Wednesday 9 December 2020

Kernher's reply

Joy! Kernher has replied to my message. She writes:

"Mr. Savnar,

I have been busy planetside and only seen this mail now. It is a pleasure to make your acquiantance. I appreciate that you have read my writings, and not dismissed them out of hand.

I cannot agree with you on the Ametat and Avetat, however. It is a common mistake in our culture, so obsessed with relics and trophies, to feel that some physical trinkets are out there still waiting to be found. And, so having found them, that we will be elevated among our peers, perceived as bastions of piety and enlightenment. Maybe the originals still exist out there, but whatever we find will be hollow, empty things, divorced of the divinity God bestowed on them and left as just what they are: a crown, and a scepter, fit only to sit on display in an Imperial palace. No amount of scouring worlds will find Ametat and Avetat until Amarr has been made right with God again. It is God that chooses when and how we will find them, and for Him to do so requires that we prove ourselves worthy of them. Do you believe we are worthy of them, today? 

I can share Toth's writings, such as I have been able to find, but little exists. Most of it has been removed from history by his detractors in court. But it is not his expedition that should be your focus, rather it should be his teachings. His quest was not successful, or if it were, only such that he and his followers were taken from this world to be reunited with God. It is a spiritual path that we must follow, not a physical one.

Samira Kernher

I have thanked her and expressed my gratitude for agreeing to share her archives. As for her question, I agree that the Amarr I see today is undeserving of God's gifts. The goal of being truly deserving, just as the goal of finding the artifacts, may be unreachable. But then maybe God meant us strive for these goals anyway: often the journey matters more than the destination.

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