Wednesday 10 November 2021

Expedition's end

I have to admit failure. I find more Takmahl relics than here on a bad day in Araz by lifting a random stone and looking under it. I've been out here exploring now for a while, but the expedition has had no success. On top of that, the new local warlords associate me with the Ancien Regime, and I've escaped their attacks narrowly a few times.

Moreover, news has reached me from LUMEN headquarters that war broke out again with the Kybernauts. I'll be needed in the chapel in our Mehatoor, if not for the capsuleers then for their crew or their crew's family. And I plan to continue with the chronicles of our alliance's wars, and want to get first-hand witness reports.

I'll be heading back first the ROIR-Y, to tally up my relic and data site findings, and to pick up my crew. Then, we head back to Mehatoor. The expedition was no success, unfortunately. But I learned from it, and adjust my theories.

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