Thursday 19 May 2022


I've had to postpone my expedition to Seclusion, because of urgent Societas matters.

Also, I need surgery. Well, not me as such: I need to have a clone that has cybernetically enhanced legs. Training doesn't work fast enough, and my trainer in the Lamp's fitness tends to forget my age just because I'm a capsuleer. 

Many capsuleers choose to reclone themselves in a young version of themselves, at their prime. I do not, I like to keep track of my age, and so my clones reflect my actual age. Of course, without any old-age disease and especially with painless joints. But that is not enough: I need to be able to run fast, and pass Ishta's "beep test". So I bought a clone with cyberlegs under real skin, the salesperson told me it looks and feels natural...

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