Thursday, 13 February 2025

More celebrations

Today there was another party - a more private one this time, not Empire wide, just on board of the Indagatrix! 

Mr. Ivan Firth passed the promotion exam and thus met the final requirement for his promotion along the ranks of the MIO. I think he skipped a few rungs, thanks to our explorations and bringing back interesting artefacts. I do not know what these ranks or nomenclatures imply, but he is now Itinerant Frumentarius First class. He's got a new uniform too. 

It would be logical for him to now have more choice in his assignments and be able to do other things than look after a curious friar exploring about. So I think it is by his own volition that he stays on as political officer of the Indagatrix. 

He's arranged for an escape pod of his own, a new MIO type pod. It is, he says, safer and better equipped than the life support backup unit I had installed a while ago in the cargo bay. It will take up much less space, and has proven its worth in the recent Drifter crisis, where more than ever before search and rescue missions were successful. 

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