Monday, 30 May 2022

Clinic is up

Our clinic in Mycena is up and running. I'm glad to report we've already had a lot of customers. It seems many inhabitants were delaying a doctor's visit and letting their problems get worse. So the medical drones have been working almost non-stop.

There seems to be somewhat of a problem with pollution here, lots of symptoms related to heavy metal poisoning. However, we are well equipped for it, with the help of good doctors at the medbay of Gottin's Lamp. 

I am glad we can make a difference here. Helping everyone in the cluster is not possible, but at least we can look after those who live at our doorstep.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022


I visited a worker district called Mycena. It is located in the same station as our headquarters - the size of these stations keeps amazing me. Mycena somewhat of a city in its own right, with bars and shops and bad hotels and public transport. The parish is run by father Marn, an amicable man tending to his flock with great care.

There is a lack of good medical facilities, though, so I was happy to arrange for a semi-automatic clinic in that neighborhood, having obtained the permission from the representatives of Lord Valdant, the holder of this vibrant community. I'm looking forward to see this clinic serve our station neighbors!

Sunday, 22 May 2022

Legs up

I am slowly getting used to the new legs. At first, it seemed like something else was propelling me forward, my upper body was dragged along by these legs. I have to find a new equilibrium, and a new pace to move my arms about in the right tempo for my legs.

On another matter - one thing I do not like about covert missions for SFRIM is that we have to compromise with folks that I think are evil. For our goals, it appears we have to strike a deal with a man raising child soldiers. That seems utterly wrong, even if the alternative will leave the children potentially worse off. I am struggling with this.

Thursday, 19 May 2022


I've had to postpone my expedition to Seclusion, because of urgent Societas matters.

Also, I need surgery. Well, not me as such: I need to have a clone that has cybernetically enhanced legs. Training doesn't work fast enough, and my trainer in the Lamp's fitness tends to forget my age just because I'm a capsuleer. 

Many capsuleers choose to reclone themselves in a young version of themselves, at their prime. I do not, I like to keep track of my age, and so my clones reflect my actual age. Of course, without any old-age disease and especially with painless joints. But that is not enough: I need to be able to run fast, and pass Ishta's "beep test". So I bought a clone with cyberlegs under real skin, the salesperson told me it looks and feels natural...

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Down the hole

In between the cloak and dagger work that keeps my somewhat busy these days, I have been preparing for an expedition into wormhole space. The crew is a bit nervous, most of them haven't been to wormhole space and heard all manner of old wives' tales about space monsters living out there.

I could keep their anxiety in check by telling them we would be going to Seclusion, a wormhole system controlled by SFRIM. This reduces significantly the risk of being out there, as there will be a station where we can safely dock up and rest. The station, also called Seclusion, will be the basis of operations for this expedition.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Bersyrim relics and conjectures

I've continued to investigate the nature of the artefacts I recovered in Bersyrim. I think they were not collected over the years there from all sorts of other places. They are too consistently from a single time period, and in a singular style to be a hotchpotch mix you usually find in capsuleer's cargo holds or adventurer's collections. 

So, I hypothesize there was an expedition or a colonization attempt from the Takmahl at some time. The stuff they brought with them would be representative of a particular era and maybe particular style. The problem with this is that there is no known colony, nor did anyone find a colony ship wreck or exploration vessel wreck here. 

The other mystery is why they would choose such a place, far from their homelands. Maybe the even bigger mystery is how they got here! It is out of reach for their ships unless they would travel for decades. So, this leads me to another conjecture: Talocan wormhole technology. 

The Talocan, a much older and more advanced civilization than the Takmahl, possessed ways to open up wormholes. It is well known and document that the Takmahl found Talocan technology and reverse engineered it. So why not experimental wormhole tech?

Friday, 6 May 2022

The search continues

I responded to mr. Thorne, asking him what he intends to do with the Matari aspirant he wants to get from me, but again he has gone silent.

It appears my questions are compareable to kicking rotten woodwork in that all of a sudden a lot of strange critters crawl out. I've been contacted by several people pretending to help me find cardinal Graelyn for all sorts of payment. None of them have seemed trustworthy. But there is something about mr. Thorne that makes me think he could actually find his eminence, even though I do think he does not have pure motives.

Also, the small tortured tree is not doing well, a couple of leaves are starting to turn brown...