Thursday, 16 January 2025

Offline organs

Lady Adelath's Genolution organs were ready - and as per her request they do not connect to galnet, they remain fully offline. The workaround is that the she will have ports in her neck, to plug in datacrystals that update the organ's software when necessary. It will look as if she's a capsuleer with those, and she was quite proud to tell me she'd be "just like you".

The surgery took place today, and it appears all went well! Good news. 

This also means that - after still some period of time for post-surgery recovery - Mr. Maulus can return home. That will be good. We get along well, but Mr. Maulus demands a lot of time and attention, and I have to say I am looking forward to being alone with Mittens again. 

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Searching the records

From time to time we have visitors to the library who want to use our access to the Book of Records, to find ancestry or relatives, for example to complete a family tree. Yesterday we had a high-profile visit, a capsuleer with callsign Deceiver's Echo. She is related to lord Ashland, a holder of a minor house. 

The young lady Ashland wanted to find her mother - and we did find the marriage link, and a record for her mother. At least, they are still in good standing with the Empire. But I had sad news for her: according to our records, her mother has passed away. Now, she was not originally Amarr and spent a lot of time in Yulai and in the Republic, so there is a very small possibility that record may still be wrong.

We did unearth another mystery. She appears to have a brother that she did not know about. And there is some seal on the record, I am not allowed to view it. I will ask mr. Ivan Firth, the political officer on the Indagatrix, how to best proceed. At this point, there is no need yet to bother the reverend mother Kahoudi. Mr. Firth is a bit lower on the Ministry's hierarchy, but I think he has enough clout to find out what is going on.

Monday, 13 January 2025

The Monastery of the Tetrimon Order of Saint Jamyl

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting the monastery that now houses the Tetrimon Order of Saint Jamyl. 

It is an ancient structure, actually predating Empress Jamyl's time. I am correct it was built by the Khanid Order of Paladins. It had fallen into disrepair, around the time that also the Tetrimon Order of Saint Jamyl had become inactive. That is, untill Baron Redwolfe put his shoulders under the project of reviving this order to which his ancestors belonged and restoring both the order and the monastery to their former glory. 

Of particular interest is a large library that belonged to the Khanid Order of Paladins. It contains a vast number of ancient scrolls and I do not think that they have been translated or studied ever before. These paladins practiced the Exercises of Saint Aloysius of the Quill and had their knights copy scripture and write up things by hand. So many secrets lie there, and records of forgotten histories! I felt like a child in a candy shop! 

But looking at the bad climate control, this was closer to a candy shop of horrors. 

Time and nature took its toll on the library. The current shielding of the windows helps to keep rain and wind out - but nothing more. It is woefully unsatisfactory - I do not blame Baron on the Order, this is something that requires the tender love and care of proper librarians and conservation experts. 

I have arranged for a quick transport of climate control equipment - temperature and humidity should not be allowed to just go along with the weather outside, but should be very carefully controlled and kept at an optimum for preservation. Lighting should be adapted too - there are gorgeous frescoes of star maps that we must protect from fading. A team from the Lamp's library is going over to install the equipment as I write down this log entry. I'll go and inspect things as soon as they're ready.

Friday, 10 January 2025

Pochven wormholes

The Talocan were masters in weaving jump connections between stars. They did not use the gate network that we found in space and that the core powers still use to this day. I am curious about their technology - I believe that it was later copied by the Jove and may now resurface in Zarzakh. I am also interested in the network logic behind these connections. Deciphering this will lead us to discover hubs in their ancient network and it will offer new insights in this ancient race.

Coming Sunday, I plan to go the recently restored monastery of the Tetrimon Order Saint Jamyl. This order is a chapterhouse of LUMEN, headed by Baron Redwolfe. The monastery has a repository of ancient star charts which could be of use for my current investigation.

Another connection that I see is the Triglavian's creation of Pochven. They blocked the existing jump gates and created new pathways. The spontaneously appearing wormholes reacted to that, as they did in Turnur. The wormhole connections to Pochven were studied by Electus Matari - a rebel group that we had a temporary alliance of convenience with during the first and second Khybernaut wars. They compiled an entry manual to Pochven

This proved very useful in the wars against the Khybernauts, but it also showed that the C729 wormhole connections to any given Pochven system randomly walk around in only a limited amount of target systems, close to the original location of the Triglavian occupied system. For example, to get to the occupied Amarrian system of Raravoss in Pochven, one has to scan for wormholes in the following set of systems:

image from:

This is of course different from Anoikis. But I think it shares the property of randomness hiding regularity. If it could be deciphered for Pochven, perhaps it can too for Seclusion.

Monday, 6 January 2025

Research question

Wormhole connections are random. Supposedly, at some point, they were not. They were controlled by one or more Talocan orbital structure the size of entire star systems. However, when that went defect, the wormholes started appearing and shifting randomly, which they do up to this day.

Nevertheless, some veteran colonists of the wormhole systems have developed an intuition about the general region where the next static wormhole will pop up. They say things like "Oh, we have had our highsec static show up twice in Caldari and then in Minmatar space, the next one will likely be Amarr." Perhaps they are just guessing. They cannot explain the logic behind their hunches. But it has been noted by some etnographers of the voidlanders - as our wormhole colonists call their culture - that these hunches tend to be right in a statistically significant way.

This does imply that there is some hidden order in the apparent randomness, an order that we have not discovered yet. The cluster's brightest minds - at Hedion University, in the Arataka Research Consortium and in the Signal Cartel - have devoted all their energy to it, and could not find a pattern.

That should not stop a lesser mind like mine to take a fresh look at the problem, an make their own inquiry for the fun it. Of course, one should heed the failures of the past. Going for the grand goal of predicting every new connection is a proven delusion. Similarly, it is impossible to map out the entire time-evolving network of wormhole connections, even for a formidable alliance as ours.

So, I will start very humbly by looking at our very own corner of Anoikis, where I can ask Publius to give me daily information on where our C1 static leads to. I will then look for geometrical patterns in space,  tracing how the exit of our static makes its random walk around the Anoikis cluster. To me, that seems more relevant than arithmetic patters based on wormhole identifier numbers. 

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Reflections on YC126

The start of a new year is a good occasion to reflect on the previous year. 

At the personal level, I thank God for guiding me into making a bit of progress with my quest. One lead that I continued to investigate is that the Takmahl, settling in the Araz constellation, had taken the holy relics. After searching there rather thoroughly, this trail led me onwards to Aridia, along the Blood Raider highway from Araz to Delve. I found a Takmahl biodroid with the help of my friends, and clues of the involvement of the Jove. I tried to find a passage into Jove space, only to find that other capsuleers who did so before me closed that door and lost their mind. These are still leads I must pursue this year, continuing in Aridia with a focus on the Anath system. I also need to gain more knowledge on the Jove and on the Talocan - the latter are a common denominator behind both the advance of the Takmahl and the Jove. A parallel (and very different) line of investigation is the idea that the Order of St. Tetrimon, working for the Council of Apostles, hid the holy relics. I followed that particular trail to Mezagorm, but had to abort that search prematurely. I will return and continue the search.

At the level of the Societas, and Khimi Harar at large, two notable events spring to my mind. Firstly, Prince Seraghis and his Zaraehvar combat group fought bravely to pacify Aridia, but after initial victories, the protracted battles wore down their forces, and they retreated, leaving the security in Aridia fully in the hands of the Amarr Navy again. They also left our blessed alliance. 

Secondly, there appears to be a wormhole renaissance, with waves of new settlers going to Anoikis. Our wormhole system of Seclusion has become a bustling industrial hub, thanks to the efforts of Publius Cornelius Felix, and his associate Isidorus. At Pilgrim's rest, we have now enlarged the Chapel and dedicated it to St. Vasrayi. The increased focus on Anoikis will be a help in my investigations of the Talocan.

At the level of the Empire itself, the notable news of this year are the new insurgencies flowing over from the warzone into high security systems such as Mehatoor. These have been a concern, and we have helped suppress this, earning praise from our beloved Empress. The insurgencies have also heralded the advent of a new type of warclone, the vanguard. The insurgencies and the vanguard are linked to a new enemy, the Deathless, whose illegitimate use of a Jovian station is putting the Drifters on a war footing, causing alarm not only in our Empire but in the other concord powers. 

Friday, 3 January 2025

Calendars and numerology

Another year has passed. In our own traditional calendar, we welcome the year 23363. Since New Eden universal time was agreed upon at the Yoiul Conference, people commonly use a calendar that sets year zero at the time of the Yoiul Conference. In that scheme, we are now entering the year YC 127. 

Having an universally agreed master clock to which others are calibrated is essential for trade. Official timestamps allow to find out who placed a buy or sell order first. But establishing this is particularly difficult for interstellar trade. Two traders moving at relativistic velocities with respect to each other disagree on the order that events take place - the concept of simultaneity is relative to the frame of reference. So, a choice must be made beforehand on an arbitrarily chosen "trading frame of reference" for timekeeping; an "arbiter" that says who or what comes first. 

This master clock and master frame of reference is kept fixed at the Secure Commerce Commission headquarters in Yulai.

For the purpose of determining who is first, the choice of when to put "year zero" is irrelevant: only time differences matter, not an absolute value. But apparently, it does matter for numerologists. I had a discussion with one at the new year's reception at the library. Numerologists like to play mathematical games, especially with prime numbers. I was informed that 23363 is a product of just two primes, 61 and 383. Before the advent of quantum computing, such numbers were used in cryptography, since it was believed then to be computationally very hard to find the prime factors for large numbers.

The number 127 is also prime, moreover it is a so-called "Mersenne" prime. Those are prime numbers with an additional property: they are equal to some power of two, from which one is subtracted - the seventh power of two is 128, subtracting one gives the prime number 127.

I have no idea why this matters to numerologists.