Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Blood Raider hidden outpost

I got the green light to track down the shuttle belonging to Boulette's organisation. There was an MIO raid on Boulette's hangars, but it did not yield any substantial proof, the place had been emptied. There were a few arrests "for impeding the MIO's operations". This means the guards of the hangar have been detained for serious questioning.

I undocked and waited for hours until the shuttle finally left Odra and appeared on my sensors. I didn't see where it took off from, I was not attentive enough during the long wait. I probed it down and followed it. It warped to what appears at first sight an abandoned mining station. Broken mining drills and equipment is scattered about, and there are still some precious ores in nearby asteroids. The mining station was built on one of the asteroids, and although the refinery part is clearly derelict, the landing pad and control tower were powered. Sensors also indicate the internal structure of the station, dug deep into the asteroid, is powered.

The shuttle docked at this outpost, and stayed there for about three hours, after it left again to Odra, making planetfall at the main spaceport of Odra Capital, rather than Boulette's private lauch pad.

Probably Boulette gets his materials from this outpost. But, I could not explore the "abandoned" outpost in more detail... I was not alone and was lucky that the Indigatrix was cloaked! A flotilla of Blood Raider ships patrols the outpost. I counted three battlecruisers and three destroyers. On the picture, you can see the outpost and a Blood Raider damnation class vessel in the foreground.

The Indigatrix, even if I would fit it for offense, is no match for this Blooder fleet. I need to ask for help from corp members. This help will not be easy to come by since LUMEN is again on the war path, dealing with the "Black Flag" pirates at the moment. Moreover it is in the middle of a move operation. And to make matters worse, Bersirym is in low-sec, and I've seen roaming gangs of "No Forks Given" hoodlums around...

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