Saturday 17 February 2024

Courtship at Tebu Amkhiman

Back in the days when I was young, boys and girls of important families could mingle only at formal dance events. These were held in large halls, resplendent with golden ornaments. There, the youngsters, dressed impeccably, would be allowed to dance with each other in well choreographed waltzes under the watchful eye of parents and chaperons observing the dance from the balconies while sipping champagne and eating pastries. Only in the fleeting moments that the dance brings lovers cheek to cheek could they whisper words of passion to each other. I believe this tradition is still upheld in Kador.

Things are different nowadays - all the more so for capsuleers. Word has reached me of a capsuleer "speed dating" event in Tebu Amkhiman. In speed dating, one also changes partner according to some choreography. However, there is no dancing, and even less supervision.

Gossip travels faster than light, among baseliners as well as capsuleers, and always reaches the ears of the pastor sooner rather than later. At first, I was surprised to hear of the presence of heretics and enemies of the Empire. I know Tebu Amkhiman is a freeport, but still ... Moreover, it appears there was misbehavior and even open flirtation with the arch-heretic Nauplius! 

The organizers, Maerrin and Haapsalu are not to be blamed, and I think should be lauded. After giving it some thought, I approve of the presence of heathens at this initiative as I believe that the fastest way to reclaim them peacefully is for them to date -and possibly fall in love- with someone of the faith. There are countless historical examples of pagan kings marrying Amarrian princesses and converting.

Nevertheless, I expect the confessional to be very busy in the coming days.


((ooc picture attribution :

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