A question quite separate from the Talocan influence on the Takmahl, is how the Takmahl empire ended. It is a particularly pertinent question as to the location of the relics that they stole from the Empire. They kept those in secret locations, that may have moved around at the collapse of their empire.
Very little is known about the end of the empire. The main theory was formulated by Valate, and relates to asteroid strikes on several main worlds, destabilizing central command. Takmahl emperors would not have their own centralized army, but work with a local lords who would contribute forces to an army in case of need; in turn they were allowed to rule and tax their own fiefdoms. It is a low-income low-spending way to rule an empire, putting the local lords in charge.
The downside is that these local lords start to fight and feud as soon as centralized rule is put into question. The Takmahl emperor, claiming to derive his power from the blood god, would have his legitimacy undermined by major disasters. When an increase in the number of sacrifices to the blood god could not turn the tide, the emperor would lose legitimacy and any local lord would have a claim to the throne as the one chosen to better represent the blood god. Infighting and splintering of the realm into many small fragments started the downfall which ended in a decimation of the population and a dark age where the survivors reverted to a barbarian state.
Whether this represents the true history, or whether these are folk tales, we do not know for sure. But it is clear that those who separate themselves from the empire are doomed - even if they enjoy a temporary reprieve by finding alien technology.
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