Saturday 23 December 2023

The best laid plans

I hatched a brilliant plan. I went to get a Takmahl biodroid controller unit from my collection of Takmahl artifacts obtained from exploring the temple at the center of the space labyrinth in Aphi. I spent some days to get the best one in working condition, while the crew was making some repairs to the Indigatrix - she sustained small damage from the emergency decoupling from the abandoned station.

The plan is this: after stunning or pinning down the biodroid, we can place the controller in one of its cerebral slots. I read a publication in the top journal Archeological Review Letters, and the authors are fairly confident the controller should go in slot #6 and would not fit in any wrong slot. Easy peasy. The controller would render the biodroid harmless, and even possibly place it under our command. At least if my own neural boost implant manages to connect successfully with the controller and place it under my willpower. This has been described as difficult and flaky, like having a wireless network printer be accessible to all the computers on the network.

Anyway, even if the controller doesn't connect, it would put the biodroid in a passive state. Real remote control would just be the cherry on top of the cake.

Everything was ready, and then... the crew said no. They do not want to go back to the abandoned station to try and subdue the Takmahl biodroid. They told me after we held a service for the lost crewman Heggilon Dramse. With an empty coffin, we did not manage to bring any part of him back, and that made a deep impression on the rest. They think it is just too dangerous, and propose to just continue to Anath.

At first, I got angry. Do they think lord-consort Newelle takes a vote amongst crew members where to warp to? Or our own warriors, Prince Seraghis? Gaun Arel? Or Maria Daphiti? After they give the 'jump gate' command, do their crews go up to them and say: no, we won't jump that gate, sorry very much, we go over there in stead? What, am I the only capsuleer in all of New Eden that does not do as he wills, but as his crew wills?

But in the end, I could not get myself to force them. They are nice people, and I also understand their fear to lose their one and only life.

I'll just do it myself then.

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