Friday 8 July 2022

Minmatar clothing

The crew quickly adapted to the new hull. Most things are the same, but there are some tiny differences. The visuals are sharper, better. A new generation of video probes circling the craft, I guess.

There appeared some Minmatar data sites. Probably some lost exploration, rust buckets must have buckled and failed in the end. 

We retrieved capsuleer clothing from them, and the crew seems to be intent on selling it, they claim it will get a decent amount of isk. I checked the market and I am aghast as how much a piece of fabric is worth. It must be absolutely revolting to baseliners, at least when they can't make a profit from it themselves. I advise the crew to wait with the sale - probably the Minmatar rebellion celebrations are not a good time to sell this kind of apparel, as the market gets flooded...

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