Wednesday 28 September 2022

Bad client

Note to self: only accept courier missions from reputable corporations. Preferably Amarr.

I spent the night at the medbay, after having become myself the vessel to transport some proprietary high security DNA, or at least that's what the docs think it was. It was carried in a virus, injected in me without my consent by the person writing out the contract. The idea was that I would fly to Saccade in Syndicate to deliver it, sneaking it in my bloodstream past customs. 

That backfired, as I developed a fever and hallucinations from it. 

At some point I saw a green three armed beast and thought that the animal was the cargo... Luckily I had Ishta look over me, she brought me back to the Lamp, be it in restraints. This morning I still have a fierce headache, but no longer see beasties. However, my message to Luna to remove quarantine and let me go has not been answered - so that probably means "no, stay in bed". 

Even if I am released from the medbay, I'm not sure it would be a good thing to complete this courier mission: the client is obviously not trustworthy. But perhaps by completing it I could find out more about this malevolent client? I need to decide before the virus has been removed completely from my bloodstream by my own immune system. But first, I need an analgesic drug.

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