Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Talocan and shipcasters

There is not all that much known with certainty about the Talocan.

The Talocan were (or are?) a truly ancient race, perhaps even older than the Jove. They mastered the weaving of spacetime, and could create pocket universes and project wormholes to new places. They could create wormhole channels between stars of their choosing, building networks with travel hubs. They were not limited in their travels to our cluster, which some researchers say made them more advanced even than the Jove. 

They could travel through Anoikis with wormhole connections of their choosing - indeed many scholars believe that the randomly rewiring network of wormhole connections seen today is a malfunction in whatever is left of the Talocan network control. 

Today we do not see them around, but it does not mean they no longer exist. We do not find evidence of a collapse of their civilization as we do for the Takmahl empire. They may just have left the cluster, as they certainly had the ability to do so.

Indeed, most scholars agree that the Talocan harnessed the power of stars (in particular blue ones containing special isogen forms) in order to alter the very topology of spacetime. 

Sounds familiar, in the light of current news? To me it does: that's exactly what we try to recreate with the "shipcaster" technology. It requires a stellar transmuter to power the casters that create new paths to faraway systems... 

Are we, and the Triglavians as well, following in the footsteps of the Takmahl by exploiting the breadcrumbs left around by the Talocan as they left? Some speculate that the Triglavians are an offshoot of the Talocan - but I find it more likely that they are the inheritors of the Talocan technology.

Sunday, 26 March 2023

Talocan link

It was a busy weekend taking care of baseliner worries at the Chapel, and of screening new book deliveries in the library.

Meanwhile, I have started digging into Talocan archeology. My focus was on the Takmahl, but they learned from the Talocan, and used their technology. I should go to the State to study them more, there are specific archeological sites there. 

I do hope the recent disagreements with the State will not hamper that...

Thursday, 23 March 2023

Confession of impotence

I get these files from time to time. Forwarded from recruiting. About someone utterly broken. Like, captured by blood raiders at the age of three, and got free just a year ago, well into adulthood. All messed up.

They get referred to me. As if I can fix them. As if I have any power over all these years of abuse. I do not. All I can do is listen. I attempt to say things, things that get dismissed or get interpreted as wrongful interference from someone who does not understand. Who can not understand. And that's correct, I admit I can not.

So often, I feel completely powerless to help. It drains me, because I want to help but I am unable to, and perhaps my words have an adverse effect. Is this a common feeling amongst spiritual helpers? Is there a way to disconnect and feel neutral about it? If so, I pray God helps me find it.

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Krusual library

Going to Faspera in Derelik I dropped by in our industrial stations in Gamis and Tanoo. And I also visited another structure in Tanoo, one often overlooked by our more industrious capsuleers. There is a a Krusual mobile library in Tanoo, that's a space library!

It has an interesting architecture, too. The different halls of the library are connected by walkways with tall glass walls that offer a nice view of surrounding space, and of the station itself. It is a bit discomforting, especially if you're used to the confines and bulkheads of a regular station. I find myself intuitively staying rather close to the center of the walkway, even though in case of a breach it won't matter.

Minmatar and Ammatar scholars mingle here, studying the history of their people. I did not particularly feel welcome, not surprisingly. However, once I could make clear that I am also a librarian, the mood relaxed, and I could get a tour. I enjoyed that a lot, and recommend a visit!

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Evolving Scripture

The vast majority of religions in the cluster have a holy book, usually written by prophets or their disciples. That book contains immutable truths, dogma. Its contents cannot be changed, merely commented upon. Sometimes it is literally carved in stone, and put away in a tabernacle for eternity. Many outsiders think this is also how our religion works.

But that is not how Amarr Scripture works!

Firstly, the amount of Scripture is immense. It's not one book, or a collection of books that can be put on a shelf. Rather, it is a vast corpus, an immense library, both reflecting and guiding Amarr culture, recording it through the eye of religion and harmonizing us with God.

Secondly, and more importantly, Scripture evolves. Imperial decrees get added to it: the Pax Amarria is part of Scripture now. At times pieces get removed - be it stricken records or entire works such as during the Moral Reforms. As our society evolves, God's message to us evolves and adapts along with it. God did not speak once and then remained silent. No, God is in constant discourse with us through Scripture.

Within the Federation, some worry about the new 'entente' with the Empire. The detractors really do not like slavery, and believe it is a dogma that will never change. It is not! Slavery has waxed and waned in our history, and it is precisely in times of peace that it has historically been at its low point. Peace, dialogue, cultural exchanges, they are much more effective than war and Minmatar abduction raids. 

Sure, the process of change is slow, and can be frustrating. But that is a good thing, as you cannot build an empire by chasing the fashion of the day!

Similarly, there are some in the Empire that grumble about letting the 'corrupting' influence of the Federation in. To them I would tell to believe in their own strength. And to see how this also opens us a grand opportunity for peaceful reclaiming.

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

A historical pi day

It will be an important date in history, pi day YC125. Relations between the core powers are being redrawn. 

I am happy for the ceasefire with the Federation - and hope that it will lead to better economic and cultural relations. This is also something that LUMEN through its embassy has been striving for. The road is long, there is a lot of mutual distrust, and there are aspects of our cultures that we find horrible in the other. Yet, this peace was the vision of Emperor Heideran VII and the Pax Amarria.

The peace between the State and the Republic, in a way, is also welcome. But it does put a lot of strain on our alliance with the State - probably this will revert to simply a non-agression pact too. 

One must keep in mind that there is no longer an all-out war between the empires for well over a decade. Concord has channeled that war into the arena of the designated constellations for faction warfare. It is there that the impact will be felt most strongly. Rather than an Amarr-Caldari bloc fighting the Gallente-Minmatar bloc, the two warzones will most likely split. In one theatre, Empire and Republic will fight, while in the other, Federation and State will wage war.

Concord will see to it that the battle does not spill out of the designated war zone.

Monday, 13 March 2023


I went over to Faspera. It's a rather boring system. No temperate worlds, and only one station - testing grounds for the Ammatar fleet - orbiting the lava planet of Faspera I.

Scans of the anomalies revealed nothing special. The usual wormholes and some Sansha sites. No more trace of the Angel Cartel.

The archeological survey site is in a desolate part on the barren world of Faspera V. The folks from the archeological survey were very tight-lipped about what is going on there. I do not think they hide something. They are probably still in shock about the raid. 

Although, I did spot machinery that looked unfamiliar to me - and I have seen quite some archeological sites by now. Also, in the wake of the attack there is an investigative team from the Ammatar authorities on-site, and marines. Their presence is perhaps not conducive to having an open discussion with the researchers there.

I returned home none the wiser.

Friday, 10 March 2023

More worrying news

I was shocked by the news tonight, even if it was just a side-item:

Angel Cartel Carries Out Lightning Raid on Faspera V Archaeological Survey Base Evading Ammatar Fleet Response 

Criminal organisations attacking archeological surveys? Scandalous! And with all the news time spent on the (expected) entente between Amarr and the Federation, this appears like a footnote. Not so to the amateur archeologist!

Also, what is on Faspera V ? I haven't heard about this barren planet having archeological importance. If I find some time, I will go and poke around. It's close to our industrial stations in Gamis, that should help.

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Theory of frustration in political networks

Century-old alliances appear to be shifting, or are at least under strain. That is especially worrying for LUMEN, as we have members loyal to two different allied blocs. Traditionally, Caldari and Amarr work together in LUMEN towards common goals. A Minmatar-Caldari rapprochement could change that.

Psychologists and political scientists have been investigating how networks of relations between entities evolve over time. These could be networks of individuals, or networks of corporations in an economic market, or even networks of relations between nations. They have come up with a general description called 'Structural Balance Theory' which is now a workhorse for modelling these relations. 

Like any widely applicable theory, it is a huge simplification of the real world, but which nonetheless captures a certain essential truth about it. So let's have a look.

The central object, the 'atom' of the theory, is the triad. These are groups of three interconnected nodes on the network. Depending on whether the connections are blue (good) or red (bad), there can be four cases:

When all are blue to each other, this is the best situation. Two allies fighting a common enemy is the next best one. All fighting all is a frustrating situation, but even more frustrating is when your two allies are fighting each other. Any network can be given a score based on the breakdown in triads. 

Let's look at possible scenario's between the four core powers:

There are four triads: ACF, AFM, CFM, ACM. In the situation up till now (top left) each triad is of the 'weak balanced' type, so the stability score of the network is +4. That is good, but there can always be a shock, there is always a certain probability that one of these links will flip. Structural balance theory predicts that, as a result, the effects will cascade through the network and change alliances all over, as the network tries to adapt to restore stability.

The shock that we may be heading towards is the Caldari-Minmatar relations turning to blue. This leads to the lower right network in the figure above. It's now become very unstable: the stability score drops precipitously to -4, due to two strongly frustrated triads.

This will lead to a strong pressure for the Caldari and the Minmatar to resolve the frustration of choosing between allies. The most likely outcome, according to structural balance theory, is to break one of their alliances, as this turns the strongly frustrated triads in weak frustrated triads (upper right). The score is raised from -4 to 0. Now, there will arise a new pressure, this time on the Amarr and Gallente. If they flip their relation to blue, then the better score of +4 is achieved (lower right). 

It is a very simple model - and there are many ways it can be made mode complete, for example by allowing also neutral standings rather than just blue and red. Yet even in this simplest version, it is clear that step by step the effects of the Caldari-Minmatar flip percolate through the network. We are indeed witnessing this theoretical model play out in today's realignments of the relations between the empires.


OOC source attributions:
Structural balance theory is not fictional, it has been around for a long time. The main sources are
Heider, F. (1946). Attitudes and cognitive organization. Journal of Psychology, 21:107–122.
Cartwright, D. and Harary, F. (1956). Structural balance: A generalization of heider’s theory. Psychological Review, 63(5):277– 293.
Harary, F. (1959). On the measurement of structural balance. Behavioral Science, 4(4):306–323.

Monday, 6 March 2023

No advice

So, I gathered my courage and asked around on the Summit today about good architects for musea. I would think that capsuleers who travel all over the cluster have an opinion about good musea.

They don't.

I've been left none the wiser.

Sunday, 5 March 2023

Ghosts from the past

One of the new corp members used to be held by lady Ithiria D. She was the Duchess of Fekhoya before the Khanid King decided differently and had her deposed.

I've worked with the duchess, and acted as her confessor even. But there was always this vague sense that something was very wrong in her estate. That her slaves were used for pleasure, perhaps, rather than guided along a straight path to God. They were wearing very little clothing, and some of them looked quite troubled, saying things like "I've been a bad girl, daddy" while I am a Brother (and not a Father) as anyone trained in the faith should know.

However, I always kept in mind that I am not a Holder, so I should keep my own judgment to myself and trust the decisions of a Holder for their slaves. So, I did not intervene and dismissed my doubts.

But then, after not too long, duchess D. fell from grace and vanished. The estate was abandoned.

And now (is it already almost two years later?) I meet one of her former slaves, who became a capsuleer, and is still looking for God. It feels like an assignment, to rectify a mistake...

Friday, 3 March 2023

design competition

Awaiting further news from Kaztropol, I am starting with the museum. I need to find a good architect, or architectural bureau in order to create a modern museum. With an interplay between the light and the exhibit.

I'm hesitant to ask on the IGS, in the hopes of finding perhaps a renowned Gallente museum architect...