Thursday, 27 April 2023


I'm back from the conference and only now I realize the damage wrought by my actions...

Collecting mugs, and that pen with a ruler, and the weird magnetic putty, and all sorts of exhibit gadgets, I appear to have given my participant contact details to the exhibitors. I am in all their mailing lists! The amount of promotional messages not yet classified as spam is staggering. I have spent all day unsubscribing from the various lists.

On top of that, we are getting a lot of shipments of free books and catalogs. Not all of them are suitable material, and sorting it out takes time and cannot be done by the untrained. 

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Tribal feelings

The last day of the conference was only a half-day. I decided to relax a bit in the afternoon and go visit the old town center of New Iphria. The ancient monasteries and cathedrals, devoted to House Kor-Azor, are astonishing. But that is not the only thing that struck me.

It is sort of strange, but among the many people that walk around in the city, I think I can recognize fellow academics or librarians from a distance without talking to them. I talked to a few to check my hunch, and got it right nearly every time. It is impossible that I remembered the faces of all conference participants, but I think it is their mannerisms. The way they look a bit forlorn, clumsy in a way. They peer around and then look at a map to figure out their orientation and where to go, in a... librarian kind of way? The typical hesitation or internal debate in choosing a particular direction. Also the attire, perhaps? I can not quite pin it down, but it is as clear as a voluval tattoo would be. I recognize my own tribe. 

Saturday, 22 April 2023


The plenary discussion sessions that involved both the Theology Council representatives and the Gallentean publishing houses were interesting, but it is clear that no formal guidelines or rules are going to appear any time soon and that we will have to use our good judgment. Controversial and lewd biography of Uriam Kador: not acceptable. Cookbook with Garoun-era recipes: acceptable. 

As for the parallel sessions, frankly, there were too many of them to learn much. You are drowned in a bath of information, gaining no specific new understanding, but rather getting an impression of the overall direction library science is taking nowadays.

I did visit the exhibit hall a few times. Exhibitors try to get the attention of the attendees by offering free trinkets and gadgets. Coffee mugs, pins with funny slogans, mini-drones, key-chains with lasers, puzzles, pens of all types, stickers,... I found out to my own surprise that I am a gadget hoarder. I have no need for seven different coffee mugs, but I could not quite stop myself. I justified this latent compulsive disorder by convincing myself that it will replenish the stock of mugs in the Lamp. 

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

My talk

Today I gave my talk. A rehearsed presentation where I put a lot of effort in making nice pie charts.

It was in parallel session #53, in one of the many smaller side-auditoria. This was a rather dark and somewhat chilly room with seating for about fifty people.

There were seven people in the audience. One was asleep, another one was checking his datapad, and one was the session chairperson. The remaining four were the other speakers for the session. 

It appears I made more effort to prepare this talk than was necessary.

Monday, 17 April 2023

Conference center

The conference center is enormous, with a gigantic domed hall for plenary lectures at the center. It can hold a crowd of twenty-two thousand participants at full capacity. We are not even filling it at half capacity. Even then, the experience is humbling. Large holoscreens show the speakers, too far away to clearly see with the naked eye. They give clear guidelines and advice to a rapt audience.

Smaller halls and auditoria are sprawling around it along six lanes that are laid out as the arms of a snowflake, splitting in many sideways. Simultaneous "semi-plenary" talks are held in each of the six main halls, but after that the talks split up along the many side rooms in the fractal architecture.

The 'little talks', like my own, only last fifteen minutes, but they are scheduled back to back from early morning till late evening. You cannot learn much from these short talks, but the sheer amount of them plunge you into a bath of science, and you can learn where the field in general is heading too.

Around noon, the participants conglomerate in the lower floor below the large domed main hall. That's where you get the lunch packages and where the trade exhibit is. 

Tomorrow I have my own talk... I wonder how that will go

Sunday, 16 April 2023

To Eclipticum

I booked public transport to planetside Eclipticum, to the large metropolis of Nova Iphria where the conference will be held in that city's conference center. The city itself is a trade and services hub. 

I'll arrive late tonight - the conference starts tomorrow.

I had no trouble finding a hotel near the massive conference center, using the list provided by the conference itself. I think they struck deals with the hotels, but it still is quite expensive. They tried to set me up with a roommate, but I prefer a room to myself. Room sharing is for the youngsters. When you pass your first century alive, you've learned to appreciate the comfort of having a place for yourself.

There are many restaurants and bars in the districts close to the conference center, but the old town center, with its ancient monasteries and cathedrals dating back two thousand years is rather far away from the conference and trade fair district. There are good connections via mass transit. The conference travel desk also organizes some visits and trips, but they are meant for the partners of the participants. The participant's program is filled, from morning till evening, with lectures and talks...

Saturday, 15 April 2023

Eulogy for the living

It's a stange thing, a eulogy for the living. Someone I know is planning to end her current clone and revert to one from long ago, effectively wiping her memories. It is a kind of suicide - albeit one specific to capsuleers. An ending not of the bodily life, but of memory. An ending, nonetheless.

Usually, and indeed strangely, one waits till someone is dead to say a lot of nice things about them, to recall what they meant. Why not before? Why not make it a habit, when a loved one becomes more fragile or older, to express what they meant to you and why they are/were important in your life, and then tell it to them while they are still alive. Somehow we don't do that, we always assume that the people we care about will just keep on living a bit longer. There's still tomorrow, and there's much to tell and it's complex. And then we're taken by surprise when they are gone. Only when they're gone we're able to summarize all this complexity and get to the core of things.

Here, as this friend is preparing her end, I was not taken by surprise. I could tell her what she meant to me, what memories I hold dear. And it feels good to do so. I learned from it, I learned to tell people what they meant to me while they are still alive. Also this is something I thank her for.

Friday, 14 April 2023

Top genres

I have prepared a most boring lecture for this conference. What can I say, there is not that much difference in book tastes between capsuleers and baseliners. 

More or less tacky romance novels are at the top of the list, good for almost 30% of loans. They're followed by a broad category of explanatory nonfiction - including self-help books, business books, educational books. Next come biographies/history/memoirs, followed by cook books and mystery novels.

Apparently, these genres are more or less in the same order across the cluster, with cultural differences as to the particular content, of a romance novel, for example. And political analysis seem to be a topic that sells in the Federation and the Republic, but there is much less interest for it in the Empire or the State.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023


As usual for conference participants, I registered and submitted my abstract just before the deadline.

Soon after I registered, I started receiving goodies from the Gallentean publishers who agreed to be sponsor of the conference. Free books are the most honest gifts - as you can assess them and write a review. But there are also restaurant visits, hotels, ladies, luxury goods. It is just appalling how they try to trick you! 

We do get warnings from the organizers about fake tourist agencies that try to get your money and make fake hotel bookings... even booking a room is compromised!

Luckily the Theology Council provides proper hotels and travel arrangements so we do not have to navigate all these fake agencies...

Saturday, 8 April 2023

A new market

I have several expeditions in mind. A return to wormhole space, this time to look for Talocan related clues. A similar mission to the Araz constellation. And finally, a visit to a barbarian dukedom out in Feythabolis. It drew my attention by virtue of their name: the Talocan Star Empire. Perhaps they too found Talocan technology they could put to use, like the Takmahl.

However, these plans have to wait. I've been invited to a bibliothecography conference on Eclipticum in the Kor-Azor prime system. As diplomatic relations with the Federation are improving, publishers in the Federation are trying to get a better access to the huge market that is the Empire. 

This poses a problem, since the Theology Council's sacred congregation of the index cannot catch up with the influx of books. So, at least in these initial stages, it will be up to the individual librarian to pick and choose, and to screen out harmful works. 

That is the topic of the conference, organized jointly by the Kor-Azor family bureau and the Theology Council congregation of the index. There will be a bunch of workshops to train us, and parallel sessions with talks. I have been asked to give a talk about the specific problems relating to capsuleers and books. I have no idea yet what I am going to present...

Actually, for our own library there is the additional problem that I also should think of the sensitivities of our many Caldari friends, who would be abhorred to find Gallente propaganda books between their business manuals.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Takmahl downfall

A question quite separate from the Talocan influence on the Takmahl, is how the Takmahl empire ended. It is a particularly pertinent question as to the location of the relics that they stole from the Empire. They kept those in secret locations, that may have moved around at the collapse of their empire.

Very little is known about the end of the empire. The main theory was formulated by Valate, and relates to asteroid strikes on several main worlds, destabilizing central command. Takmahl emperors would not have their own centralized army, but work with a local lords who would contribute forces to an army in case of need; in turn they were allowed to rule and tax their own fiefdoms. It is a low-income low-spending way to rule an empire, putting the local lords in charge.

The downside is that these local lords start to fight and feud as soon as centralized rule is put into question. The Takmahl emperor, claiming to derive his power from the blood god, would have his legitimacy undermined by major disasters. When an increase in the number of sacrifices to the blood god could not turn the tide, the emperor would lose legitimacy and any local lord would have a claim to the throne as the one chosen to better represent the blood god. Infighting and splintering of the realm into many small fragments started the downfall which ended in a decimation of the population and a dark age where the survivors reverted to a barbarian state.

Whether this represents the true history, or whether these are folk tales, we do not know for sure. But it is clear that those who separate themselves from the empire are doomed - even if they enjoy a temporary reprieve by finding alien technology.