Saturday, 30 April 2022

Thorne responds

Thorne finally responded. I had already given up on him.

It appears he has started the search. I had written a message I wanted to convey to his eminence Cardinal Graelyn, should he be found. However, Ulrik Thorne seems to think this message is -I quote- "good bait" to lure the Cardinal out of his hiding. 

So, I have come to suspect mr. Thorne has ulterior motives, perhaps nefarious ones as concerns the Cardinal. This is definitely not a Jita scammer who wants my money, no, he seems to use me and my cause to find the Cardinal for his own purpose! Sometimes I even imagine Thorne might want to harm high clergy, such as his eminence. Ridiculous as that thought seems at first sight, it is not impossible.

To complicate matters, Thorne has refused my ISK payment, and wants something else instead. A Matari aspirant of any sex or bloodline, third generation or later whose contract is held by the Praetorians. What does it mean? I'm not a holder, and why would I procure a slave for mr. Thorne? I don't know how to react to this request, to be honest.

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Tree torture

Yulai and the systems around it are a melting pot for the different cultures in the cluster. 

That's how I found out about a horrible practice, in the State and more particularly in Saisio. 

They take a young sapling tree, and torture it. While it is growing, they knack it branches and curb its shoots so the tree never grows. It remains small, constrained and broken by its torturer. It is seen as an art to create these miniature trees, but in reality it is a slow torment to create a hobbled and abused plant.

I bought one, and I am going to let it grow how it wants, if it can in any way recover from its harsh treatment.

Monday, 25 April 2022

Letter from the Paladin Warden

Paladin Warden Saltz has replied to my inquery about the Aegis Militia, and told me the tale of how their relation with CVA deteriorated, and how they fell victim to the "Rekking Crew" invaders.

Few men were tested and put through such hardships as the Paladin Warden. May he remain strong and patient, and may his trials bring his soul closer to God.

I have decided it may not be prudent to accept mr. Thorne's request for money to find the Cardinal. The Paladin Warden dissuaded me from this course of action. I will look for other eye witnesses of the events surrounding the Temple of God's Assuring Whisper. 

Perhaps I should make work of a visit to Oris again, and try and meet Lord Gaven Lok'ri.

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

No answer

Still no reply from Ulrik Thorne. Did I insult him, offering only 75 million for his help? Should I reach out to him with a higher offer?


There are enough veterans about that I should not bow to the whims of mr. Thorne. If he does not respond, then so be it. 

I've decided to go back to Oris and request an audience with lord Gaven Lok'ri. He has a sharp mind and a flawless memory, he might help me in this matter.

At the same time, I'm preparing the Indagatrix for another inspection of the Eve and Monalaz constellations.

Thursday, 14 April 2022

The chivalry of SFRIM members

I have not yet heard back from mr. Ulrik Thorne, but the faithful members of SFRIM helped me. I had only speak half a word to Gaun Arel before he contacted his own agent specialized in finding a capsuleer's last known location. He quickly found out that Lord Cardinal Graelyn was last seen in commanding a vessel in E-YCML, in Providence. It's a bit creepy, this lack of privacy that we have.

This agrees with the information that his Eminence has retired in Providence, as indicated by mr. Thorne as well, although he pointed to Misaba. 

Enter a second champion, Jason Statesman. He rushed to his exploration vessel, and made haste to Providence to both systems mentioned. He talked to the locals but apparently no-one has seen the Cardinal for a while. He also reported that civility is in decline in Providence, and locals treated him quite boorishly.

Finally, ms. Renalard and especially our Directrix were very helpful in recalling events from the past, from a time before my kind paladins Gaun and Jason had joined SFRIM. The Cardinal appears to have a long and interesting history. 

Lunarisse also recalled Revan Neferis - though with great distaste. She fired a barrage of names at me, of capsuleers from decades past, and now I need to get cards, pins and tread in order to visualize all the connections.

I am grateful for all the gracious help from the members of SFRIM, and touched by their chivalry and unquestioning help.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Ulrik Thorne's offer of help

I have been contacted by a capsuleer named Ulrik Thorne, who offered his assistance in finding Lord Cardinal Graelyn. 

He asks for a reasonable recompense, and I informed him that I cannot spend more than 75 million. My vow of poverty does not allow me to have more isk than strictly necessary to replace the Indagatrix and her modules. I have to admit I blinged her out a little bit, and 75 mil is what she is worth now. If he will require more, I will have to figure out a down-payment plan.

Mr. Thorne seems to have a connection to the Cardinal. He was aware of his last known whereabouts, in Providence, and mentioned that he was owed money by the Cardinal. He wanted to try and broadcast my message to him, to draw him out.

I agreed, but I've become a bit worried since. I didn't sleep well. What if he uses me and my quest in order to draw out the Cardinal and harm him?

Monday, 11 April 2022

A spy cell

There was a theft of technology and pods in Jita, the main trade hub in the State. It looks like the Gurista pirates are involved. The theft also include a lot of information, intelligence gathering. 

Capsuleers all over New Eden are hunting down these capsules, and selling whatever information or runaways they find inside. That information then tends to spread around - no-one remembers the slogan "loose lips sink ships". So it was that via friends in the interlibrary loan network we were casually discussing the news and I learned about a piece of disturbing information.

Now, in one of the retrieved capsule's holostorage subsystems the following shard of text was found: "eard from one of the cell members based in the Amarr Trade Registry offices. Passed on some information about EDENCOM spending priorities during the invasion he'd dug u"

The Amarr trade registry station closest to the Concord systems is here in Nasreri! I can only conclude that the spy cell (hopefully not a terrorist cell) operates from here. I've alerted the board - it is no coincidence that this spy cell is here in the same station where SFRIM put its new headquarters. 

We're being spied upon! Aria may be confident in the airtight security cordon around the Lamp, but human error lurks around every corner. Now, how to unmask these spectres? I have to read up on counterintelligence operations, there must be some sort of handbook in our library.

Sunday, 10 April 2022

Legal representation

Mr. Jensen helped me to find a lawyer. He said he was very happy with his lawyer, who had helped him win a case about discrimination of temporally impaired people in the workplace. After mr. Jensen's mishap in the wormhole he did various jobs, and one of his previous employers, Friendly Fried Fastfood, fired him because he was too slow. 

But in mr. Jensen's case it was a general relativistic medical condition which he had disclosed when he applied for the job, so Friendly Fried Fastfoods was wrong to fire him and had to pay a fine.

So, I contacted the lawyer, mr. Ezoterio Van Geneughten. I sent him a written message, as I was unable to figure out how to pronounce his name and also mr. Jensen admitted he could not remember. At first, mr. Van Geneughten declined, because he specializes in gravitational law and spacetime accidents. But he was willing to make an exception for a capsuleer friend of mr. Jensen, if he'd be allowed to bill the hours that he would need to study the parts of property law specific to my case.

He could already tell me that mr. Boulette claimed he had found the artefacts as space salvage, and that Boulette was not aware that his storage facility was used for illegal purposes by third parties. I probably had no right to open the containers and take the artefacts, but maybe I could claim that since the facility had been abandoned by Boulette I was also exercising the right to salvage. Anyhow, it looks like it will be a very long and costly affair in the courts...

Saturday, 9 April 2022

Legal matters

The nerve of this gangster! I received a letter from an attorney in Bersirym, representing mr. Boulette. 

First, I am surprised that the scoundrel is still free. A gangster, whose henchmen have murdered me some time ago. They lack solid proof! Since when has a shimmer of doubt ever stopped the Ministry of Internal Order to apprehend criminals? Have they lost their mind and become bleeding heart "innocent until proven" Federals? Ah, it must be the relative proximity to the Federation that has poisoned law enforcement in that forsaken province. 

Mr. Boulette himself has Gallentean blood flowing through his veins. And he probably has some Gallentean blood on his hands too. And that of men and women of all four Empires, I am certain!

Anyway, his fancy lawyer claims I have illegally retrieved a bunch of artefacts from a storage facility of mr. Boulette in an abandoned mining colony, and I have to pay for these goods or return them to mr. Boulette. I mean, there was a firefight and another attempt at taking my life in that facility! I reported everything back to the local authorities who had given me the green light to investigate this storage facility in the first place. I don't know what happened afterwards with the whole thing, content as I was to have retrieved these artefacts from what was clearly a Blood Raider operation.

Most of the artefacts I have donated to Hedion University, but I did keep some choice ones here, for my Takmahl history museum that I plan to set up. I will not give them up! But I need to find some legal counsel. Either that or finally install pulse lasers on the Indagatrix.

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Offer of help

It is always nice to receive offers of help without asking. Ms. Prime showed interest in my search for relics, and offered her help (and that of her Holder father).

I am happy to accept, even if right now the help I need may not be of the adventurous kind ms. Prime imagines. Rather, I would have her help me patiently scout out Access and the neighboring systems, and maybe also New Eden. Also, a review of the archives of the historical settlement of those systems may need and additional pair of eyes. 

But maybe I should be wary not to burn out my young friend with boring assignments? Another trip to Bersyrim may be useful, and then I can bring someone who is not afraid to engage other capsuleers or Blood Raiders.

Sunday, 3 April 2022

A night at the Lamp

There was a very lively and pleasant night at the bar in Gottin's Lamp. I was there, having a coffee with Gaun, discussing the status of my research on the Tetrimon relics. It turns out that Gaun has shortly been in the same corporation as Lord-Consort Newelle; but he did not know about the retired (and heavily decorated) admiral, lord Graelyn.

That night, by a happy coincidence, many capsuleers chose to drop by, and the bar really filled up. There was also an interview with a candidate-member, Tiberius. Ishta was bartending.

It's nice to see our corp is in good spirits, and also still recruiting. When it appeared that some drinking games would begin - a thing not unusual among soldiery and miners alike - I retired. One spiked coffee is enough...

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Lord-Consort Shutaq-Newelle's help

I learned a valuable lesson: if the coffee tastes off, don't drink it. Even if it is offered to you by a lord.

I met up with Lord-Consort Aldrith Shutaq-Newelle, to ask him questions about the history of the Militia, in particular Aegis Militia and their involvement in retrieving relics from the temple of God's alluring whisper. This happened in a time before his lordship joined the Amarr Militia, so he did not have too much information about them. 

However, he is acquainted with a retired admiral, Lord Graelyn, who probably was part of that operation. He will contact him and try to put us in contact. 

After this good news, Lord-Consort Aldrith Shutaq-Newelle invited me to the Holy Grape bar on Amarr. I think he misses a good intellectual or theological conversation. That is hard to come by in the current Militia, he says. He bought me coffee, but it was coffee with whiskey, and I did not realize until it was too late. That is, I do not hold my liquor, not even in small amounts, and especially not since I try to fast regularly. I got drunk. 

The next day I had to deal with a headache of such a magnitude that I decided to never drink a drop of alcohol again, and also no coffees that taste strange, even if it may offend a noble.