Saturday 29 October 2022

The cogwheels at Arjam

Crazy man, this mr. Boulette, but he has intriguing information about a Takmahl secret vault. These vaults do exist, I have seen some of them, and in the latter part of their empire they were indeed used to hide away valuable items. So, I am intrigued and would like to follow this lead, as his description fits historical examples and the examples I have seen with my own eyes.

Now, he wants me to break into the Arjam library on Oris - in the PIE compound - and steel five of these cogwheels. As I said: crazy.

Especially since lord Lok'ri a while ago gave me scholarly access to the library and its collections, so I can just go there and have a look at these items. Boulette thinks there is something supernatural about them, more than the mere brass they are made of, and we need the originals to open the vault. But personally, I think this is just silly. 

I did agree to go and have a look, but urgent news from Turnur is delaying my trip...

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