Thursday, 19 September 2024

A special medbay patient

Noise coming from the direction of Nauplius' hangars in Mehatoor never signifies anything good. 

At least this time it is not the grunting of yak herds bestowed on unsuspecting LUMEN capsuleers as courtship gifts. In stead, upon my return from the anti-drifter mission, I was greeted by shrill prayers loudly shouted by a vast crowd of slaves. 

Sound dampeners keep these yelled prayers from propagating as vibrations through the beams and structural elements of the Lamp. But from some of our own hangars not equipped with such devices, the ruckus can be heard.

I inquired as to the reason of this auditory assault. To my great surprise, it appears related to Yun-Hee Yubari being treated in our medical facility. Nauplius has ordered his hangar slaves to pray for her. Yun-Hee's presence in the medbay is news to me. It was clearly kept confidential (as medical records should be), but that sort of privacy is no longer possible due to the yelling slave horde. 

The news affects me deeply. I have known Yun-Hee as a kind soul, one who could not bear the cruelty of the world we live in. The last time that we met, now over a year ago, she informed me of her decision to end her life. We said our farewells and I never heard back from her. I assumed... but apparently, I was wrong.

I will try to visit her, to find out what happened. Perhaps I will not be allowed in, for medical reasons. In any case, I will pray for her.

In silence.

((ooc: Today's blog touches on a topic that may evoke emotions and affect you, even though Yun-Hee is a fictional character created by an EVE roleplayer. If you are struggling with dark thoughts, please know that there are always people you can turn to. In EVE's community we have "broadcast 4 reps" and on their resources page your can find links to professional help and programs.))

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