Sunday 23 October 2022

Rummaging through the rubble

I've been going through the crates that Boulette so desperately wants back. There's nothing in there that could possibly have sentimental value for him. At least, that I can imagine - it's mostly broken parts, space rubble with little value. There's a strongly damaged pearl necklace that could still have some value, perhaps, to a museum. 

The most valuable item of the lot is implant circuitry. I analyzed it but it does not contain any data that could be retrieved. It looks like a standard part of a not very unusual implant.

One thing in the rubble caught my attention because it was carefully packaged inside its own box. But it turned out to be more rubble: a rather large polished brass cogwheel with some numbers on it, perhaps once part of an ancient decorative clock. I checked that it does not have circuitry in it. It looks remarkably well preserved with little trace of dezincification or oxidation so it looks much younger than isotope analysis has revealed it to be.

There must be something about either the implant circuitry or the brass cogwheel that I still haven't figured out.

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