Sunday 11 February 2024


What to do with Idesbald? He tried to steal a bottle of blood with the intent of selling it to Blood Raider collectors. If I turn him in to the Ministry of Internal Order, he will face the cleansing pits for sure. The reverend mother will not take this sin lightly.

Part of me wants him to face punishment. But another part of me understands that if a commoner is faced with an object worth tens of billions of ISK, the temptation might be just too much to resist. On the one hand I think he should get another chance, but on the other hand I do not want the crew to think mutiny is just fine.

After long deliberation I decided to drop him off just beyond the Empire's borders, in Agaullores in Solitude, Federation Space. I will provide him with decent retirement funds. And after that, I will inform the MIO. This amounts to banishment from the Empire, which should be punishment enough I think.

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