Saturday, 4 May 2024

Conduit data

Hopefully I can soon return to actual exploration rather than collecting data from these collapsed conduit sites. 

It is a menial task, but nevertheless half of new Eden's capsuleers seem to be going for these sites: It is hard to find one untouched by other explorers. One practically has to queue to get into them just like for a favorite ride in a theme park. Well, perhaps I exaggerate, but they are really quickly looted after they appear on the scanners.

They do not contain all that much of interest, to an archeologist interested in the ancients. There are some pieces of technology that will help access new parts of abyssal deadspace - and this is of course what matters to the Imperial Navy. So, I diligently hand these things in. 

The appearance of these collapsed conduits is, according to the Society of Conscious Thought related to a war between Triglavians and Drifters. It is set to spill over from abyssal deadspace into our own space. The navy seems to push capsuleers to construct filaments to access this abyssal battle space, which makes mr. Ivan Firth quite nervous. Suddenly, exploring conduits seems less of a priority to him.

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