Saturday, 6 April 2024

Pacifist attempts at warfare

The Angel Cartel corruption finally spilled over once again to Mehatoor. 

A third letter to lord Sirdan xer Qosh is in order. I found that not all available navy resources are used to combat the Angel Cartel in systems corrupted with pirate insurrection.

I took the Velocitas to a large Amarr outpost in Raa. I was able to use the acceleration gate. At that moment, the system contained a fleet of fifty-five Angel pirate capsuleers and not a single ally. Praying to God to keep me safe, I started orbiting the outpost at maximum speed, expecting the Angel pirates to come chase me away. They did not show up. A neutral appeared, and warped out, perhaps defeated by my so-called speed tank.

I proudly awaited the rise in suppression status after completing the task. Nothing happened! Moreover, I was informed that the job would not earn me any loyalty points in the Amarr Militia as the system is a rearguard or such. Scandalous! 

It turns out the outpost was not monitoring any Angel Cartel activity - only Minmatar rebel activity. All this while Raa is absolutely infested by the Cartel. Marshall Qosh probably does not know about his troops turning a blind eye to anything outside of their original assignment, I shall inform him. 

It gets worse. The only way to deal with the pirates - at least the only way I could find today - is to be on the offense rather than the defense. One has to warp to the Angel Cartel complexes, and actively combat them. For such attacks, the Velocitas is absolutely useless. Help comes from, no, not the glorious golden fleet, but Mordu's legion. What an outrage. 

The only way I see now to assist without breaking my vow is by providing logistics in fleets of our own capsuleers. I am not very experienced in that, although I did get some training by lord Utari Onzo-Gallius, paladin of the Excubitoris Chapter of the Order of the Sacred Throne. He also showed me a very cheap (so it can be sacrificed without concern) but quite effective fit of an Inquisitor class ship. Perhaps it can be of use to help in Mehatoor.

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