Monday, 13 May 2024

SoCT station

The crossing from Jita to the Society of Conscious Thought's schools in Geminate was the first real test for my new cloak technicians. We left early, choosing a time where the local residents would not be very active, and once in nullsec I made sure not to jump directly from gate to gate. 

Both the cloak and the interdiction nullifier were manned. Although I control these modules from the pod, smooth and fast operation is ensured by technicians monitoring and tuning these delicate pieces of equipment. All went perfectly well, we did not encounter gatecamps or metaliminal storms.

The SoCT station where we docked looks unlike any I've seen before. Although a strong influence from Gallente station architecture is clear, there is also another, more alien, element. The hangars do look definitely Gallentean, but once you disembark and venture inside, you feel the same alien undertone in layout and atmosphere. There is something more organic to it, perhaps? 

I get the feeling that this station is past its heyday. Oh, it is still a fine place, services are up and running. Everything functions normally, but nevertheless there is this subtle sense of a grandeur passed. You see shops that are boarded up, and there are many offices for rent. Parts of the station meant for housing Jove are closed off for the general public, probably these habitations are still kept as they were in case the Jove return. The offices of various Jove corporations are still active, but no Jove are to be seen, and the personnel appear to act as caretakers waiting for their masters. 

The Society of Conscious Thought itself seems more active, they have found their own purpose. Or perhaps they are still maintaining some tenuous line of contact with the Jovian Empire even though they will not discuss this with outsiders.

I will spend a bit of time here, and try to gather information from the SoCT. Better not to go out of station much: an Astrahus citadel from Fraternity is reinforced in system, and Goonswarm pilots seem to be forming a fleet right here in the SoCT station. They seem utterly uninterested in Jove or their technology, and look at me with suspicion when we meet in station.

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