Saturday, 16 July 2022

Jason's manucision

I was back in Nasreri late yesterday evening, for the ceremonial manucision of Heir-Lord Jason Moradian. Jason only recently found out about his Ardishapur heritage, and wanted to impress friends and enemies by following the Ardishapur Decree to the letter. This law states that the male members of the Ardishapur family must have their right hand removed. 

It is not a very pleasant ceremony. Lots of blood and pain, accompanied by scripture passages about sacrifice. Bill Cypher was the surgeon at hand (no pun intended), and he wielded the ceremonial catlin knife with great skill. He fitted Jason's new bionic arm as well.

Many noble houses close to the Ardishapur court also follow the Ardishapur Decree. Indeed, most of these houses are intermarried in complicated ways over the millennia to House Ardishapur, and consider themselves linked to the extended family. House Moradian is part of this inner circle. Seeking acceptance from his peers, Jason underwent the rite...

Meanwhile, my impression is that the Ardishapur family is holding off any judgement as to when exactly Jason can claim his Holdership and regain control from the lord-regent. It was telling that they did not send a family member to attend the manucision, as they usually do. Lord knows they have enough family members. But they did send a representative, a clerk from the Ardishapur Family Bureau, which is sign that they do not reject his claim either. I think they're keeping their options open. And, it will probably remain difficult for Jason, given his Gallentean upbringing, to ever fully fit it. Then again, he doesn't have to.

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