Tuesday, 21 December 2021


Preparations for the move are now at full speed in Mehatoor. Many of the most precious items have been packed, and my instructions are being followed very professionally by the moving team. I even feel I'm standing a bit in the way.

There's not much to do in Nasreri yet, luckily the volatile ice storm there is subsiding somewhat. I'm not sure what this kind of space weather does to books, and must talk to the haulers to install additional armor plate on their ships.

Feeling a bit restless, I decided to leave for a trip to Bersyrim, the Kadorian system where the reports from Arek'Jalaan indicate a high density of Takmahl biodrone salvage, that is used to build rather rare cyber implants sold on the local technology markets. 

I reviewed the general information on the system. It is neither new nor really old: the system has been colonized over five centuries ago (note that by then the Takmahl empire had already collapsed). The largest ethnic group is Ni-Kunni. Bersyrim is now a rather backwater system, but it used to be an important Kador fiefdom due to its large agricultural exports. The exports suffered from the trade agreements between the Empire and the State, and from the resulting competition by Caldari traders. 

The second and third planets have a sizeable population. They are temperate worlds with large land masses consisting of alluvial plains and grassland. The center of imperial administration is on the second planet, Odra. Outside from the capital city, the land is divided up between large landowner Holder families. Towns are built close to the Holder citadels, and are rather far apart if one travels by land. However, I think the local peasant population doesn't travel much. There are nomadic brigands called the Chikra that sometimes make a nuisance, but apart from them these worlds are by and large peaceful.

I've booked lodgings in Odra Capital, in the district where the main technology markets are. The hotel room can be described as quaint.

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