Thursday, 6 March 2025

Night terror

I had a scare last night. 

I usually do not sleep very deeply, and often wake up briefly during the night, almost immediately returning to slumber. This time, in just such a confused moment between sleep and wakefulness, I saw a ghost. As I squinted to see it better, it seemed it was an apparition of Saint Jamyl. Her faint outline seemed to hover in the room, with a drifter-green glow. 

I am afraid I screamed rather loudly.

The adrenalin shock woke me up immediately. Then, with palpitating heart, I remembered the glow-in-the-dark figurine that I bought. I may have uttered some curses that I will have to mention during next confession.

This morning I brought the figurine back to the merchant; I do not want to keep this weird idol any more. I was just in time, he was packing up shop, moving his business to Safizon. 

Indeed, it was revealed by fleet commander DutchGunner that the retrieved female corpse is now in Safizon, not Mehatoor. It also appears that the corpse may have been identified, and it definitely is not the Empress. The merchant does not believe it. "So why bring'er to Saffie then? Is just where she should be restin', it is, seeing as they offed her there", he said. 

He continued on a rather angry rant, complaining about the "extremely anti-business attitude of LUMEN". He considers himself a captain of industry in the trade in sacred paraphernalia, which he felt was singled out by LUMEN leadership in a recent memo sent to their personnel. 

Also, he told me there are no take-backs on sales, especially not for the phosphorescent figurine as he sold it at a rebate. He suggested that for a bit of extra pay I could swap it for a rivet from the Empress' Abaddon (with a certificate of authenticity), but this time I stood firm and refused the offer. So, I still have the glow-in-the-dark Jamyl. 

I do not want to put it back in my room, and I think it is too frivolous for the Chapel, so I will put it on a shelf in the bar at Gottin's Lamp.

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