Habits of Highly Effective People" and "Mastering your Emotions to Grow Rich"?  To my utter dismay there were two copies of "The Scent of Faith." Unlabeled! These were not any of the fifteen copies we acquired and removed.

This is another copy that someone brought in, and hid there to share with their friends! It is not part of our collection, but it is smuggled in and put in between a lesser used part our collection. Only those who know exactly where to look can take these copies and view them.

The nightmare continues. 

I instructed the library assistants and the book shelvers to scour the stacks for more hidden copies, but this will take days given the extent of our collection. And I'll have to talk to Luna about this unpleasant development...

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Bibliothecarial Innovation

I had to admit that Mr. Jensen is right: the new and stricter procedures for book acquisition will not work. They are stifling the influx of appropriate books and may not stop works hurtful to our members.

After talking to other librarians on the interlibrary loan network, I think I have found a solution for our book acquisition problem. It's something that is occasionally done in the Federation, but that I have not seen yet in the Empire. Usually, I stongly condemn bringing in any idea that come from the Federation, but this one is worth trying out.

Here in the Empire, it will be a revolutionary innovation.

It is called a "Complaint Box".

It is an elongated pillar-like structure of approximately 1.3 metres high, in mahogany wood or oak, with a slit on top, and a small door in the back that is usually kept locked. People who have a complaint, literally anyone, can formulate this complaint, even about their superiors! They drop it anonymously in the slit. The content of the box is regularly retrieved and reviewed. Here, we can repurpose this technology to have the library customers help screen out inappropriate works.

I had the wood workshop contruct a complaint box and put it up near the book return desk. I had them also make a plaque to put on the box. It is engraved with the following text: "The Library staff promises to engage themselves to screen out works that are personally hurtful and/or spiritually inappropriate. If despite our best efforts you find such a work in our public collection, please report it by dropping a note in this box or talking to a staff member. Reported works will be carefully reviewed and removed if found problematic".

Now that the box has been installed, I can rescind the procedure changes, to great satisfaction of mr. Jensen. The combination of the Index, our own judgment and now also the vigilant eyes of our customers will make the library a safe place to nurture the mind and the soul.

Friday, 19 August 2022


Mr. Jensen, the head assistant librarian, has complained to me that the new procedures for book acquisitions are too strict. 

We should not let works in that are slanderous or hurtful to our members. Recently we, no, I let in a work that was particularly hurtful in an obvious way, but as I explained to mr. Jensen, there are more insidious ways that a book can be damaging so we need rely on the Theology Council.

Mr. Jensen told me there have been numerous complaints about delayed orders and reservations. As an example, he mentioned a book that he himself was particularly looking forward too. The book is a culinary work by the famous Gallente chef Fleur Duchous, and it is entitled "The hundred best cauliflower recipes of the cluster". It has been delivered but is waiting in stock, and unlikely to getting the TC's attention soon. He claimed it was completely harmless. 

I proposed that we could both have a look at it together. 

I was soon able to make my point. Recipe #57 is for "Roasted Cauliflower with Walnuts and Parsley". And, a little bit further, #64, innocuously entitled "Cauliflower Glow Bowl", calls for, well cauliflower, of course, but also turmeric, sweet potatoes, red onion, tomatoes, chickpeas and... walnuts!

The pictures in this book are magnificent and will kindle gluttonous desire in its readers. But, for those not aware of walnuts or their inherent danger to the soul, it may lead to disaster. Of course we can put warning stickers on those pages, but it's impossible to check all the cookbooks, let alone all the works that arrive daily at the library.

Grumpy, but sharp as ever, mr. Jensen pointed out that my new procedure has a fatal flaw. What if a work is approved by the Theology Council but nevertheless is hurtful to one of our members?  "No TC committee is screening for that!", he said, as he checked out the cauliflower book for himself anyway.

He's right.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Organizing committee

I noticed a fellow enthusiast of books and ancient artifacts on the "Summit" channel. He - or she - they are masked - goes by the name Librarian Errant, and unfortunately is a member of the Gallente militia. Nevertheless, Errant might be someone I can bring on board to organize a rare item convention in a neutral venue such as Yulai. That's been one of the plans I have been working on but delaying. 

With the return of the Antiquarian and now this new capsuleer, maybe there's a possibility to set up an international organizing committee. Or have them as invited speakers. Or both! Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, first I'll have to see what kind of person Librarian Errant is.

Monday, 15 August 2022

Changed procedures

I've altered the book acquisition procedures for our library. Up till now, it was merely necessary to check that candidate works are not in the Index, even for automated acquisitions. We've changed this rather lax, negative check into a positive check: works must get a positive recommendation first from the Theology Council or the Hedion Book Listings before they are available for loan. This will lead to a little purge for the library as it stands now.

Also, even though The Scent has been removed already, I've closed off the entire bookshelf of the New Eden Writer's Contest Award Winners until further notice, pending thorough review.

Finally, when new works turn out to be very popular and all copies repeatedly get lent out, there will no longer be an automated procedure to buy additional copies, rather the work will be flagged as suspect and up for review.

I hope these measures will keep our library safe in the future.

Sunday, 14 August 2022


Today again I found no confessor. Archbishop Baracca is away on some secret mission - the Societas' peaceful reclaiming runs in mysterious ways. Father Macauley has to rest after being overworked from taking over 200 confessions already. I don't trust any other baseliner priests to listen objectively to a capsuleer as myself.

So, my need for confession being high, I tried an ECB. The Emergency Confession Booths are cabins with a fully automated, computer-run confessor program, offered for nearly free by the Ministry of Internal Order (only 1 credit token per minute, the confessor beeps when you have to add tokens). They usually line an outside wall of your local MIO station, which has led foul mouths to claim that the Seal of Confession is not guaranteed by these booths.

I sat down, inserted a token, and wanted to start. I was interrupted by a voice that listed a menu, as a keyboard was displayed on the wall next to me. "Press L for sins of lust, B for blasphemy, A for anger, J for jealousy, ...". 

It went on and on and on. I think that it is telling that the list starts with lust, probably they use statistics to see what is most common. After fifty seconds, it had barely started the list, and it beeped already for another token. I inserted five tokens and waited. I was confused as to what category I would have to choose for allowing heretical works sexualizing fellow capsuleers into our library. That's not one of the canonical sins.

After a few minutes, finally the sin of Pure Thought was mentioned, I had to press PT. However, as soon as I pressed the first letter, P, the voice said, "You have selected the sin of [PRIDE]. Please state your confession."  So, I started saying "No, go back. Revert. Escape. Cancel."

The booth answered, "Since when have you started to experience [No, go back. Revert. Escape. Cancel.] ?"

"It's the wrong sin. Menu, please."

The booth answered "Wrong format. Please state a date.", and beeped to signal that I should insert another token.

I inserted another token, and, desperate, mentioned the date on which the automatic purchase of the New Eden Writer's contest books and holoreels was placed. Then I tried, "Restart."

The booth didn't react to my request, but said, "Do you feel contrition for [No, go back. Revert. Escape. Cancel.]? Please indicate your level of contrition between 0 and 9 with 0 being no contrition and 9 being absolute contrition."

This was wholly unsatisfactory. I tried to exit the booth, but found that it was locked. I was locked inside a small confession booth! "Booth in use, do not exit before absolution.", the booth said. I tried "Open door. Emergency."

The booth answered "Wrong format. Please state or type a number between 0 and 9." Defeated, I pressed 9. I do feel very contrite for having hurt ms. Griffiths and exposed our baseliners to heretical pornography.

The booth continued "How strong is your resolve not to perform [No, go back. Revert. Escape. Cancel.] again? Press a number between 0 and 9 with 0 being unresolved and 9 being most strongly resolved." And it beeped for a token again.

I inserted a token and pressed 9. I am very strongly resolved never to make this mistake again. 

The booth beeped again. "For absolution of the sin of [PRIDE], insert [19 TOKENS]." That seems wrong to me, I didn't feel listened to at all, and it just wants money? But, the door was locked, and I wanted out. I'd brought enough tokens with me, thinking that I would have to explain myself in detail. I paid and used up the last few tokens I had on me. From a slot that I hadn't noticed before, a printed ticket appeared. "Absolution granted for the sin of [PRIDE], more specifically [No, go back. Revert. Escape. Cancel.]."

I was glad it was over. Then, the booth asked, "Do you want to confess another sin?"

I answered "No."

The booth said "You selected 'Yes'. Press L for sins of lust, B for blasphemy, A for anger, J for jealousy, ..."

I panicked and started rattling the door. The booth bleeped again. I shouted for help, but no passer-by would stop and talk to me. 

Ten seconds later the booth said, "Insufficient funds." and the door lock clicked open. 

This is the last time I try an ECB.

Saturday, 13 August 2022

Soul searching

I did not sleep well. The affair with the "Scent of Faith" holoreel kept bugging me. I tell myself that I should have reviewed its content. I then started to worry about the other contest winners, whether there might be more heresies in them. Aren't there some Electus Matari authors amongst the winners or the honorable mentions? But then, I can't read every book before it goes to the shelves, can I? There's just too many, that is why we have the Index, right?

And yet, as continued to I interrogate myself in the dark of night, I realized that all this discourse about reviewing and about the Index are just excuses I conjure up. 

Had I not heard beforehand that it was hurtful to ms. Griffiths? Yes, I had. Did I not know who Nauplius is? Yes, I knew. Have I not decided to include it anyway just for the sake of completeness of a library collection? Yes, I have.

Pure Thought is the Instigator of Sin.

I have committed the sin of Pure Thought, giving the intellectual primacy over the moral. I need to find a confessor. Why am I the only capsuleer confessor around? I'll try to contact my co-chaplain, Archbishop Constantin Baracca. I haven't seen him around as he is away on Missions but perhaps we can connect virtually.

Friday, 12 August 2022

Awarded and censored

I disapprove of personal censorship. Censorship should be left to the Theology Council, to groups of experts who decide what can be harmful. But individual persons, no, they should not impose their views.

That being said, I might have made a mistake by allowing the award-winning movie produced by the heretic Nauplius into the bookshelf of New Eden Writing Contest award winners. 

I mean, the main sponsor is the Societas - and the thing did get an award. So we have a tradition of automatically ordering the winning works and putting them in the prize winner shelf there. And we do get weird stuff there all the time. What to think about "Geology, Particle Physics, and Cheese in the Neoclassical High Ancient Precursor to Rouvenor Hegemony on Luminaire" ?

However, I neglected to realize that this particular work "The Scent of Faith" was hurtful to one of our own ranks, ms. Griffiths. Apparently, it sexualizes her in an inappropriate way. That is perhaps also why it was such a hit with many baseliners, as they tend to idolize capsuleers and fantasize about them. I am sure an academic discussion and critique of the work would have put it into context and help deconstruct it to reveal it for what it is. But, in this case, the Directix put a stop to it and exerted her powers to excise this work from our library and cancel the debate. 

She was probably right, the thing will be on the next edition of the Index anyway. Also, I need to look at the library from the point of view of the chaplain as well as the librarian...

Wednesday, 10 August 2022


Drill bits. OP insecticide. Small sealed cargo containers. Fertilizer. Construction Blocks. Tobacco. Frozen plant seeds. Mono-cell batteries. Kameiras. Viral Agents. Holoreels. Crates of small arms. Coolant. Mechanical parts. Oxygen.

I've been working hard for the Empire, to bring all sorts of stuff from one place to another. And yet, it does not seem to make much of a dent to my Empire standings, they are crawling up at a pace so slow tectonic plates overtake them.

Career orientation test was right, this is not really a job for me.

Monday, 8 August 2022

History tour

Yesterday, I enjoyed the history tours, bringing capsuleers to the commemorative sites and statues that tell a story about our past. 

My fresh crew for the Vectrix, somewhat intimidated by the Amarr home world, stayed on board and read manuals and watched on-line courses about... being a crew. It amazes me how little they ever learned aside from the craft that they had as a slave. Those skills are useless now that they are manumitted. The simple fact that they are no longer slaves excludes these jobs, that they knew well, from them. They have to find commoner jobs now, like spaceship crew, and they haven't been trained in them. I start to understand why manumitted slaves have such a hard time fitting in to society.

Saturday, 6 August 2022

Mission completed

I got in touch with Mr. Jepen. He is very embarassed and could not have imagined that I would go through with the career orientation programme. He tried to bend himself in all sorts of directions to apologize and explain himself.

I reassured him it was an interesting experience that I would tell about to others in a positive light.

He appeared very concerned and did not want me to relay this experience to anyone else. 

I think me made some sort of professional mistake. I'm not sure where they would demote him further down to if they knew. Anyway, on the upside he marked all my missions as completed and awarded me the standings and the hauler certificate.

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Missed calls

It appears mr. Jepen has been trying to reach me desperately for the last few days. 

He must have sobered up.

I left him hanging as I was going trough the career orientation test, but I think I will release him from his worries and meet up with him tonight. He put me through this ordeal, now he owes me.

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Hauler crew

In the end, the whole experience was quite interesting. After we got our results, there was a group discussion with a career coach. The others in my group were staring at me, and having a hard time to keep their mouth from falling open. I do not think they had ever seen a capsuleer, let alone have a career orientation breakout group discussion with one.

The coach was also stunned. I told him I was a librarian as well as a chaplain, for a rather large but not to be named corporation. He'd never had a chaplain looking for career orientation. He asked what I was doing here. I told him I'd like to start a career in distribution - hauling mostly - and he almost fell of his chair. He told me that my personality traits do not match that career turn at all. I told him I knew, but in order to retrieve relics, as instructed to me by God, I needed to this career orientation thing.

It's strange how he reacted when I told him God gave me a mission, I could swear he thinks I have mental issues. This career orientation thing must be run by Caldari, if they do not understand how God guides our way. The others in the group seemed to be completely okay with this, and even relaxed when I explained myself in this way. 

The coach didn't know how to react, so he just turned to the others. They didn't respond to him, but turned to me in stead. I had mentioned that I needed a crew for my hauler, somewhere in my explanations to the coach. The others in my group were all manumitted slaves, as I had guessed. They have mostly experience in manual jobs, grain havesting (John-Josiah), basket weaving (Kimberlay), and maintenance of farming equipment (Ghust). They complain that after they have been freed, there are no jobs for them. The kind of things they know how to do are slave jobs, and hence not for commoners. The kind of jobs that are for commoners require skills that they don't have. 

The coach tried to mention some jobs that came up for them, including the chicken sexer, but they were fully focused on me, asking for jobs as crew members.

I found myself incapable to refuse.

They will learn while doing, they are very motivated.