Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Ulrik Thorne's offer of help

I have been contacted by a capsuleer named Ulrik Thorne, who offered his assistance in finding Lord Cardinal Graelyn. 

He asks for a reasonable recompense, and I informed him that I cannot spend more than 75 million. My vow of poverty does not allow me to have more isk than strictly necessary to replace the Indagatrix and her modules. I have to admit I blinged her out a little bit, and 75 mil is what she is worth now. If he will require more, I will have to figure out a down-payment plan.

Mr. Thorne seems to have a connection to the Cardinal. He was aware of his last known whereabouts, in Providence, and mentioned that he was owed money by the Cardinal. He wanted to try and broadcast my message to him, to draw him out.

I agreed, but I've become a bit worried since. I didn't sleep well. What if he uses me and my quest in order to draw out the Cardinal and harm him?

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