Monday, 25 March 2024


I was surprised by Franco's question, whether I would know possible romantic matches for lady Loai Qerl. How did he see a matchmaker in me? I have absolutely no experience in that matter, and my first instinct was to dismiss his request.

Loai is a very fine person, and very knowledgeable about the history of the cluster and capsuleer social matters. She informed me about the Goners in the Eve Gate system, and I am very grateful for this and for her other pointers at the start of my research in the Lamp's library.

So, why not help? Moreover, Franco now posted the question publicly on galnet forums. There are some horrible figures, such as Nauplius, imposing themselves as possible suitors. I cannot let a friend face this kind of hazard! So, I have been mulling over possible candidates, considering the fine menfolk in our alliance, and made a shortlist of people I will try to poke discreetly about their interest, and then get back to Franco about that.

The only thing that has me a bit confused is... well what does Loai herself think about all this? I have not yet had the chance to talk to her about it. Why is Franco taking the initiative rather than Loai? Ah, I am afraid I do not understand how courtship works these days among youngsters in the Empire. I risk doing more bad than good.

Not to worry, the library has plenty of books (mostly Gallentean) about love, and I shall read up. And apparently, a Gallentean expert in the matter just anchored a station close to our own industrial park in Tanoo. Perhaps I should drop by and then this mr. Flavours can explain more about how capsuleer love works these days. I shall not mention Loai of course, and pretend to seek knowledge in general. Even though he is not without controversy and a big gossip, what harm could there be in hearing him out?

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