Wednesday 18 September 2024

MIO debrief

A debriefing from the MIO is always more pleasant when you are considered an informant rather than a suspect. That being said, no-one is ever not a suspect. 

But, at least in this case, they were quite happy to hear all about the ARC mission against the Drifters. I was surprised that they knew exactly our fleet composition, and how the ships had been fitted out in Jita. Well, perhaps it is not all that surprising, all the core empires (and probably the barbarian kingdoms too) have eyes there. It did interest them though how the Drekavacs were refitted during the mission to enhance the drone effectiveness, and how the pilots reacted in combat. The sensor logs and records from the Indagatrix were copied, rather than confiscated, as I am allowed to share them with alliance strategists.

This is the second big success for Mr. Ivan Firth. First the recovery of biodroid technology, and now this intel. He should be up for promotion soon. That might keep him busy while I plan to go and visit Anath again with Luna.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Battering the battering ram

The Drifters are building disc-like structures in Turnur. These are some sort of battering rams that can impact the Fulcrum's event horizon wall protecting Zarzakh against intruders.

After a cycle of attack on the Fulcrum's lock, the breaching device shown above hides in a spacetime shell until it is ready to redeploy. 

Under the command of DutchGunner from the Arataka Research Consortium, the fleet did something that is not very research-like. They must think R&D stands for Research and Destroy. The fleet not only defended itself against the Drifters attacking it, but it launched an counterattack on the event horizon breacher structure. Staying true to my vow of non-agression, I did not take offensive actions but I concentrated completely on providing remote repairs for the fleet. It was one of the most challenging "logi" jobs I have done thusfar, as the large enemy fleet was spreading out damage and neuts all over our vastly outnumbered flotilla: three Guardians to keep eight other ships (and themselves) alive.

It worked. Not one ship was lost during the ten long and grueling waves of attackers. 

The technology that we retrieved appears based mostly on gravitoleptonic field manipulation. In addition to well known electron spin resonance devices, also muon cosmic resonances were found - signal beacons containing wormhole resonance frequencies. The device uses these as scripts to be loaded into a "phryctorian generator" that creates a wormhole. Below is an image of the generator: it is the small dark structure with five control centers connected to it; it is hovering right above the central emitter port of the disk (you can also see it in the first image of this log entry).

Sadly after the attack, the generator was damaged beyond repair. Near the control towers for the phryctorian generator, we found neurovisial input matrices in the debris. These specialized Drifter controllers allow operators to process large amounts of sensory data. To me this suggests that the spacetime tunnels that the device initiates must then be steered manually by Drifter operators through spacetime towards its target. It would hit Zarzakh's horizon wall and attempt to pierce it.

All these finding are very worrisome: from what I can gather here, the Drifters possess the technology to weave artificial wormholes to anywhere they want. It looked as if this is also how they brought reinforcements to attack our fleet. That is quite unlike jump gates, that require a long process of building, and must be positioned at specially selected quantum entangled resonant points. It is also unlike jump drives that can transport only one (or a few) ships over a relatively short distance of a few light years and require a cynosural beacon on the other side to anchor the jump tunnel. Even the shipcaster devices -needing a huge amount of power- require a beacon in their target system. But the Drifters appear able to steer a wormhole exit to a point of their choice, not bookmarked or visited before, without the presence of a gate on the other side. Weaponized wormholes.

Who knows, used for peaceful purposes this technology may help repair Eve Gate...

Saturday 14 September 2024

Drifters in Turnur

The system of Zarzakh - where the pirate calling himself the Deathless is holed up - is a black hole system. Not a usual one: it has some sort of defensive double-wall event horizon that can be put up around the system. The wall is an impressive feat of spacetime engineering by the Jovians: it is able to effectively seal off the system in four dimensional spacetime. This defensive system has recently been activated from deep within the Fulcrum, the Jovian station in system, occupied by the Deathless. Now nothing can enter or leave the system without being granted passage by those inside the Fulcrum. 

The Drifters, enemies of the Empire, are laying siege to Zarzakh. Like a siege of a fortified town during the Udorian wars, they need siege engines to breach the town walls. The Drifters deploy devices to breach Zarzakh's protective event horizon wall in the systems with a gate to it. They want to punch their own holes through that defensive wall and perhaps capture Zarzakh to use it for their own evil purposes, and/or prevent the Deathless from obtaining more Jovian technology by evicting him from his fortress.

Most of our capsuleers just sit back and happily watch how our two enemies, Drifters and the Deathless, kill each other. To others, a Drifter foothold in the Empire, in Turnur, is an unbearable insult. I feel a bit of both these emotions, and in addition I am curious about what artifacts and new technology can be retrieved from those event horizon breaching devices. 

We can not let outsiders alone investigate this. I will join a fleet by the international Arataka Research Consortium, and will be providing logistical support and remote repairs from a Guardian-class vessel. My political officer, Mr. Firth, was inclined to find this mission too dangerous and best left to the Navy, but in the end agreed that these foreign agents should be monitored while in Turnur.

The fleet is assembled in the Jita trade hub, and will use the auspicious appearance of a wormhole connecting Turnur to a system just a few jumps from Jita. Certainly, this is a sign that God approves of this mission.

Friday 13 September 2024

Cruise aftermath

The return flight of the cruise was rather uneventful, apart from the expected visit from the Ministry of Internal Order. As soon as we left Megazorm, we were joined by these officers, under the command of an Deacon Inquisitor. There were interrogations of everyone involved, but these interrogations were suprisingly painless, probably in order not to cause international incidents. 

Lady Adelath demanded that mister Maulus and I would be given medals, and given her status the Inquisitor did not make fun of that request, but politely said he would certainly look into that. I am afraid that mister Maulus will miss out on his medal after biting the Inquisitor in the legs - now that I have become his friend, he has to look for other targets for his favorite pastime.

I cut short my stay on the cruise, taking my leave from lady Adelath and mister Maulus, for an urgent matter. It appears that the Drifters are setting up some sort of outpost in Turnur, and there is an opportunity to join a exploration fleet from the Arataka Research Consortium.

This system has been the center of an immense tragedy recently. Minmatar attacks caused a stellar transmuter to malfunction, leading to a huge coronal mass ejection from Turnur star, scorching the inner planet. Perhaps this accident was also caused in some part due to the presence of a hidden and powerful Jovian star gate in the system; a gate leading to the system of Zarzakh, home of the Deathless.

And now, the Drifters took an interest in Zarzakh...

Wednesday 11 September 2024

The crime fighting furrier

-continued from September 10th- 

Pondering the design of trash compactors, I remembered that there was also a garbage chute, the one from  which mister Maulus must have entered this chamber. Indeed, several holes were present in the ceiling. 

Helped by the raising level of the trash as the walls close in, and piling up long objects, I climbed up and was able to get into one of the chutes, so I did not join Dr. Setun in flatland after all. It occurred to me that perhaps this was not such a good idea, since I might be trapped there for a long time if I am thought to be dead. Being entombed alive in a garbage chute is not a nice prospect either.

Anyway, my fears were misplaced, since a little while after the compaction, the walls opened up again to prepare for the next cycle. I was able to climb out and leave through the service tunnel. Lady Adelath had already called for backup - the ship's first lieutenant, two cooks, and the entertainment crew were there. 

She presented the case against the captain - the evidence clearly pointed at him. And now there would be more evidence: when he knew of my rescue operation, he tried to murder mister Maulus (and me, but Lady Adelath's priorities were obvious) and with a bit more sleuthing could certainly be linked to the activation of the compactor. 

According to Lady Adelath, the first lieutenant is an ambitious man who hopes to replace the captain at some point. Indeed he did not hesitate to relieve the captain from duty and throw him in the brig. No mutiny was needed. 

We are now leaving Mezagorm, in order to turn over the captain (and the evidence) to the authorities. From there on forward it not be our problem. But it will be a diplomatic mess: In Amarr space, a State citizen murdered a Federation citizen who was an admirer of the Triglavian numerical system. 

Unfortunately, I had to abort my explorations of Mezagorm for now, having obtained only an approximate location of the Tetrimon garrison. The rest of this cruise will be spent in celebratory tea and cookie parties for the safe return of mister Maulus, the crime fighting furrier.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Trash Compactor

In the nick of time, we found mister Maulus. 

In a trash compactor. These are large chambers inside the station, used to collect trash. After a certain amount of time the collected garbage is crushed with hydraulics to a small volume to be disposed more easily.

Mister Maulus was alive! The compactor has not been working for ages. It is connected to the scene of the crime via a trash chute - I should have thought about this before. It was not a neutrino signal but a faint twittering sound that led us to the chute! Lady Adelath praised God, the Empress, and all the saints. 

The only way into the compactor was via a service tunnel. It took a bit of time to open the maintenance hatch that sealed the tunnel. And it was quite uncomfortable to crawl through, I have ripped my monk's robe. Meanwhile while lady Adelath was hovering impatiently outside, calling her pet every ten seconds, alternating with calls instructing me to hurry up.

When I finally came through and entered the compactor, mister Maulus lept up at me. At first I thought it was attacking but it merely wanted a hug. I have never seen a happier furrier, or heard happier tweets. Mister Maulus then went to retrieve his trophy: a piece of captain's uniform, torn from the murderer's pants. I had always thought these animals to be stupid, but here I stood corrected...

At that moment, the compactor started working, its walls closing in as it loudly grinded ancient trash into small pieces of debris. Perhaps I accidentally set it off? I clambered back to the service tunnel entrance, which was about to disappear behind one of the moving walls. I was able to pass mister Maulus through, carrying the evidence in his beak, but by then the entrance had become too small to let me through.

Having died and recloned already a few times, this situation did not panic me. I accepted that this clone was doomed. I found myself pondering whether this was an engineering design flaw - one cannot enter the compactor for repairs if the service tunnel is blocked by the wall.

-to be continued-

Sunday 8 September 2024

Race against the clock

I have already scanned many floors around the 344th floor, but there is no trace of a furrier dead or alive yet. Lady Adelath is staying in her cabin most of the time, where she is praying at the deployable home altar that she has installed there. There is a beautiful travel triptych on her altar, in gilded wood carving typical of the rich and exuberant artistic expression style of Danyana II.

At the side of the triptych, at the feet of Saint Benedicta, there are some scratch marks made by mister Maulus, who uses the piece of art as a scratch pole for his claws when lady Adelath is not looking. Now that he is missing these marks are a potent reminder of his absence, and a focus for her prayers.

Meanwhile, the death of Dr. Setun was reported to the nearest Federation consulate, who petitioned their Amarr counterparts to get access to the site of the "accident". That was politely refused. Through a large amount of legal paperwork it was explained that Mezagorm is off-limits to official representatives of foreign governments including most certainly police investigators. The matter will be dealt with once the cruise docks up at a MIO station, from whence the (largely two-dimensional) remains of Dr. Setun will be transferred to the Federation consulate. 

In order to comply, the captain wants to leave immediately. Of course Lady Adelath protested strongly. She played on the captain's emotions by saying that he ought not to leave men or furrier behind again. 

The captain has given us 24 hours before the cruise leaves, "with or without you" as he said. So it is a race against the clock to find mister Maulus. 

Thursday 5 September 2024


Lady Adelath has been doing detective work very actively, despite being upset about mister Maulus. She has this effect on people, putting them at ease. They are feeling relaxed confiding to the old lady in the hoverchair. 

That way, she has been interrogating a lot of folks without them quite realizing it. She has spent some effort talking to an actress that Dr. Setun had a particular liking for - she is here with a holofilm crew to shoot a historical movie set at the Amarr court, and they want to use Mezagorm. It is a Gallente movie, so no doubt there will be depravity and mad emperors.

But it was after the captain came by to see how she was, that she turned to me and told me: "He did it." I wondered how she could know. She said, "Elementary, my dear brother Theodosius. Have you looked at his uniform?" 

I had, and I had noticed nothing particular.

"Well, perhaps a ladies' eyes are needed to see this. He is wearing the same old and dirty uniform since the start of the cruise. He clearly does not take all that much care any more in his appearance." She looked at me, and added "You yourself might take a bit more care about that as well, brother."  

I suddenly felt self-conscious about my old monk's gown.

"Anyway, he took a new pair of pants for his uniform."

I still was not quite following.

"Mister Maulus goes for the tendon at the back of the lower leg, when he attacks. He may not be tall, but he is smart and knows where he can best strike a lumbering pile of meat like our captain. He's probably torn the pants. Our lack-of-decorum captain just plucked new pants out of his closet, the rest is still the besmudged old uniform." 

I found this theory a bit far-fetched. But it had seemed odd to me that the captain took a particular personal interest in our search for the missing furrier, and wanted to dissuade us, saying we needed to depart soon to report the death. No police comes here. His motive according to lady Adelath is his hatred of all things Triglavian - the mathematician was a Triglavian admirer, and that must have blown his fuse - the trauma that he had from the war.

Now of course, we still need hard proof for Lady Adelath's hunch.

Monday 2 September 2024

Furrier Fury

The lady Agatha Adelath explained that the vital sign tracker of mister Maulus showed that he became very agitated and angry; he clearly went into a furrier fury, ready to attack. Just after this happened, Dr. Setun released the furrier from its leash - also severing the link to the monitoring device. 

It is clear to lady Adelath that this was due to the presence of some sort of danger to Dr. Setun. Mister Maulus -who was quite fond of the mathematician- would want to protect the man that took him for a walk, and attack an enemy. Or the enemy's feet, at least, since this was his speciality (in addition to running off with the remote). And since Dr. Setun released him, it means the mathematician felt threathened. Hence the murder accusation.

I find it a bit far fetched, but I am hard pressed to find counter arguments. Lady Adelath instructed me to return my instruments to this side of the Grand Hall, and use them to try and find mister Maulus (or his little corpse, but I dare not mention that possibility out loud).

He cannot have gone very far. You can imagine Mezagorm as a large city or metropolis made out of immense buildings (lining the Grand Hall and along lanes circling outward from it). But all these buildings are abandoned and without power. It is a darkened, dead city - except for one building. The one used for tourism by Galactic Tours, that have brought their own mobile power station and oxygen tanks and life support systems for it. So, mister Maulus must still be in that building if he is alive. Yet that building is as large as a small town in itself, it has hundreds of floors, so it will take time to scan it. And to reconfigure the scanners for that purpose. It may leave me with not enough time to finish my own project.

But the request of a bereaved lady cannot be refused.

Sunday 1 September 2024

Terminal velocity

I should have known something was wrong when Galactic Tours offered me a full refund and free pass on the next cruise to go to Mezagorm. I refused, I have the equipment there now. They daddled a bit too long before getting me finally back.

Sure enough, disaster had struck while I had been away. 

Dr. Setun went for an evening stroll, to walk mister Maulus, the fedo of lady Adelath. The mathematician fell from a 344th floor panoramic walkway offering a view of the Grand Hall, and took mister Maulus with him in his fall. Not much was found at the place of impact but a splatter of blood and gore, along with some personal effects and the leash of mister Maulus. Poor lady Agatha Adelath is inconsolable, and they did not even let the good old dame go to the site of... well to that spot on the Grand Hall where she might say her goodbyes to the blood splat that is all that remains. 

They only knew it was Dr. Setun from DNA that was retrieved from the blood spatter and because cameras had seen him start his stroll towards the panoramic walkway. How this could have happened, no-one could imagine. The walkway is well secured, but something must have failed, or perhaps Dr. Setun turned off the safeties and climbed over the railings.

I vehemently protested to the crew that lady Adelath should be allowed to visit the place where her dear mister Maulus left this world, so that we could pray there together. In the end, the crew relented, and with some trepidation I joined lady Adelath to go to that site. 

She was shaking in her hoverchair, as she saw the scene. To my surprise, she inspected the scene carefully. A crewman that came along showed us where the leash and fedo harness was found. Lady Adelath carefully investigated what is left of the harness of mr. Maulus. It contains something like a black box recording device that keeps track of mr. Maulus' vital signs, something like runners and other competitive sportive types use. 

She then said, "Brother, I have two things to tell you, and I will need your help with both. Firstly, and most importantly, bless God, mister Maulus is still alive. Secondly, Dr. Setun has been murdered." 

Thursday 29 August 2024

Genesis Crusade

I interrupted my stay at Mezagorm before I could finish homing in on the location of the Tetrimon garrison abandoned thousand years ago. That feels like a signature scan being interrupted just before your probes find where that relic site exactly is at the highest resolution. But here, the site will not go away, and I can continue the search where I left it, once I return.

I took a shuttle - of course paying a hefty fee to Galactic Tours - and I will have to be back before the cruise leaves in about ten days time. And no refunds.

What prompted my sudden return to our headquarters is the declaration of the 'Genesis Crusade' that will be waged by our alliance, Khimi Harar, on the pirates and heretics in the Genesis region. The New Eden system with EVE Gate lies in that region, and it is one of my favorite places in all of the cluster. I started my explorations there, and it is where I first got in contact with the Societas, as they offered free docking at Farthest Shore. 

So, I am quite thrilled about this crusade. Just recently, I had complained about the presence of pirate capsuleer headquarters in New Eden. Now, it seems that my complaints reached the ears of the Almightly. Or at least our directors' ears. 

That is why I decided to go back shortly to Mehatoor. I wanted to hold a prayer service for the success of the crusade. As our crusaders are issued armor plates to protect their ships, it is only fair they are also given armor to protect their souls. And I used the occasion to also give a sermon to encourage all to participate.

In addition, I passed by the New Eden constellation and updated and completed the intelligence report on the structures that are present there. The region is still undergoing rapid changes - the White Sky hoodlums seem to be in disarray. God has stricken them, and it is now up to us to complete the task and become his Avenging Angels.

After I quickly pick up some furrier treats for Mr. Maulus, I will return to the cruise (paying another hefty fee to Galactic Tours, to bring me back). 

Sunday 25 August 2024

Mezagorm base camp

The Princess of the High Seas landed near a side-wall of the Grand Hall. This is not the first time that Galactic Tours has brought tourists to Mezagorm, they clearly have their routine. They have built a modern disembarkment platform, and a small domed colony building - all of it dwarfed by the Grand Hall. No space suits needed, you can comfortably go from the yacht to the building via an enclosed, movable connector tube. In the building there is an exhibit, a little restaurant, a panoramic view hall, and restrooms. It also serves as a base camp for tours inside Mezagorm, none of which stray very far from the building though.

I will not participate to the tours, to the great surprise of the crew. And I had them unload some cargo: I brought a planetary exploration vehicle, in which the bulky scanners could be mounted. It is a six-wheel vehicle with limited flight capability. With all this equipment crammed in, it is basically a one-person craft, going at a rather slow pace. It takes an hour to cover sixty kilometers on flat terrain, and it has a range of a thousand kilometers over ground - flight thrusters are to be used sparingly, and strongly reduce that range.

I have already found way more signatures than I thought there would be. Apparently, the Tetrimon were not sticking to a single encampment here, during the centuries that they guarded the abandoned city. 

There is a bit of organic and inorganic stuff from their time in nearly all directions. So, I will just go in the direction where the signals read the strongest, and point to the oldest material. For this I have to pass a part of the Grand Hall, along what a mathematician like dr. Setun might call a chord of the circle. This will cost me about three hours to traverse, before I reach the spot at the Grand Hall's side-wall where I will re-scan for the second leg of travel.

Friday 23 August 2024

The grand hall

The yacht descended into the open dome of Mezagorm, "the vision of God" - or more accurately the vision of the mad emperor who thought he was God. As it went deeper into the structure, it revealed a stunning view: the center of Mezagorm consists of a vast emptiness, a hall of such mind-boggling proportions that its bottom surface can easily encompass an large modern metropolis. 

Mezagorm is built in epicircles upon smaller epicircles, dancing around, encircling, and spiraling out of this central grand hall. There is a fractal flavor to the entire architecture - the structures around the circular grand hall are also circular, containing and being bordered by other circular structures and habitats. The circle is a holy symbol in Amarr, depicting universal harmony with God and perfection; circles are everywhere here.

I am impressed by the immensity of this grand hall. I tried to take a picture (above) but it cannot really give a sense of scale. It is larger than any hangar I have ever seen - the light gray layered structure you see as a central band at the back is several kilometers in height, the height of a mountain. All of the (at that time already vast) population of Amarr could gather there to worship the mad emperor at its centre, that is the true meaning of this heretical 'vision of God'. The floor plan is divided in twelve sections, like a clock face, for the twelve major houses in the Empire that the mad emperor wanted to elevate to his privy council, and to which all other houses would be subservient.

This is going to take some time to scan down, and it will put the sensitivity of the scanners to the test if I am ever to home in on the quarters of the Tetrimon garrison of thousand years ago...

Wednesday 21 August 2024

The plan: follow the radio-isotope fingerprints

We have at last arrived in Shastal. Today there are no excursions yet. Probably the local pirates have to be bribed properly to leave us alone. Meanwhile, we can take in the views of Mezagorm from space. 

I am preparing the measuring equipment that I brought along; these are very sensitive detectors for remote radio-isotopic fingerprinting. 

All the stuff around us contains trace amounts of various radioactive isotopes. The radiation from their decay (or decay chain) can be used to identify these isotopes, and for gamma radiation and neutrinos this can be done at a distance by modern equipment. 

Now, a signal from a single radio-isotope does not tell you much, but you learn much more if you look at the ratios of their signals. Take for example lead; it is always a mixture of a decent number of different isotopes. The precise isotope composition of any piece of lead is determined by the time and place where the lead was made - so it gives you a fingerprint to locate its planet and time of origin, and the more isotopes you include the more accurate you can pinpoint its origin, down to the very mine where the ore comes from, as long as this mine is listed in a sample database. 

Even with remote detection, advanced scanners can perfectly distinguish between materials containing heavy metals from the mad Emperor's era, and similar materials created in the Empire a thousand years later, when the Order of St. Tetrimon was perhaps still using some hideout in this station. They are sure to have left some stuff behind - even if it's just matter somewhere in a trash compactor on station. 

So, the plan is to use the scanning equipment to guide me to the spots in the station - off the touristic track - that have been used by the Tetrimon, perhaps as a relic vault.

Sunday 18 August 2024

A bit of mathematics

Dr. Setun joined us again at one of lady Adelath's tea and cookie confession sessions. Dr. Setun works as a sedative for the old lady, she confessed as much on an earlier occasion. And indeed, she nodded off while he started explaining why Triglavian base-3 computation is superior. Even mister Maulus took a nap, on her lap.

I listened. To me, there is something suspicious about his idolization of the Triglavian system. Perhaps, as a codebreaker during the war, he has been exposed too much to their corrupting influence.

Anyway, here is his argument. Remember that our decimals are base-10 numbers, while our computer bits are base-2 numbers. Some claim we just picked the number ten because that is how many fingers we have, so it is easy for finger-counting math. The first computer builders picked binary because in essence they worked with switches that can be on or off, just two values.

In general, you need more digits to represent an arbitrary number, if you use a smaller base. The number 82 has two digits in decimal, but in binary it is 1010010 : that is seven digits long. In a general base B, the amount of digits required to represent a number is given by the base-B logarithm of that number, logB(N). Or, to be precise, the first integer larger than that value.

So, it seems that a larger base, with its fewer digits, is more efficient at storing and manipulate numbers. However, there is also a cost: any digit can take on B values. There are more different symbols in our decimal system than the 0 and 1 of the binary system. So, the overal cost is actually logB(N). Now, if you try out several values for B, you will indeed conclude that B=3 gives the lowest cost. Note that, if you do not restrict yourself to integers, the function logB(N) becomes minimal when B equals St. Euxon's Holy Constant e=2.71828... for which 3 is the closest integer.

I tried to refute his argument, by claiming that most operations involve two-digit gates, for example addition or multiplication of two numbers. These kind of gates are characterized by B2 entries. So, for computation, B2logB(N) is the function to minimize. For that case, actualy B=7 is the best number system. 

Hopefully we are not invaded by the Heptavians next.

Friday 16 August 2024

Mister Maulus

The lady Adelath has been stalking me, requesting I visit her for confessions at least twice a day. Since she confesses more rapidly than she can sin, these sessions become tea-and-cookie parties during which she tells me about her life while I try to shift around on my chair to avoid her pet furrier biting my legs. 

She calls her furrier "mister Maulus", a name given to it by her late husband. She claims that it got this name because as a pup, it would always run away with the holoscreen remote and hide it out of her reach. She considers that electronic warfare. I would like to propose another explanation, related to the verb "to maul" and rabid furriers, but I restrain from making such comments seeing how fond lady Adelath is of her pet.

Lady Adelath has taken almost permanent residence on this cruise ship and knows all the gossip about the staff and the captain. She claims that the captain lost his crew and civilians that he had orders to evacuate, during the Triglavian war. He made a wrong decision, and is now consumed by guilt. Being not of the faith, he cannot be helped by the rite confession...

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Table guests

I avoid the main restaurant. It is buffet style, and this seems to bring out the worst in tourists on the cruise. They feel they have to eat as much as they can, it is as if they want to digest at least the ticket prize worth of food. The display of gluttony is too much to take.

My capsuleer status saved me. I got an invitation to have dinner at the captain's table, which is in a fancy restaurant on one of the observation decks. I met some interesting people there. 

The captain is a Caldari Navy veteran by the name of Olkaanen. He appears neurotic - probably that is why he is no longer with the navy but flying a tourist boat. Something happened during the Triglavian war that jarred him, but it is not clear what. 

There was another guest with a Triglavian link: a Gallente mathematician, dr. Michel Setun. He specializes in ternary computing - in which numbers are not base-2 but base-3. So data is not just ones and zeros but also twos. Dr. Setun claims it is superior. He was assigned to a code-cracking team during the Triglavian war.

The third table guest was another Amarrian, and elderly lady, Dame Agatha Adelath. She has no remaining family (or perhaps she cut ties with them), and she spends her retirement on such cruises in order not to be alone. She was quite excited that an Amarr friar was around, she has been trying hard to accentally run into me ever since the dinner.

Monday 12 August 2024

The Princess of the High Seas

Being used to Amarr ship designs, I find the Victorieux Luxury yacht to be a particularly ugly hull. Clearly, it is not built for those on the outside, looking at it - rather, it is built for those inside, looking out.

The Princess of the High Seas (oh so inaccurately named as it would sink immediately when it would try to land on any planetside body of water) boasts five observation decks - one with a large buffet restaurant. It also has four gardens, a beach hangar with cocktail bars, six holoreel theaters, a host of restaurants all themed differently, two shopping "avenues", and a planetarium. I consider the latter to be an insult to the universe; why  display the stars as small light spots in a dark room when you can just look outside? It is a bit like building a pool at the seashore; also that is an insult, but to the sea.

You may have guessed from the log entry thus far that I am a bit grumpy.

The cause of my grumpiness is that I am constantly disturbed while I am patiently waiting in my quarters till this cruise arrives at Mezagorm. Several times a day, staff from the entertainment crew comes to ask me if I do not want to join in some games or swimming or sports or whatever other nonsense they invent.

Sunday 11 August 2024

All aboard

I boarded the cruise, and brought along several crates of equipment. The staff did not seem to surprised, I think they are used to some of their passengers bringing a lot of luggage. Opera divas, or moviestars, or New Caldari CEO housewives on a shopping planettrip, yes, but and old friar? Well, they did not bat an eye.

Mr. Firth did not join me. He must suspect that this is not a holiday - I never indulge in such frivolities. But ever since my short stint in the war zone, we have an Understanding. When I am out exploring in the Indigatrix, he joins. All other sorts of wanderings, I can do unsupervised. 

I have to say that he (and I think his superiors at the MIO) must be particularly happy. I handed in some potentially very useful weapons - the biodroid. And I did a security survey of the Eve constellation. All very laudable, from my political officer's point of view.

What I am about to explore next, might not be...

Thursday 8 August 2024

Tickets in the mail

I received a letter, including my ticket for the space cruise that I booked to Mezagorm. The letter listed a few possible departure dates from which I can choose. As soon as I validate the ticket with the date of my choice, the booking is confirmed. I took the earliest possible date and made arrangements with mr. Jensen for the library.

I am not looking forward to mingling with foreign tourists in the close quarters of a cruise yacht. I asked for the simplest, barest cabin. It still comes with a jacuzzi and a massage bed. I do not need that, I am used to a monk's cell! All these luxuries tend to detract one from one's duty. But this is the only way to be granted access to the ruins of Mezagorm, so I will endure the ordeal and the complimentary caviar and champagne breakfast.

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Foundation day YC126

Yesterday we celebrated Foundation day. It marks the building of the grand basilica of St. Gheinok, which itself was constructed over the very first church, built by prophet Gheinok himself. 

We know accurately when the grand basilica was constructed. However, the date of the founding of the original church on that site is only known approximately. No wonder: it is a staggering fifteen thousand years old! An unimaginably vast timespan separates us from that time, the time of Gheinok. Thoughout all this time, the faith has been passed on, protected from its enemies, spread to the stars. Now it is in our hands, and it is our turn to protect and pass on this most precious gift.

I returned to Amarr for this year's Foundation day celebrations. I again did some history tours for capsuleers, this has become somewhat of a tradition now for me. It allows me to combine my yearly pilgrimage to holy sites such as Mekhios graveyard and Empress Jamyl's titan with the desire to spread the faith by bringing others along.

I was happy to see that there is now also a tour of low-sec sites, Maria took care of that - she is after all experienced in navigating somewhat more lawless space. 

My only disappointment this year was that there was no specific address from the court to capsuleers. It is always rousing to hear the Empress speak to our kind specifically. Perhaps next year.

Thursday 1 August 2024


A new age of colonization, that is what they call it at Upwell. 

This new age seems to be happening right here in the Eve constellation. Gone are the old ways: the space stations where civilian and capsuleer ships could dock, where people could meet and trade and socialize, they have all but disappeared. They have been replaced by this monstrosity:

The Metenox Moon Drill. There are a dozen of these new structures that popped up all over the Eve constellation since my last visit, with probably more to come. The few old Athanor stations have all but disappeared. 

These moon drills are fully automated, and populated by a clone work force. But, contrary to the cheerful advertisement, these things do not bring any real colonists. The clones are being shipped around like machine parts, they have no permission to wander off and build a life on one of the planets in the system.

I have not seen any mining fleets any more. The automation and remote control of the Metenox drill brings with it corporate laziness. In fact, I have not seen many capsuleers around in space any more in these far flung worlds at the edge of the Empire. There was a State scientific exploration fleet visiting Eve gate (and, I suspect, checking up on Sedition's activities), but there was nobody of the corporations in control of the moon drills.

Hopefully they will not automate exploration next...

Tuesday 30 July 2024

New neighbors

After being released from quarantine, I went back to the Eve constellation, to see the changes. Before going on a biodroid hunt with my LUMEN friends (and being shortly quarantined), I had noticed that the stations belonging to Gjallarhorn Incorporated were under attack from a coalition led by Sedition, without doubt with the blessing of White Sky. Some stations were already laid to waste, with other in reinforced state. The obvious reason for kicking out Gjallarhorns seems to be that they left the No Forks Given alliance. 

Indeed, upon my return, all their stations were gone. The new inhabitants that took their place appear to be a corporation called Cream Popsicles, from an alliance called Churn and Burn.

The updated report on the structures in the Eve constellation can be downloaded here.

As for the Gjallarhorns, it turns out that they have now associated themselves with Purple Helmeted Warriors, who have a presence in Derelik and Providence. 

The Gjallarhorns have headquarters now in Gamis... so, it appears they will become our new neighbors.

Hopefully peaceful ones.

Sunday 28 July 2024

Quarantine meditations

I find decontamination procedures very unpleasant. Especially "deep clean" ones with nanites, first of our suits and afterwards we got them off, also of our bodies. For biohazards this is followed by a quarantine period to test if any remnant entity grows, to a size it can be detected. If that's the case, the decontamination step starts again.

Meanwhile, one has to wait. I made good use of this time to get a first quick view on the biodroid's data. This reveals that the Takmahl used large ocean farms to grow biomass in the form of plankton which would be turned into all sorts of product, from food to cloning to petrochemicals. Barney the biodroid was an enforcer on one of these ocean farms, overseeing slaves working there. 

These farms were truly immense. As they grew, they needed more slaves. Which in turn required more biomass from which to produce new clone slaves, which required larger farms, which... you see where this is headed. It becomes a silly self-sustaining spiral which ultimately grows completely out of control. 

One wonders, why was this growth not capped, or reversed, by Takmahl Imperial decree? I've found some proof in the data that minor holders shared ownership of such gigantic farms via a sort of shareholder system, and they demanded ever more return on their investment. So, growth was purely for the sake of growth. Growth of the ocean farm industry was deemed good, capping the growth was never given any thought, it was economic anathema. Such a system is inherently unstable: when somewhere disaster strikes, the whole edifice collapses. I conjecture that this contributed to the downfall of the Takmahl.

There's a lesson for the modern day to be learned from this, as we are on the cusp of growing our own clone slave cohorts to man new Upwell industry structures. Which extract resources from which we can grow more clone slaves. Which... well, you get my point.

Saturday 27 July 2024

Boarding a biodroid

-continued from July 26th-

Some remaining engineers -now mummified corpses- had locked themselves in the control room and barricaded the door. Ishta bypassed the door to the engineering control room via a service tunnel, and it is a good thing that she did, even though she got a leg injury while crawling through. The door was rigged with all sorts of explosives, including an antimatter device that would certainly take out several floors of the station.

With the Takmahl biodroid controller in place in the control room and activated, Aria was able to transfer her consciousness to the biodroid, much in the same way as we board a ship and gain control over its functions. 

Well, there was a little snag: the biodroid's system identified Aria as being eight years old - the number of years that passed since her infomorph was sabotaged. The biodroid, naming itself Barney, conversed with Aria using children's rhymes. Not visible to us, Barney appeared only to Aria, like the ship's AI "Aura" appears to us when we command a vessel. She managed to pacify the biodroid and steer it to the hangar of the Indagatrix, where it remained inoffensive.

Meanwhile, Prince Seraghis managed to collect a sample of the versipellus entity, as per the MIO's instructions relayed by mr. Firth. We were able to extract from the station. Upon our departure, some instability set off the antimatter device, probably destroying the rest of the fungus, albeit not the entire station.

As we were certainly carrying spores on our suits - and on all material we retrieved from the abandoned station, an unpleasant decontamination procedure was due in the lamp's Medbay. Also unpleasant was that we had to surrender all material to the MIO - I would have liked to study Barney in more detail, even though I was able to download a lot of information stored in its memory. It will take some time to research all this new information but I do not doubt it will shed new light and give new insights into the history and customs of the Takmahl civilization.

Friday 26 July 2024

Phytodendrite Versipellis

-continued from July 25th-

The Blood Raider station where we hunt for the biodroid was used not just to store loot, but also to develop bionic weapons. That is probably why they brought the Takmahl biodroid there.

However, a biodroid running amok was not the reason the station was abandoned, or lost. It was one of their other weapons which got the better of them. They developed a lifeform looking like an orange fungus, the "phytodendrite versipellus". It consumes those it infects and grows quickly when hydrated, spreading out some sort of tendrils. It weaves it to mimic the form and voice of that which it consumes. It releases spores that spread it to new hosts. It can survive for a long time in a dehydrated form. The biodroid awoke it by watering it using the fire suppression system, in an attempt to stop us. 

We planned to bypass it altogether (it was concentrated on the medbay level), and our suits would keep us free from contagion. However, at that point, mr. Ivan Firth, used his prerogative as political officer of the Indagatrix to order us to take a sample back. It appears the MIO is interested in the fungus as well as the biodroid.

I saw my hopes vanish of keeping the biodroid for academic study... we'd have to hand it over at the closest MIO station. Still, I planned to learn as much as I could from it in the little time that it would be under our control. 

For that purpose, Ishta still had to get to the engineering control room in our sector.

-to be continued-

Thursday 25 July 2024

Return to the Takmahl biodroid

Our operation in the abandoned Blood Raider station in Nalnifan was a success. 

Of sorts.

We did capture the biodroid, but I had to hand it over.

But let me start at the beginning. The plan was to make our way to the command center in order to locate and confine the biodroid remotely from there. The command center was in a part of the station that no longer has power, in a sector rather far away from the biodroid. We could access that dark sector via an elevator shaft that connected to the ship hangar. 

The team, led by Aria Jenneth, had all the necessary expertise. Prince Seraghis was able to decipher the ancient Aridian glyphs to find our way. We did not encounter many obstacles - the lack of gravity in this section of the abandoned station allowed us to bypass the use of the elevator. There was a short skirmish with a dormant sentry drone that woke up - Ishta took it out with a programmable missile we found in an armory. The timing of the missile was in 'heartbeats' - this must be a nod to the Sabik obsession with blood.

As we diverted power from the lone working reactor to the command center, the biodroid noticed our presence. It went to an engineering control substation in its own sector of the station, and took over what station services that it could. Gravity, emergency electrical (including the elevator), fire suppression, maintenance drones... it tried to use all of it against us.

This also offered an opportunity - with the biodroid connected to the station's mainframe we did not need to plug in the Takmahl biodroid controller directly into its cerebral slots. In stead, we can use the connection with the station to link the controller to the droid. This could be done via the engineering control substation in our own sector.

At that point, the MIO interfered.

-to be continued-

Tuesday 23 July 2024

On the way out

On my way out of the Eve constellation, I noted a large fleet present in Promised Land. A fleet from Sedition - an alliance working for the Federation in their war zone. What are the Gallente doing so deep inside the Empire? 

I noticed that they have some Metenox moon drills in the constellation, in Exit and Gateway, but as you can see this is not a mining fleet (note Eve Gate in the background: it can be seen from Promised Land as well),

Stealthily, I followed this Loki fleet around, and found that they are the ones attacking the structures of Gjallarhorn Incorporated. I caught them in the act:

After the Fortizar "Midgard" was turned into rubble, and most of the fleet had cynoed to where they came from, I asked stragglers what was going on, but they were very tight-lipped. As to my question who will now take control of these systems, they answered "who knows", suggesting that they are only here for vandalism.

And so, my three-day old scouting report is already outdated. After the mission in Aridia, I'll head back to see if the Sedition moved in and placed their own structures. And I'll update the scouting report.

Sunday 21 July 2024


An opportunity presents itself, for which I need to return with haste to Aridia.

A while ago, I found an abandoned Blood Raider station in that region, apparently used for collecting Takmahl artifacts and loot. The station was on the blooder highway towards Delve, and in it I encountered a functioning Takmahl enforcer biodroid. I know of no other functioning unit, so this represents a truly unique opportunity to learn more about this doomed civilization.

However, I had no luck capturing the biodroid. Several attempts resulted in my clones expiring, and the frequent awakening in medical clones at the Lamp raised some red flags. Friends advised to wait until I could get help to tackle the problem. So, I postponed further attempts, and as the matter was not urgent, it was put on the back burner and dropped from my attention. 

However, my friends remembered their promise, and as it turns out now there is a short window where all members of an elite team are actually free in their otherwise busy agenda.

Aria and Ishta from our Societas, and Prince Seraghis, pacifier of much of the Aridia region, have agreed to help me capture the Takmahl biodroid. The plan remains the same: use a Takmahl biodroid controller to either power down or control the droid. This time however, we plan to avoid direct confrontation (which did not work out well) and try to enclose and then incapacitate the droid remotely using the station's command center.

I am lucky with such a truly stellar team, and confident that we will succeed.

Saturday 20 July 2024

The Black Chapel

The New Eden system is a dead-end star system with a single, barren, moonless planet orbiting its sun. So, there is not much mining or colonization going on. Yet it is often a busy system as explorers, pigrims and adventurers have been traveling towards Eve Gate since time immemorial. There is something mesmerizing about these dancing wisps of plasma, something enticing and inviting like a siren's song that draws you near.

During the capsuleer age, possibly the "Goners" are those that got the farthest using subwarp propulsion. They are pilgrims, who use corvettes to slowboat towards Eve Gate in complete solitude for the rest of their lives. They reached spots just under thirty AU away from the closest celestial body. When there are Goners around to continue their journey, anyone with decent enough scanning skills to probe down their corvettes can make a bookmark. 

The Death Korps of Krieg. must have gotten hold of such bookmarks.

At about 20 AU from Promised Land Gate, in a straight line towards the last recorded Goner locations, they built a secret outpost. This places the outpost outside of d-scan range for visitors to the system. 

It is a hidden Athanor refinery without a moon in sight - suspicious to say the least. And it is named "The Black Chapel", which also bodes ill for visitors. I would not be surprised if it turns out that they have been corrupted by some heresy and built a place to hold demonic rituals and blood sacrifices...  We ought to destroy it.

PS: My survey of current structures in the Eve constellation can be found via this link. I will make a new version when the dust settles down after the conflict between White Sky and Gjallarhorn Incorporated.
PPS: Updated version can be downloaded here.

Friday 19 July 2024

Scouting Eve constellation

The Eve constellation is rather quiet - nothing unusual there. Eve gate - the Mouth of God - is still as radiant and beautiful as I remember it. I took a picture from a spot near the Kor-Azor and Sisters of Eve research complex orbiting New Eden I.

But perhaps the quietness is just a lull between periods of combat. I saw many stations reinforced or being unanchored on my way here. The focal point seems to be the system of Promised Land. There is a stellar observatory, and a joint Edencom - Imperial Navy fleet patrolling the system. This provides a certain security for miners, and leads to improved mining yields. 

Most operations belong to "Gjallarhorn Incorporated". They have three Athanors, a Fortizar and a Raitaru in Promised Land. All of these stations are reinforced, facing shield timers two days from now. This corporation describes itself as "farmers during the farming season, and fighters during fighting season", and base themselves in low security space. They used to be part of the "No Forks Given" alliance, up to, well, yesterday! While their stations are reinforced in Promised Land, the stations closer to Exit are being unanchored.

The culprit is likely to be our former nemesis in Genesis, the "White Sky" vandals. Nowadays they are represented in the constellation by a group that calls itself "The Death Korps of Krieg.". The dot at the end of the name is important to distinguish them from some other barbarian alliance. Here is what little information we have about them:

The Death Korps of Krieg are Imperial Guard Regiments raised from the world of Krieg. Notoriously grim and fatalistic warriors, they seek to atone for their planet's past rebellion by dying glorious deaths in service to the Imperium. For this purpose, Death Korps regiments routinely request to fight in the galaxy's deadliest warzones, grinding their enemy down through long battles of attrition and siege warfare.


Also, I have not heard of any planet called Krieg in the Empire. At first I thought it was a nickname nickname, or some dialect? But, more likely, they do not refer to the Amarr Empire. Rather, I think Krieg is a world controlled by the barbarian kingdom that calls itself "the Imperium".

Thursday 18 July 2024

Return to the Gate

Mozzidit is a few jumps away from the Eve constellation, which has the New Eden system where Eve Gate can be seen. It has been a while since my last visit. 

I used to spend quite a bit of time there, trying to reach the Gate or at least triangulating it to get better idea of the distance to the Gate. Sadly it lies too far away to reach at subwarp speeds. There is a Kor-Azor led scientific station in the system to study the Gate, as well as an outpost belonging to the Servant Sisters of Eve. 

The theory that I was investigating at that time was that Ilash Toth's expedition was taking the Ametat and Avetat to the Gate in an attempt to unlock it and enter the supposed paradise that lies behind it. The expedition stranded on the way to the Gate or was intercepted by the Jove - both versions of the story go around. 

I was helped at the time because LUMEN owned a station in that system. "Farthest Shore" was the perfect base of operations for me; and in fact it was because I was allowed to use the station that I started to trust the Societas as a force for good. However, these investigations were cut short when our station was destroyed...  

Being in the neighborhood, I feel compelled to go back there and see how the constellation is faring now, and who its current inhabitants are.

Monday 15 July 2024


I quickly found the offices of Galactic Tours; the Eve Travel station is well organized. At first, the salespeople at Galactic Tours greeted me very warmly, and gave me a ton of brochures. 

When I told them what I was interested in, they were surprised, to say the least. And they got very nervous.

"It is not a usual cruise for an Amarr priest, are you from the Tetris Order?" (firstly, I am not a priest, but a friar; and I assume they meant Tetrimon in the second part). Even though they did not appear to trust me, in the end they booked the cruise for me. They made very sure to tell me their paperwork is in order, and showed me the permit.

I asked for a simple cabin, but they only have a luxury suite available on the next cruise which, by the way, does not leave very soon. Perhaps they thought the price bump would deter me? Before I became a  capsuleer, it would have been completely impossible for me to pay for this; but for a capsuleer it is loose change...

Anyway, I now have a ticket for the Mezagorm cruise.

Sunday 14 July 2024


The Eve Travel agency - named in honor of a travel blog by a famous capsuleer explorer - is a hub for tourism agencies and travel companies that cater to the (rich) beyond-borders interstellar traveler. The station itself is a rare one not built by Upwell or the empires:

Here you see it, orbiting above Mozzidit VIII, one of three beautiful oceanic world in this system. In the background, a large cyclone can be seen raging on the southern hemisphere of the planet. To its left is a storage pad and to its right is a shipyard with several tour vessels and a research vessel. 

The station is close to a strange object also in orbit around the planet: a rock arch with a broken asteroid  geode containing bright orange crystals inside. A dust cloud is present around this structure, giving it a mysterious air. This location was chosen for the station, no doubt to put the potential customers in the mood for exploration.

The dust cloud is due to the tidal forces of the planet, that very slowly break up the formation and over many millions of years will reduce it all to rubble. This means that the megalithic structure is probably a young(ish) formation, certainly less than a hundred million years old. But how could two very different types of asteroid be captured by the planet's gravity in exactly the same location, immobile with respect to each other? 

Also, the composition seems somewhat deliberate to me, like an eye under an arched eyebrow or a pagan symbol. So, who knows, it could even be much younger and has been placed in orbit by a civilization that has now vanished.

Let me dismiss a cynical impulse in me that whispers that it could have been placed there by Eve Travel Agency's marketing department though they deny knowing its history...

Friday 12 July 2024

A billion beats

Amarr is on the way from Mehatoor to Mozzidit, where I am headed to book myself the cruise to Mezagorm. So, I took the opportunity to visit the Imperial History Museum again, and in particular its extensive library. Being surrounded by the embrace of old bookshelves, filled with books from floor to high ceiling, gives me a sense of safety and inner calm, a feeling of comfort and belonging. 

Unfortunately, there is not much available to the general public about the mad emperor or his megalomania. This lack of information stands out, like a stain that has been removed with a detergent that is so powerful it leaves behind a conspicuous bleached-out spot.

In such a magnificent library, I cannot help but being distracted by beautiful tomes and browsing them, even if they have nothing to do with my current interest (or if, as today, I cannot readily find the information I look for). I came across an old book on mammalian biology, and there is a table that struck me; I put it into this little graph:

I think I had heard about this before, but never given it much thought. It appears that the heart has about one billion beats before it gives out. 

This is true across most species - whether you look at a mouse, with a short lifespan at a hectic 600 beats per minute, or a whale, that lives 90 years but with a pulse averaging only 20 beats per minute. This countdown clock ticking away in our chest is a potent and constant reminder of our finitude: beasts and humans alike have been given a Divine life-gift of one billion beats.

Well. We humans are a bit of an exception. At 50 beats per minute, our expected lifespan according to this rule is about 40 years. We live much longer, as we have learned to mend, maintain, and ultimately replace our heart with cybernetics. But even within our own species, there is a correlation between pulse rate and lifespan - those that live stressfully with high pulse rate tend to live less long that the sportive type with a low pulse. Of course, correlation is no causation, and your heart may be good up to a couple of billion beats... but not that much more.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Space Cruise

I went to the website of Galactic Tours, and found the following flyer (I diligently censored names that should not be spoken nor written):

Explore the Mysteries of Mezagorm! 

Join Galactic Tours on an unforgettable space cruise to the abandoned city of Mezagorm, built by the mad Amarrian Emperor Zaragram.


  • Exclusive Access: Step inside the haunting ruins of Zaragram's celestial wonder!
  • Guided Tours: Expert-led explorations of the city's fascinating history and secrets!
  • Luxury Travel: Travel in style and enjoy top-tier comfort aboard our state-of-the-art Victorieux Luxury Yacht!
  • Free Time: Enjoy personal time to wander and discover the ruins at your own pace! 
  • Unique Photo Opportunities: Capture breathtaking scenes of the abandoned city and the stars beyond!

Book your adventure today and journey to a place where history meets the stars!

Galactic Tours – Making the Impossible, Possible.

Call your travel agent now or book in person at the Eve Travel Agency in Mozzidit!

It sounds rather unimaginative as cruise ship advertisements go, and it has an annoying overuse of exclamation marks. The colors of the flyer were also screaming and painful to look at. 

But since the DGCHP does not seem to hand out permits to individuals to visit the ruin, I might as well take the only "official" tour that exists.

Monday 8 July 2024

Galactic Tours

The Amarr Civil Service is perhaps not the natural biotope of a friar of a comtemplative order, but nevertheless I do not dislike being there. I do not feel ill at ease among the vast registries and archives, and I think I have a bit a knack at navigating administrations.

So, the point-blank refusal for a permit was not going to deter me. As I could no longer get in touch with anyone at DGCHP (due to lack of staffing you can only submit requests once every three months), I started searching in the records whether anyone had gotten a permit before. This can help me give a valid reason to get a permit at the next application round.

Surprisingly (or perhaps not) there is no record of any Amarrian ever getting a permit. 

However, in recent times, one permit has been issued. It went to a Caldari company, Galactic Tours, affiliated loosely to the Nugoeihuvi Corporation. 

The amount they paid for it is censored, but the length of the black bar shows that it must have been rather astronomic.

Sunday 7 July 2024


The Amarr Civil Service information center in Riavayed looks unsettlingly like the city of God. Except that it is of course a fully operational station, and does not have quarries and workers habitats nearby.

It turns out to be not so easy to get in touch with the Directorate General of Cultural-Historic Patrimonium. You cannot drop by or call to make an appointment to meet someone in person. First, you should submit your question via a website, at which point an 'expert' will decide whether it can be answered via mail or whether it warrants a call or even an in-person appointment. How they decide is not explained. They claim -like many services- to be understaffed and overburdened, and these hurdles are the result.

The problem is that their website does not work, it is down for maintenance and it is impossible to submit any question at this point. I think it has been down a while. I tried calling them, but only got a low-level AI on the line telling me to use the website to submit my query. 

I found one loophole, while questioning the AI chatbot. Apparently, if you are unable to use the website because you are blind, then you can record your question via the call. A strange way to define exceptions, as now also the seeing cannot use the website? Anyway, I told them I had trouble seeing the correct website (using a very broad definition of 'seeing'), and could record my query.

After several days, I got a call back, telling me flatly that my permit is refused. Exploration or scientific research is not a valid reason to go poke around in Mezagorm. When I asked why, I was told that since it has already been completely explored and documented, there is nothing left to find there any more. All objects of any scientific or historic value have been taken, studied, and purged a long time ago. There is no reason for any faithful to visit the site. Case closed. Mezagorm is inaccesible to the public.

Monday 1 July 2024


I returned to Mezagorm, and waited for a quiet moment when the Blood Raiders were not present. I will definitely have to deal with them if I ever want to do a long exploration of the ruin, as the Indagatrix cannot stay cloaked in close proximity of the ruin.

But for now, there is another hurdle. As I approached the structure, I received an automated message "Access forbidden without DGCHP permit".

My political officer Ivan immediately insisted we should get this permit first.

We had to look up what the DGCHP is. It turns out to be the Directorate General of Cultural-Historic Patrimonium, one of the many agencies part of the Amarr Civil Service. 

Their website says: "The Directorate-General of Cultural-Historic Patrimonium oversees built architectural and archaeological heritage and performs conservation, exercising a normative, regulatory and supervisory function, defining and disseminating methodologies and procedures for intervention in Cultural Heritage, monitoring, technically supervising and adopting, whenever necessary, the measures provided for by law."

The universal translator was of no help to understand what this actually means. Luckily, there is an Amarr Civil Service information center around Riavayed XI, just two jumps away.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Royal mail

Do these people in the Vale all communicate with deep-space pigeons or horseback messengers? 

Today I received another message that took a very long time to get to me. This time it is a royal missive! From king Basil Vulpine, supreme ruler of the Grassbladians, no less. 

Hi Theodosius,

apologies for the tardy reply but life has been busy. For reasons I haven't had a chance to look up yet your alliance is red to us. Normally we wouldn't provide temporary blue standings anyway but I figured I'd make you aware of the additional wrinkle.

This being Null-Sec you are of course free to be a free spirited explorer anyway so long as you don't mind people potentially chasing you and sending you back to your clone bay.

Best Wishes,

Basil Vulpine

He is surprisingly informal with me. This shows the prestige one has, as an Amarrian cleric, in the outer worlds. So, apparently LUMEN is red to the Grassbladians. No wonder the peasants were afraid of me. Now, curiously, the Grassbladians appeared neutral to me, so I wondered where all this fear and trepidation comes from. I must ask Lord Pitoojee or Amicia Cora from the diplomatic corps if I see them. Meanwhile, I wanted to reassure king Vulpine that the Imperial fleet is not bearing down on his realm, so I started a letter,

Your Sublime Royal Highness, King of the Grassbladians, Illustrious sovereign of the 88G-M4 constellation, Lord of FMBR-8, Duke of FH-TTC and Khan of MQ-O27,

but then I remembered the other Grassbladians told me he prefered to be addressed as Basil. Perhaps he is an egalitarian, and this is the perverting result of being closer to the influence sphere of the Federation than that of the Empire. Or it is related to "Basileus", an ancient word for king. Anyhow, I decided to start with 

Dear Basil,

It sounds wrong to address a king, even a barbarian king, in this way. 

Thanks for your answer! I have already completed my exploration of 88G-M4. The view of the Jove nebula is very nice! I also enjoyed a few pleasant conversations while exploring, please give my greetings to Dr. Rebot.

I do hope this will be understood as I meant it: a compliment. Hopefully it is not interpreted as an act of treason by dr. Rebot, leading to him being hanged, drawn and quartered.

Members of your corporation showed as neutral to me, so I hope in the future relations between our alliances will improve! 

As a token of rapprochement, I have left a gift of Pax Amarrias (books) in a jetcan in front of your Astrahus in JZV-F4 when I returned back to the Empire now already a while ago. If you need more, let me know.

Kind regards,

Brother Theodosius Savnar

See? Proselytizing and diplomacy can go hand in hand.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Raiders in the ruin

How should we deal with the architectural legacy of an evil dictator, a mass murderer? Should it be dismantled and erased, should it be kept for historians to study, or should it be used to educate the public? 

For most of the mad emperor's legacy - his actions and writings, even his effigy - the first choice was made. He was erased and his name stricken from the Book of Records. His actions were undone.

Yet this option was not chosen for Mezagorm, the palace-city of the mad emperor. Perhaps it was too much effort to blast it to pieces, as it is a large and sprawling structure, with quarries and worker's housing at the perimeter. Or perhaps it served another purpose, as I hypothesized earlier... However, nowadays, it is just left to decay in space, all but ignored. No garrison protects it any more from prying eyes. 

In fact, it has become a playground for hoodlums and blood raiders to hang around. 

I went to visit the site today - Shastal is not very far from Mehatoor - and to my dismay found a small blood raider fleet ambling about, doing their dealings. The picture shows one above the main entrance leading to the inner part of the palace-city. I think it is an outrage that these blood raider ships are left alone!

Friday 28 June 2024

Cryptic message or nonsense?

I am back from my Jove expedition already a little while now. To my surprise, another "contact", one of the people that allegedly went into Jove space, answered my mails from back then.

In gibberish. 

I already thought the first contact I talked to was very disconcerting, but now I am really at a loss how to respond. He wrote:

We put Inducer in because of the CCP robot problem. I think this is a BUG. After inducer, there is no communication inside. We can only go to 21-U. This BUG has been fixed and nobody can go anywhere anymore

That is it. That is the entire message. The message was in Amarrian, so I think he must have used the universal translator, which may have had severe problems finding the right words. What does he mean with Inducer ? And what is a CCP robot problem ? Probably a rogue drone infestation.

I checked out if Inducer could be a person. There are only five capsuleers with "Inducer" in their callsign. They are all quite colorful (one is called "Diarrhea Inducer") but none of them are part of a corporation related to that of my second contact. So Inducer might not be a person with whom they lost communications in TO21-U, but some piece of equipment to fight the rogue drones.

Another possibility is that there is some sort radiation out there in Jove space that corrupts capsuleers' minds. Something there that drives them to madness. This particular contact has been extremely active in TO21-U, with a large amount of kills to his name. Spending much time there might have exposed him to a larger dose of whatever radiation boils the mind...

Tuesday 25 June 2024

A new hypothesis

A book I just read drew my attention back to this other theory about the Ametat and Avetat, a theory unrelated to the Takmahl.

A while ago, I looked into the possibility that the Ametat had been taken and hidden by the Tetrimon order who did this on behalf of the Council of apostles when things started to go bad for them during the Moral Reform wars. I visited the Tetrimon fortress Teakh Tak-Teakh on Ibani VI but did not get any useful information there, so I sort of put that lead on pause.

However, while recently reading Edilon Macke's new (massive) book on the history of the early Tetrimon, I was struck by the strange connection that they seemed to have with the palace of the mad emperor. This palace - a megalomaniac space structure called the 'city of God' - turned to ruin soon after Saint Tetrimon killed the mad emperor. 

The site was guarded by Tetrimon knights and placed under the supervision of the Council of Apostles, in order to prevent cultists or followers of the mad emperor to use it as a pilgrimage destination. This control lasted way longer that necessary - there was a garrison for about five centuries! Guarding these ruins ended after the Moral Reforms, when the Council of Apostles was disbanded, and the new councils took no interest in these ruins.

So, I am starting to think that this could have been a good hiding place for the Tetrimon or the Council of Apostles to stash anything they did not want Heideran V, the Reformer, to find. No-one would suspect that the Tetrimon hid their precious loot in the very place built by the enemy of Saint Tetrimon!

Saturday 22 June 2024

The difficulties of proper censorship

People don't quite realize the hard work that comes with being a librarian in the Empire. For example, the Theology Council or the Ministry of Internal Order decides to put a new author on the Index of forbidden works, Kámi Diá. She writes agitating essays and poetry about the Turnur incident, in a way is deemed a corrupting influence on the faithful. 

On the surface, what she writes appears as a critique of the Republic, but the Theology Council has seen through that.

To someone unacquainted with library work, the task of the librarian seems easy: just get rid of all the works authored by Kámi Diá. Hah! It is not that simple. Some of her work has become part of anthologies, or appeared in magazines, or as quotes in theses, ... so many different places, and of course these are not all properly indexed or searchable, and will not show up on a computer-generated list of her work. 

That is why for each and every item put on the Index, there is a separate study group at the TC collecting all references to secondary material which should be edited or partially censored, to remove all traces and mentions of Kámi Diá

Any librarian can send suggested items to the proper study group. Conversely, we can find on the website of the Index the list of secondary works affected by any particular ban, and the action required to censor or remove offensive parts of a given secondary work. For example, if one of my colleagues reads this public log entry and adds it as a suggestion, I might have to censor Kámi Diá's name from the entry.

This is a living list, which needs to be monitored regularly. Acting on the daily aggregated list is one of the first tasks every morning for the assistants, and one of the reasons why a large library like ours requires many assistant librarians.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Back to the flock

We are back in Mehatoor, and I have mixed feelings about this expeditions. As far as new leads go, there is not that much to show for; except maybe that strange story about using clone bays to get into an abandoned Jove system. Of course, there have been interesting encounters, and I have a newfound appreciation for the Astero.

I did not have much time to ponder all of this, as it has been very busy as soon as I got back. Several capsuleers were in need of confession or just spiritual advice. 

There is a particular capsuleer concern that comes up from time to time, especially among young ones. 

They do contract work for a good Amarr corporation or institute, say the Theology Council, and are tasked with getting rid of some horrible heretic sect. The heretics then start pleading for their lives and spreading lies in order to sow doubt in their executioner's heart. Being human, and having an unspoiled conscience, the pilots then start questioning whether the assessment of the Theology Council was really right. Luckily, most of them perform their duty. But afterwards, these doubts gnaw at them, and they need reassuring. This I gladly do.

Monday 17 June 2024

The way into Jove space

The contacts all have strange callsigns; often just a list of meaningless symbols such as "DY HEII K", "jie11 jie", or "JFZY2". But in the end, one of them agreed to talk.

There was something out of place about the man, I could sense it as soon as he entered the little restaurant. He did not fit in, like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. He acted at the same time nonchalant, flattered, and paranoid. 

He spoke a language I have never heard before; not even among the Grassbladians. Somehow the universal translator seemed to manage, but it did slow down our conversation a lot and I think some things got lost in translation.

He told me his alliance had a secret way in; it was not any lost gate like the Deathless stumbled upon. Rather, they have managed to keep a cloning facility running in one of the abandoned stations in the system of TO21-U. 

Apparently, there are no Jove to be seen in the system. They have abandoned the system altogether. A capsuleer (or several, that was not clear) from his alliance is able to clone-jump to that abandoned station, and has access to a ship that can generate a cynosural field. That is how they bring in others.

There are no gates to other systems from TO21-U. There are no pirates, or any activity in the system. My contact did not see any wormhole appear, but could not exclude that some might open up, as he was not actively looking for them. So, what are they doing there? They are there because they can, he said. I think it is some show of power or prowess among the barbarians. 

I would certainly not be allowed in, unless I broke ties with the Empire and joined their alliance; a thing I most definitely will not do. They would probably force me to adopt a callsign like "Th3O 7r". 

And that's it. That is all he wanted to say. He did show me some concord combat logs to prove his presence in TO21-U; then he left.

I am not sure what to make of this strange tale. Are the Jove really gone?

Friday 14 June 2024

Meeting place in Jita

The informant gave me a list of potential contacts who had traveled, according to her, into the restricted Jove space. I tried to get in touch with several of them over the last few days, but none of them responded yet.

Meanwhile, we traveled back to Jita 4-4 for supplies and crew rest. This vast station has sprawling districts for entertainment, shopping, food, services, and just about anything you can imagine. It offers plenty of opportunity for the crew to relax. 

I cannot decide between Avindya and Levular for the job of cloak technician. So I decided to keep them both on the payroll; they have proven their mettle during our long expedition, camping out of station in deep-space safes. Both are exhausted, they have been on edge for nearly a month now. I think they've been sleeping for the last 24 hours straight.

Jita 4-4 is also a good place to wait for any of my informant's contacts to get in touch and meet up. There are many places where one can meet discreetly. 

I have picked a small Ni-Kunni eatery hidden in a back alley of one of the less popular souks. They serve half-way decent baby eels, the kind of food that scares away the locals. The coffee is dark, unfiltered, and strong enough to dissolve tritanium. The place offers privacy: each table is in its own nook that can be closed off by a curtain, and is rather dimly lit by candles in copper Mishi lanterns. The owner is never seen without a cheap cigar in his mouth, in violation of several food and health laws I am sure. He serves the food, and makes a show of pouring the coffee. He calls me Baba Amarr. Other than his wife in the kitchen there are no other employees. In short, a place off the radar. 

I have let the contacts know that I'd be there every day around noontime.

Sunday 9 June 2024

The informant

I talked to the "informant" as she likes to call herself. Perhaps more of a conspiracy theorist. I do not quite know what to make of it.

Her story is that Fraternity - that is the overarching alliance that the Grassbladians are vassals of - found a way into the Jove systems, much north of where I am trying to probe. She could bring me in contact with someone who traveled there. 

Sounds interesting, but she also showed some signs of capsuleer dementia or perhaps just old-fashioned conspiracy theory. She believes there is some organisation, deeply involved with the Jove and in full control of the cluster, and that organisation could make any person that trespasses into Jove space disappear. 

Nevertheless, I will continue to follow this lead. But first, I must give some rest and relaxation time to the crew, and get new supplies for the Indagatrix.

Friday 7 June 2024

Timeo Amarri et dona ferentes

With the crew being tired, and the Indagatrix scaring the locals, we decided to head back. I left a parting gift in front of the Grassbladian's fortizar: a crate full of Pax Amarrias.

I then abandoned ownership of the crate, so they can safely take it and its treasure inside, rather than blast it to smithereens. Which they may still do, fearful as they are of strangers bearing gifts.

I was inspired by our blesses Empress' speech. Although the speech focused on the latest Upwell cloning shenanigans, the Empress also exhorted us to spread the faith, quoting scripture that says "You will bring its message to every planet of every star in the heavens", and adding her own emphasis: "Not only the reaches of our holy Empire, but 'every planet'."  I have done my bit to heed the Empress by bringing the good word to JZV-F4 !

I was about to head out of the system when I was hailed by a Grassbladian who wants to remain anonymous. She wants to meet me, and tell me about a way into Jove space. She believes communications in space are being monitored by some sort of agency with vast powers, and will speak to me via secure communications of her own. 

She sounds paranoid to me. Perhaps she is some sort of conspiracy theory nutcase. But I will listen to her, and accept her gift of knowledge. For I do not fear the gifts of strangers.