Saturday, 30 July 2022

Top jobs

The day began with a holopresentation explaining the virtues of the career orientation model, which is based on personality traits and how well they match jobs. I dozed off quickly, it was utterly boring.

Then, we got our results. With a 92% match, my career recommendation is consultant social worker, I think that is a Caldari term for a chaplain, or something close. So that was satisfying. 

More suprising was the number two job, a 89% match: audiologist. I did say that I'm a good listener, but perhaps I misunderstood one of the questions.

Tied for spot number 3 on the list were psychologist and immunologist, with both 87%. Again, a good chaplain should probably know a little bit of psychology. But immunology? Well if it's machine learning that says it, it must be true, right? Unless they captured and use a rogue drone for this.

And where's librarian? Perhaps that is not mentioned since I listed it as my current job - before realizing I could only input one current job. 

Stranger still was the insistence of the rogue drone, or the AI, to ask me questions about farming. Despite the questions pushing the farm life on me, one has to go to number 12 on the suitable jobs list to find an agricultural career: livestock advisor (76% match). It's hard enough to advise humans, I'm not going to switch to yaks. Although that would surely grant me job security for life at LUMEN.

Next will be a discussion session to "critically reflect" on these jobs and what we've learned...

Friday, 29 July 2022

Career orientation test

After we were instructed to fill in the test, all the baseliners started immediately on their task, hunched over their datapads in a way that reinforced my impression that they were manumitted slaves. The hall had banners to encourage us, with slogans such as "Reach your career development goals by learning your natural talents and strengths", "Recognize your optimal career direction" and "Unlock your personal potential". All that definitely gave the impression of a detention center.

I filled in the questions from the career orientation test. It took a very long time, there were many questions. 

The first large batch of questions asked me to rate on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) some statements. Some have a clear link with a job, like "Would you like to repair damaged farm equipment?". I don't.

Other questions are better answered by friends than by myself, like "Do you radiate joy?". Or, "I am patient with people who annoy me." If that includes the ones that make me take this test, I have the patience of a Sefrim.

The next batch had a bunch of job descriptions, again to be rated as to how much I think I'd like to do this kind of job. Honestly, that feels like cheating, that way I can also give career advice. But I also learned new things. I learned that there is a job called "Chicken Sexer", which is a person who distinguishes the sex of chicks and other hatchlings.

While machine intelligence will now process my answers, I should ready myself for the second day. I've received a workbook to help me reflect on my strengths and priorities. Tomorrow, there'll be a two hour virtual retreat with prerecorded holopresentations, breakout sessions, and coach-facilitated reflection, whatever all that means. 

What have I even done to mr. Jepen to deserve this?


((OOC: for this mini-arc about Dozey in career orientation, I enrolled in a free online career orientation program, and will go through it fully IC for Dozey. Questions and recommendations are all taken from this IRL test. So, yes, I was actually asked to rate the job of Chicken Sexer, which I felt was not a job Dozey would be particularly thrilled to do.))

Thursday, 28 July 2022

A strange new mission

After going to the appointed location for mr. Jepen's next mission, we were herded into a hall. It looked like a cross between a large classroom and a detention center. There were small, well separated desks. The desks were suitable for one person each, and were spread out over the entire floor of the hall, there must have been many hundreds.

The desks had simple datapads on them and the overseers yelled at us to a seat at any desk without delay. The overseers, who looked as if they were bored of patrolling the hall, also told us not to talk to each other. Everybody complied.

I was the only capsuleer, all the others were baseliners, scared and startled by my presence. Looking around me, I realized that most of them, or probably all of them, were recently freed slaves. They were suspicious of me, probably thinking my presence was part of some sort of strange final test following their manumission. 

In reality, I was to be subjected to the same procedure as they were.

A booming voice, reverberating in the large hall announced our fate via hidden loudspeakers:

"Using advanced machine learning, psychometrics, and career satisfaction data, we’ve reimagined what a Career Orientation Test can be! Welcome to the first day of your orientation! Please fill in the questionnaire on the datapad in front of you."

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Mr. Jepen's demon

I thought I managed to bond well with mr. Jepen. He seemed to enjoy the possibility to tell me his story and hear my counsel. He asked me to go for a drink again tonight, after I would finish some other missions he had for me. I agreed, if I was allowed to refuse another ship he said he was obligated to give me.

Mr. Jepen's disappointment with his demotion from level 3 agent to career agent runs deep. It has become a demon that clouds his judgment. He drinks far too much. I tried to cheer him up, saying that the prestige of a job does not matter to God, the only thing that matters to Him is doing our job in the very best way we can do it.

He then got this crazy glint in his drunk man's eyes. I don't know if he was angry about what I said but before I could ask, he stood up and shouted "I'll be the best career agent EVER!", after which he downed his final drink. He turned to me and said "I have a brilliant idea! The most brilliant ever! I'll send you the mission coordinates later, be there on time tomorrow!" After that, he  stumbled towards the exit and shouted a slurred "goodbye and good luck!". I thought he went home. At least that's where I hoped he was going, as ideas hatched under the influence of two bottles of wine only seem brilliant until the hangover.

But instead he went back to the office. I know, because forty minutes later I received the coordinates and there was no way to opt out of the mission, Jepen must have faked my approval. Does he want to help me or hurt me (or both, he's Khanid)? Only one way to find out: I'll go there tomorrow.

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Career agents

I met up with mr. Jepen at one of Conoban's dining establishments, a place that makes soups in front of you with fresh ingredients. Mr. Jepen mostly gets the attention of starting capsuleers. More experienced ones look down on him. These older capsuleers rarely go back to career agents, and if they take and do missions from him, they complete them in an instant, they don't even look back as they finish the career track. 

He seemed happy that I showed respect and some humility.

We talked about the career office, and mr. Jepen explained me that he was a level 3 agent before. He messed up. Two times in a row, he sent the capsuleer to a wrong deepspace location and got them podded. It was the stress of delivering good enough missions that got to him.

There's a sort of hierarchy in agents: the higher the level, the more esteem they get. The higher-ups get to deal with more experienced and more reknowned capsuleers. When one messes up... badly... you end up as a career agent. The lowest rung on the agent ladder. He does feel bad about it and wants to go back to high level missions. I tried to tell him he was reaching a lot more capsuleers as a career agent, and dutifully doing God's work, but that didn't seem to provide comfort... 

It's often so strange, where people get their worth from.

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Free junk

I've gotten into a heated discussion with mr. Jepen. He insists in giving me frigates and useless modules and a bunch of isk. I have tried to explain to him that I operate under a vow of poverty, and I am not going to accept ships. 

He can keep his Venture and his Sigil, the gesture is appreciated. Less appreciated are all these civil-grade modules, like the civil data or relic analyzer. I showed mr. Jepen that I have a data II and relic II analyzer on stand by and hence no need for this cheap junk produced in some Caldari megafactory at a discount price. 

It was to no avail. I have no choice but to accept a package delivered to my hangar... I think I will donate these things to the first new capsuleer I get to chat with in Conoban, that is the only way to get rid of it.

Saturday, 23 July 2022

Mr. Jepen

My career agent is mr. Jiekan Jepen, a middle-aged Khanid man who made me fill in a bunch of forms and provided me with some simple missions. I explained to him that I am no longer a starting capsuleer, and he reassured me that many of his clients are actually more experienced capsuleers. Either looking to boost standings or get a quick injection of skill points, due to a new rewards programme that started recently.

Mr. Jepen agreed that in principle my standings - given my background and recent history - should be higher and that this little bureaucratic dance is rather superfluous. But there's little he can do, in order to get me certified as a hauler (even though no-one asks for these certificates anyway) I have to go through various training missions.

Thursday, 21 July 2022


It's a bit of a weird vessel, the Sunesis. Looks like a fly impaled on a tiara that was made for electroshock therapy. But all in all the fly flies well, and is very agile. It aligns and warps out almost immediately. So, after the test ride, I decided I'll take the vessel. It will be my third ship (apart from shuttles or corvettes), and I'll baptise her the "Vectrix" or transporter.

With a bit of fitting she has a cargo hold of over 1000 cubic metres, and still allows for probes, and drones as defense against prossible pirates attacking me. 

The next piece of advice I got to bring up my standing quickly, is to ... go to career agents. It's again a bit humiliating, I already have a career. But I guess this is a lesson in letting go of my pride and so I will go to the Conoban system to learn how to be a hauler for Empress and Empire.

Wednesday, 20 July 2022


I got lots of good but often contradictory advice from friends, as I told them my plans to increase my standings through delivery missions. I'm grateful they also allowed me to vent vented my anger and disbelief at having to start at such low standings.

For the hauling and delivery missions, the Bestower and Sigil obviously received good reviews, but surprisingly I was also recommended the Sunesis. It's a vessel that was designed by the Society of Conscious Thought, so Jove influence. Casting aside my initial worries, it seems a decent vessel, with a fairly big hold. Enough for simple hauling missions, at least. It's agile, with a very fast align time. And what convinced me is that it is bonuses for scan probes. So - if I do find some interesting signature, and can still to a little bit of exploration with it. 

I've got an appointment with a salesperson at the Empire Family Academy to go for a test run...

Monday, 18 July 2022

Space trucker

Back in Nasreri, with the crew this time. I'll be doing the occasional wormhole exploration in the future, with them if it is for a longer expedition, without them if it is for a short probe.

So, contemplating the strategy for my quest - it seems like I do need to improve my standings. That would allow me to visit the Museum Arcana and the Labyrinth. These are well known Takmahl sites, but they are guarded by the Empire and only accessible to those with high standings. 

I've complained about this before, I am a loyal subject but still I must somehow grind missions to gain standings. Moreover, my vow of non-agression pushes me towards pacifism. Although the vow only forbids violence ("DPS") against other capsuleers, I try to extend it to non-capsuleers as well. This kind of restricts me to delivery missions.

I'm going to be a (part-time) space trucker.

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Return home

Time to bring the crew back home and end the expedition in Anoikis. We've been out here nearly a month, and I can feel the crew aching to return home. They are getting a bit grumpy about me jumping back and forth to Nasreri several times while they waited in Seclusion.

And, to be honest, we did not find Takmahl relics during this month. Nor Talocan ones for that matter. There was a very nice find of an ancient space cathedral at the onset of our expedition, but nothing as enthralling came up later.

Still, I believe it is worthwhile to organise further expeditions here. We've barely gotten acquainted with this strange new part of our universe and its network of unnatural wormholes. I am sure here many more secrets are hidden.

Saturday, 16 July 2022

Jason's manucision

I was back in Nasreri late yesterday evening, for the ceremonial manucision of Heir-Lord Jason Moradian. Jason only recently found out about his Ardishapur heritage, and wanted to impress friends and enemies by following the Ardishapur Decree to the letter. This law states that the male members of the Ardishapur family must have their right hand removed. 

It is not a very pleasant ceremony. Lots of blood and pain, accompanied by scripture passages about sacrifice. Bill Cypher was the surgeon at hand (no pun intended), and he wielded the ceremonial catlin knife with great skill. He fitted Jason's new bionic arm as well.

Many noble houses close to the Ardishapur court also follow the Ardishapur Decree. Indeed, most of these houses are intermarried in complicated ways over the millennia to House Ardishapur, and consider themselves linked to the extended family. House Moradian is part of this inner circle. Seeking acceptance from his peers, Jason underwent the rite...

Meanwhile, my impression is that the Ardishapur family is holding off any judgement as to when exactly Jason can claim his Holdership and regain control from the lord-regent. It was telling that they did not send a family member to attend the manucision, as they usually do. Lord knows they have enough family members. But they did send a representative, a clerk from the Ardishapur Family Bureau, which is sign that they do not reject his claim either. I think they're keeping their options open. And, it will probably remain difficult for Jason, given his Gallentean upbringing, to ever fully fit it. Then again, he doesn't have to.

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Where next?

The engine tests came out fine. Personally, I had preferred it if they'd found something so they were able to fix it.

We've continued exploration, and the ever changing network of links reminds me of the vastness of Anoikis. It's unlikely to get linked to the same place twice. Our expedition just scratches the surface... Perhaps I should do a 'deep dive', without the crew. Just keep on jumping from wormhole system to wormhole system for a long period of time, to see, as they say, how deep this rabbit hole goes. 

However, duties for the moment prevent a long absence. Jason is having his hand cut off in the Ardishapur ceremonial rite, back home...

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Fire rekindled

News of worrisome developments reached us in Seclusion. I heard it while taking some time off in Pilgrim's rest, awaiting the results of the stress tests of the engines of the Indagatrix III

The Empire and the Republic seem to have rekindled the battle for Floseswin and the Eugidi constellation in the war zone. Messages to the respective militia call for immediate action. Yet, for the moment, the constellation appears well secured in the hands of the Empire.

But, this comes on the heels of a conflict between the militia and LUMEN, less than a month ago. The Empress calls on the militia to defend and fortify the constellation and while this does not involve LUMEN I think some of our capsuleers will feel the urge to heed the call. Especially our friends in PIE may feel some honor-bound obligation. And, our foes may use this call to beat their chest and push others to join the warzone.

I would advocate leaving the warzone for the militia, we are not welcome there anyway. In stead, let us keep our focus on Arshat and the stellar transmuter device. It is quiet now there, but I don't think we should keep our eyes away from it. In fact, Societas, PIE and KHPER have been diligently patrolling it, and seeing from time to time some scouting from the Triglavians and other reds.

Monday, 11 July 2022

From lines to circles

The scanning tip that I mentioned before for lines also works for circles. If the results of your scan yields a circle - meaning just two probes picked up the signal - then swivel around to find the point on the circle that lies farthest from your probes.

Once you found it (from the first to the second frame in the figure above, I just rotated to get a better view) move the probes to this farthest point and you can zoom in at least two levels. It will yield a much better pinpointed source and save you additional scans.

Sunday, 10 July 2022

A stone in the shoe

A new ship is always a bit like new shoes - doesn't quite fit as comfortably yet as the old vessel. I have to get used to it a bit before I can fully merge myself with the ship. I don't know quite how to express this differently, capsuleers will know what I mean. Explaining to baseliners what it means to become one with the ship... well it's like explaining what the color red is to a blind person.

But the Indigatrix III turns out to be a shoe that has a little stone in it, and I can't get it out. 

The engine doesn't feel quite right. Crew has remarked it too, the sound of the engine is different and there is a periodic hum that intensifies and ebbs. Techies can't find anything wrong with it, it attains nominal speed without problems. 

Perhaps I should bring it back to the manufacturer? We're going to run some tests while overheating the engine first - in close orbit to Seclusion station in case things go wrong.

Saturday, 9 July 2022

Scan probe line result

Another tip. 

This happens regularly: the anomaly is only picked up by three of your scanner probes, and you get a line, the intersection of the three signals. Where to scan on the line? Many capsuleers will reposition the probes in the middle of the line, not gaining any resolution, and scan again.

But there is a faster way. Find out which of the ends of the line, as in the figure above, is farthest away from your current probe scan location. Sometimes you'll have to swivel the view around and turn it to see. The view in the left panel shows that the lower right end of the scan line is farthest from the probe location. The stuff you're looking for is there.

So, in that case, don't hesitate! Put your probes on the farthest end of the line and narrow it down. Close in on it, two zoom levels even, as shown in the middle panel. You'll get a ping close up on its location every time - as in the right panel.

Friday, 8 July 2022

Minmatar clothing

The crew quickly adapted to the new hull. Most things are the same, but there are some tiny differences. The visuals are sharper, better. A new generation of video probes circling the craft, I guess.

There appeared some Minmatar data sites. Probably some lost exploration, rust buckets must have buckled and failed in the end. 

We retrieved capsuleer clothing from them, and the crew seems to be intent on selling it, they claim it will get a decent amount of isk. I checked the market and I am aghast as how much a piece of fabric is worth. It must be absolutely revolting to baseliners, at least when they can't make a profit from it themselves. I advise the crew to wait with the sale - probably the Minmatar rebellion celebrations are not a good time to sell this kind of apparel, as the market gets flooded...

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Maiden flight of the Indigatrix III

It was pretty quiet on the Indigatrix III today, as the crew took hold of this new yet familiar hull. We scanned down some standard anomalies, and investigated a relic site that did not offer much new insights. But I could still feel a tense atmosphere from my crew. Trigger fingers on the cloak and the warpout, and d-scan spamming even during hacking. 

I do feel safer when they're around, but I'm not sure that is reciprocated...

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Help line

I've had a bit of explaining to do to the crew, for showing up with a brand new hull. They reacted with a mix of relief - that they hadn't been aboard the lost ship - and dismay - that they could have been aboard. There was general disbelief that this wouldn't have happened with them on board and that my wits were the only thing to blame. And a general worry about what they should do should they find themselves in an escape pod. In Seclusion their emergency beacon will be picked up by the station. But if they are in another wormhole, perhaps one without stations? 

Actually, not all hope is lost. The Signal Cartel provides rescue caches in most systems - a little refuge and a little help in the form of scanner probes. If that's of no help to you, then it is possible to contact the scout rescue team, who will send a search and rescue party. No wonder LUMEN has set the Signal Cartel blue and supports them with docking rights. The technicians have been making sure that also the baseliner rescue pods can contact this wormhole search and rescue folk.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

The price of hubris

Bad news: I got podded.

Mitigating circumstance: nothing of value was lost.

I got greedy, and reckless. Yesterday evening, I saw a relic site on d-scan that I hadn't seen before. I decided to go at it alone, the crew was already off for the day. I was tired, but I felt I didn't need the additional split seconds that their interventions grant me. I was wrong. 

An Astero was laying cloaked, waiting. When I warped in and approached the first relic can, it grabbed me, and as I do not carry any DPS and did not have the split second reflex that my crew grants me, I stood no chance. 

I'll have to explain it to them tomorrow. The usual chain of events was set in motion: I recloned, and my agent used my funds to purchase and fit the Indagatrix III. At first, the crew will think I just went off to Nasreri again, to do some personal stuff like feeding Mittens. But I'll have to tell them eventually and I am worried about their reaction. Truth is, I got too complacent, too blasé and relaxed about doing those sites, while in reality danger is always lurking in Anoikis.

Monday, 4 July 2022


A good galnet tool for wormhole explorations is pathfinder. It allows you to map the wormhole connections, yielding a chart that can be used by all in the alliance, 

Here, you see seclusion, and how it links to several other systems. There are two wormholes, and one link (our static) to highsec. I've been exploring and found that the Ursus, the C1 hole connected to home, is a dead end, leading to a nullsec and a highsec system. The additional wormhole lead to further exploration, and I haven't finished to complete that branch. Every jump is registered. You can even see where I am, the C4 hole. I tend to log anomalies, and pathfinder shows you an overview like this

but only after someone uploads it. But, the most useful part of it is the list of killmails from the wormhole system you are in. If you warp in, check it. It will reveal active hunters will kills on their name. In that case, just warp back out. But if the system has been dormant, you know you can stick around.

Sunday, 3 July 2022

The Antiquarian

The Antiquarian has been spotted in Tanoo!

This is so exciting - many believe him to have disappeared, retired! And yet, there is now visual confirmation that he is spaceborne, flying through Tanoo towards Sashta. I have received footage and d-scan of his shuttle from staff I befriended in Tebu Amkhiman, I'm glad I shared these stories about the legendary capsuleer with them.

The Antiquarian is one of the oldest capsuleers, and a famous collector of rare and precious items. His collection is the stuff of wonder and myth, unmatched by any in the cluster. From the earliest days on, any special item would draw his attention and he would be the first one to grab them. He is reclusive, a hermit, nowadays.

Now that I know he is still active, I do want to speak to him, and learn about the relics he has collected over the years! If anyone can help me substantially in my quest after a single meeting, it is him! Oh, if only I could convince him to be the guest of honor in a convention for rare items I would plan... it would draw out every collector in the cluster, I am sure! 

Perhaps items obtained from more recent activities could raise his interest, as he's been less active? But perhaps this is a mistake, and he has stayed active all along to collect also newer items from events and activities. 

Could this be linked to what it going on in Athounon or Arshat? Is this why he woke from his slumber and did he get caught on camera flying towards Athounon from wherever he is stationed, passing Tanoo?

I must find him.

Saturday, 2 July 2022


The explorations have thusfar not turned up any evidence of Takmahl -or Talocan- presence in Anoikis. This is not a surprise: Anoikis is immense, and we have only scratched the surface of it, a few systems. Finding any remnant of these ancient civilizations here is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But it also allows for the fantasy to run wild. What if the Takmahl established a colony here, and it got cut off? Could it have endured undetected? Or would it have collapsed, as its parent civilization did?

The "Earthers" believe that we are in a similar situation; that humanity has a common ancestor coming from a single system of origin, and that we essentially got cut off from them. In that scenario, at least us, the colonists, survived. Who knows what happened to the home system, "Earth" ?

In fact, after Anoikis got connected to our cluster, many Earthers through that we had reconnected with the "home cluster", and that our planet of origin lay within Anoikis rather than behind the Eve Gate. They started expeditions, and searches to locate our ancestors - or rather, their descendents, our far-removed nieces and nephews. It did not prove succesful. They did encounter the Sleepers - an offshoot of the Jove, to all likelihood. I don't wish to encounter them - they do not look kindly on explorers as many folk from our cluster plunder their sites, for lucrative loot.

Friday, 1 July 2022

Anomaly scanning tip

Signature Anomalies are strange things.

You scan them down and find all sorts of things hidden behind them. Wormholes, but also relic and data sites. One wonders how it can be that there is a steady daily stream of these anomalies in every system, every day.

Hasn't there been a very thorough search yet of the home worlds? How come these things keep popping up? For the temporary wormholes, it is not hard to understand, but sites that remained hidded for many centuries or even milennia? Why do they pop up? Is it because their cloaking finally failed? Or because the many baseliner vessels that we don't see on our scans came accross them?

No, it's got to do with the fickle nature of solar winds and how they interact with celestials. These reveal disturbances, in a random and ever changing way, leading to this constant stream of anomalies we find. This leads to an interesting tip for scanning. Say, you see anomalies around a celestial like this:

The red spheres are 8 AU wide, and so you think you might need to set your scanners to 8 AU. But in fact, anomalies are never located further than 4 AU from a celestial! So, the best first step to scan down the above situation is to center your probes on the planet or celestial in the middle, and set range to 4 AU. This saves you time and effort in the scan, and will give good pinpointing results for all anomalies close to the celestial.