Friday 4 November 2022

Blood raider praise

Turnur is still burning. 

Meanwhile, the behavior of the Amarr militia capsuleers are increasingly under scrunity. Their attacks on the neutral observers of the cataclysm, and the ensuing all-out brawl has been applauded by the blood raider's leader Omir Sarikusa, calling our militia Amarr capsuleers 'faithful to the great truth'. Whatever that means, it's bad.

The Empire has been purging heresy in its ranks after the Equilibrium of Mankind cult caused a disaster on Kahah last year. I think it is now about to do the same with its capsuleers - the order of St. Tetrimon and the Ministry of Internal Order are already dividing up the tasks and responsibilities.

I think that thusfar, the blood raider elements in the militia have been tolerated due to the military success of the capsuleer militia. But with the fall of Egmar and Vard, the patience of whomever is protecting them may be running thin.

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