Sunday 24 March 2024

Imperial attention

The ink has not quite dried on the log entry where I express my disbelief of the Angel piracy in Mehatoor, and today I read in the "news in brief" that our most blessed Empress is asking the very same question as her loyal subjects are: how could this have happened? Holders of the border regions have been summoned.

I am reassured, now that the Empress herself is taking an interest in our situation. Everything will be all right and such error will not occur again. Deep down I hope that our humble alliance will receive a nod of appreciation from the Imperial court for helping to suppress the Angel Cartel's corruption of our home system.

One consequence of focusing our efforts on the emergency in Mehatoor is that the blessing of LUMEN's new station in the Dital system had to be postponed to an unspecified date. The station is a refinery named Anushia Ba-Qat or "companions of the truth". The name is a wink to the Curatores Veritatis Alliance in Providence. Indeed, Dital is a gateway system from the Devoid region to the Providence marshes. 

I cannot help but conclude that this station is meant not merely for mining, but also to assist and supply the Curatores in their work pacifying Providence. A glorious purpose that no doubt also pleases the Empress! 

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