Saturday 6 November 2021

The wheel of fortune

Another day of exploration without success. Perhaps I was wrong about Sabik cryoships heading here...

On my way back to RIOR-Y I stopped by the place where the RHP keepstar was. It is gone. Nothing left but small rubble, the larger pieces have been removed already, and of course any useful loot is long gone. It is humbling to see how such a large structure, that put me in awe of its large hangars and endless spires just a week ago, has so quickly been evacuated, abandoned, and destroyed. How quickly the new order brings down what the once-mighty built!

Hah, to think that I was offered ownership of the doomed edifice for 235 billion! I felt in my bones that it was a ripoff. It was partly an offer to involve Amarr in their lost war, and partly a way to get cash to help them rebuild in Impass, where they planned to flee too. Of course, I was protected against any foolishness by my vow of poverty, praise be to St. Tal-Romon.

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