Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Bad client

Note to self: only accept courier missions from reputable corporations. Preferably Amarr.

I spent the night at the medbay, after having become myself the vessel to transport some proprietary high security DNA, or at least that's what the docs think it was. It was carried in a virus, injected in me without my consent by the person writing out the contract. The idea was that I would fly to Saccade in Syndicate to deliver it, sneaking it in my bloodstream past customs. 

That backfired, as I developed a fever and hallucinations from it. 

At some point I saw a green three armed beast and thought that the animal was the cargo... Luckily I had Ishta look over me, she brought me back to the Lamp, be it in restraints. This morning I still have a fierce headache, but no longer see beasties. However, my message to Luna to remove quarantine and let me go has not been answered - so that probably means "no, stay in bed". 

Even if I am released from the medbay, I'm not sure it would be a good thing to complete this courier mission: the client is obviously not trustworthy. But perhaps by completing it I could find out more about this malevolent client? I need to decide before the virus has been removed completely from my bloodstream by my own immune system. But first, I need an analgesic drug.

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

A proposal

I got news from my lawyer, mr. Van Geneughten. I had almost forgotten about him, were it not for the regular bills that he sends me. I needed his services in my dispute with mr. Boulette, an dealer in illegal Takmahl relics. I confiscated his cargo, and he wanted compensation, claiming that it was space salvage. Since he'd left it in an abandoned station, my counterclaim is that it was once again space salvage. This has been going on in the overburdened courts for nearly half a year.

It seems that I am winning the case, and now mr. Boulette wants to approach me with a proposal, via his lawyer.

Sunday, 25 September 2022

Coronation day fleet

Khimi Harar's special fleet for the Empress is a success. It contributed tremendously to the standings I need to access high level agents assigned to restricted archeological sites.

I was somewhat surprised though, to find that there was an assassin hunting for me! I was informed about the hitman by one of the agents that I do distribution missions for. Thank God there were noble paladins coming to my aid: Cassadra Habalu and Hikari Lightrain made short work of the assassin and his henchmen.

I cannot imagine anyone would want to murder me. I would just reclone? And since you don't loose memories upon pod death, this is not a kill to erase some unwanted memory. Perhaps the materials salvaged from the assassin's battleship, handed over to the authorities, will reveal more...

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Coronation day

Coronation day is next week. Empress Catiz I was crowned on September 27th, YC 118, and will enter the seventh year of her rule. In one more year, she will have ruled longer than the late Empress Jamyl. 

Despite a rocky start with protests against her Udorian roots, her rule has been righteous and steady. She brought stability and prosperity during the first years of her reign. She continued the Heideranian reforms regarding diplomacy with the outside world, while introducing her own doctrine to reoganise the empire from within.

She faced the storm of the Triglavian invasions, and stemmed the tide of these starthieves like no other ruler of the central powers could. She then had to root out internal enemies, the rot of the Equilibrium of Mankind infiltrators, and oversaw a purge and purification of the empire that hasn't seen its equal since long.

LUMEN will hold special fleet operations to celebrate our beloved Empress and assist the Imperial Family in its various missions of trade, hauling, policing and peacekeeping. I'll try to do my part and will hold special services to pray for her majesty's health and a long reign.

Friday, 16 September 2022

Coffee origins

I'm finishing up the documentary I was tasked to make - I've been working hard on it all week. I am getting sidetracked too often. When I stumble on an interesting book unrelated to my present search, I often cannot stop myself from reading a bit in it. I've found this old book in the library on the uses of coffee and the ways of brewing it throughout the ages.

It appears coffee was discovered by a goat herder who found that his goats became overly energetic when eating the berries of the coffee plant. He reported this to the Abbott of the local monastery, who asked the infirmarer monk to investigate the plant's medicinal properties. They made a drink with the berries, and found that it kept the monks alert through the long hours of evening prayers.

The discovery was shared, first within the other monasteries of the same order, and later outside the walls of the monastery, as knowledge of the energizing effects of the berries spread.

Monday, 12 September 2022


To do some research on the tale of Zakara and Garum, I went to the blessed cathedral and monastery on Kador Prime III, devoted to Zakara.

On the wall between two beautiful painted glass windows, there stands a peculiar piece of furniture. It is adorned with shells and bronze curls, and sculpted angels are drawing ones attention to the center of the piece, where golden rays emerge from a small glass window containing a vial. This is an ancient reliquary shrine, containing a small remnant of the saint Zakara. A piece of bone. These are the traces of the passage on earth of a person that we consider a saint.

Those faithful to the rite rather than superstition do not believe that such relics of a saint hold supernatural powers. Rather, these mortal remnants of the saints are here to remind us that the saints are not perfect creatures or magical beings who were floating a foot above the ground. They started as ordinary people of flesh and bone, who were born, and lived, and had to make difficult and very brave decisions at one point in their life. They now stand as examples to guide us and also to help us through our own difficult times.

Sunday, 11 September 2022

Brotherly love

I've been working on my documentary project about friendship and brotherhood/sisterhood, but the more I'm looking into it, the more I am overcome with a feeling of sadness.

With tensions building up once again in the cluster, we seem to forget that all are part of one large human family. The hope to work together towards justice and peace, kindled by Heideran VII, fades once again. It is, certainly amongst capsuleers, replaced by a complacent cynicism and indifference for others' well-being. The chasm deepens between the obsession for our personal satisfactions and the potential of happiness shared by the entire human family.

The discussions on the InterGalactic Summit are a sobering testimony this entrenchment of national and personal identities...

I should emphasize connectedness and meeting other cultures more in my ministry. Beginning with Heir-Lord Moradian, whom I'll encourage to keep in touch with his Gallente past rather than quench it in favor of a overly traditional Amarrian stance, taken on to compensate what is wrongly percieved as weakness.

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Penance assignment

Sadly, there is still no news from the Antiquarian, nor from Library Assistant. Perhaps I should go solo on this first edition of the rare item fair? No, I think I am too eager and should be more patient.

Meanwhile, I've been gathering information about scripture's take on friendship and brotherhood. To do penance for my sin of pure thought, I am to make a documentary on the topic of friendship and corpsmanship. It will be entitled "The Sense of Faith" so that it can eclipse "the scent" more easily. Zakaria and Garum will be my examples, and I will ask the question of what makes a good friend. Perhaps I will get some of Ishta's new protegés to help out with the movie, or her brother Arne...

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Nihil Obstat

No answers to my mails by the Antiquarian. So, no progress on the rare items fair.

Similarly, it's been a while since there was any progress on the Syndicate Prayer Book. This is an initiative from ms. Evelyn Arnoux, and although we collected some nice prayers, I think she wants to extend it further. I, on the other hand, am in favor of publishing the first edition as is, and adding any new entries for a next edition. To stimulate further entries for the second edition, we could hold a book launch event in Syndicate. I'm starting to add graphics to the collected prayers and making into something we can submit to the Theology Council for a very quick Imprimi Potest, and a Nihil Obstat. We can get the final Imprematur in time to incorporate additional prayers for an Imprematur Iterum...

Saturday, 3 September 2022

Looking for a keynote speaker

I gathered my courage and contacted the most famous collector of ancient relics and artifacts in the cluster. Well, famous in collector circles, anyway. The Antiquarian. He is still around, or maybe back in the pod after a while: he was spotted in Tanoo.

I have hesitated to write him for a while, because compared to him I am but a newbie dilletante. But it would be amazing to get him on board as a special guest or even a keynote speaker in the rare items fair that I am planning.

In order to give the fair a truly international character, I've also contacted a Gallente collector, Librarian Errant, and he has now answered that indeed he is interested to be a co-organiser. This project is slowly taking solid shape.

Friday, 2 September 2022

Back to exploration

I've been doing some more cargo hauling missions for the Empire to slowly increase my standings, using my trucker's license to get good jobs from high-ranking agents. 

But the urge for exploration is starting to itch. I may do another stint in Seclusion, bringing the Indigatrix back there. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, you can't quite after the few handfuls of hay.

In parallel, I've tried to contact the capsuleer called Librarian Errant. It seems worthwhile to explore not only space, but also the market for relics.