Tuesday 11 January 2022

Continued investigation

I have started sorting and studying the relics retrieved from the mining outpost in Bersirym. They appear authentic, and collected from various sources. The majority of the stash seems to be of a related origin, early Takmahl empire (although after the Talocan influx of technology). A scholar from Hedion is coming over to see my discovered treasure and help out. I'll allow him to ship most of it back to the university with him. But I do want to keep selected items for my museum.

Meanwhile, I've reported my find to officer Yazdegerd. He confirms that the investigation on the ground is still somewhat stalling, mostly because Boulette and his gang have gone into hiding. My personal effects have been released to me, also the stuff I collected on Odra Capital at the agricultural fair. 

I've been asked what should be done with my corpse. To be honest, I'm not sure. I'm leaning towards incineration but being a capsuleer is weird.

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