Tuesday, 14 May 2024


The Society of Conscious Thought is quite eager to teach but at the same time secretive about the Jove. The emphasis on education is clear and their schools - including the one in this station - are renowned around the cluster. Their alumni, in every subject from biomedicine to physics to politicology, are generally successful and hold positions of importance.

I got a tour of some magnificent labs and libraries with all the latest equipment and technical gadgets. I got a library card and have started using the facilities. But, as I said, there is relatively little here that one cannot find elsewhere about the Jove.

Looking for other sources here, I encountered a group calling themselves the Church of Thoughtology. They are also both eager to teach and secretive about their knowledge. They say they have their information straight from Ion Labron, the Jovian who founded the SoCT. They claim to be linked to the School, but as far as I can tell they are not officially affiliated. 

In order to get access to what they know, they ask that you become member of their church, then follow some purification rituals for a couple of years, and then 'level up' in exchange of a hefty fee, to 'operational status'. Which means that you are allowed to pay even more in order to get piecemeal parts of their texts about aliens and Jove redemption.

I suspect they are a Jita scam, and will keep looking elsewhere for information.

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