Thursday 4 March 2021

Capsuleer wealth

Capsuleers are insanely rich. At the moment, I have a staggering 25 million isk. A scandalously high amount by any means. I must keep that reserve as it will allow me to replace the Indigatrix should she get lost. But, my vows do not allow me to amass more wealth and I feel guilt at keeping such sums. 
My father worked all his life, and his lifelong earnings still are dwarfed by what I amassed in short time as a capsuleer. I think it is only a matter of time before there will be some reckoning and capsuleers will be held accountable.
Just doing some simple exploration has also provided me with objects that trade on capsuleer markets for insane amounts. I will donate my excess to good goals and to corporation members doing industry - I've been told data site trinkets like decryptors can be used for industry.

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