Thursday, 3 March 2022

En route

Yesterday, I had a nice chat with mr. Statesman about the search for his father. He's been given some interesting artefacts as "heritage" when his mother passed away, providing hints to the identity of his father. He asked me to help him analyse them - a long while back, in Mehatoor. He then left for a long time - and only recently did he show up again, at SFRIM's new offices in Nasreri. I was glad I could finally get back to him with the results of my investigation, and suggestions on how to proceed next. I almost feel like a private detective.

Anyway, further detective work on this will have to wait a bit, today I left for Ibani - it is rather far away. The kind of place that always seems to be at least 40 jumps from any reasonable place you may find yourself. It is still part of the civilized world, but barely, with a 0.1 security status. The local capsuleers seem to have banded into an alliance called "Darwinism", and unfortunately, they appear to be set red to us, unfriendlies.

I haven't been given permission to land anywhere near the fortress complex of the Order of St. Tetrimon, on Ibani VI. In stead, I have been asked to dock up in the Khanid Storage station orbiting the 15th moon of that planet.

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