Thursday 29 February 2024

Broken mug

As expected, the Indigatrix was thoroughly searched by the Ministry of Internal Order. Ransacked, one might claim, if one were to be disrespectful to the Ministry. Of course, they were misled by Idesbald's lies, and quite in their right to check things out.

But still. 

During the search, my coffee mug which says "Udder Chaos Milking Corp" got broken. It was not valuable, but it was a souvenir from an agricultural fair on Odra in the Bersyrim system. It is in that city that I got murdered for the very first time. When I went back to identify my corpse, local police told me they found the mug on my body and I got it back eventually. So, naturally, I have some attachment to it. 

Somewhat distraught, I tried to find a complaints form on the Ministry's website. 

Strangely, the Ministry does not appear to have an on-line form for complaints.

Somewhere hidden in the labyrinthine website I did find a physical address where people can go to have their complaints heard, but it is in a penal colony on an ice world rather far away, with only one-way interbus connections, and I do not really want to do the detour with the Indigatrix.

For now, ceramic glue will have to do the trick.

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