Wednesday 20 March 2024

Meanwhile in Mehatoor

The brave men and women of LUMEN, along with the Imperial Navy, have chased the Angel pirates out of Mehatoor. The insurgency has ended, although I think probably a lot of mopping up will still be needed. 

Reflection, too, about how things could have come to this point. Where was the failure in the system? Was it the closeness of the warzone, with piracy spilling over from the constellations brought down into chaos by the forces of the Republic? I am sure valuable lessons will be learned.

Traders as well as the local baseliners were rattled by this insurgency. But that was not the worst that happened! The treacherous back-stabbing forces of the Republic tried to take advantage of this momentary weakness and attacked LUMEN's station, Mikhimi Herart, bringing more hooligans and pirates along. 

The fools did not count on the resolve and courage of our capsuleers. Members of the congregation told me with pride and awe about the largest fleet of loyalists and allies they had ever seen to form in the system, routing our enemies. For this victory, we have held a service of thanks to God.

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