Friday 19 May 2023

Empty space

I traversed the space of many strange alliances. Mostly, there was no other capsuleer in the system. If there were capsuleers, it was at least a dozen. There were almost no stations, but there were structures. Infrastructure hubs, Ansiblex jump gates. From time to time an Astrahus, but I did not have docking rights. 

I first spent a long time going through space controlled by the "Dracarys" alliance. Then "Hisec Miners", wrongly named, in Tenerifis. The nebula reminded me of the one visible from the Khanid Kingdom. The controlling instance then changed to "Destiny's call" in U2U5-A still in Tenerifis. Still, I was mostly alony as a capsuleer in any system I traversed. The Angel cartel is strong here, but there are no stations visible on the overview.

Then it changed quickly, from system to system. Legion of "XXdeathXX", and "Paper Numbers", before -finally- the Talocan Star Empire. The first few of their systems were empty of capsuleers. I proceeded to the center of their Empire. It didn't get better. I toured their home constellation of RHG-40: no-one home. Nowhere. Not a soul in sight.

I went back out, to the constellation C45-9Y, controlled for the most part by the Talocan Star Empire. The only capsuleer I encountered in the Talocan controlled systems was a man named "makshard". I contacted him in local:

[ 2023.05.19 18:10:02 ] Theodosius Savnar > Greetings, makshard ! Are you affiliated to the Talocan Star Empire ?
[ 2023.05.19 18:15:20 ] makshard > hello
[ 2023.05.19 18:15:32 ] makshard > how im affiliated?
[ 2023.05.19 18:15:50 ] makshard > what do u mean?
[ 2023.05.19 18:15:53 ] Theodosius Savnar > I'm trying to get in touch with them
[ 2023.05.19 18:16:07 ] Theodosius Savnar > But you belong to a different alliance?
[ 2023.05.19 18:17:05 ] makshard > idk
[ 2023.05.19 18:17:09 ] makshard > yes i gues
[ 2023.05.19 18:18:02 ] Theodosius Savnar > Oh, I see. So you cannot bring me to their leader? And tell them I come from Amarr, and I come in peace?
[ 2023.05.19 18:19:25 ] makshard > no i cant
[ 2023.05.19 18:19:31 ] makshard > are u joking me? XD
[ 2023.05.19 18:20:20 ] Theodosius Savnar > No, I'm not! No worries, I'll head into their heartland systems and will probably meet them sooner or later.
[ 2023.05.19 18:20:27 ] Theodosius Savnar > Fly safe!
[ 2023.05.19 18:20:32 ] makshard > fs

I went to RIT-A7. Once again, I logged off while in space, hoping the shuttle won't get destroyed.

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