The Gallente lady that commissioned the work on the history of the Khanid was very pleased with my treatise. She told me she wants to convert, and I hope our discussions contributed to her decision! This is the second person I can bring closer to the faith - little Charlene who stays in touch from Dodixie, apparently used the scripture datapad I gave her: also she considers converting.
Bringing two people closer to God - this is not something I could ever hope to achieve while secluded within the cloistered confines of the monastery. But becoming a friar opens up these possibilities. Ah even if I can bring the gift of faith to a single person, my life will have been worthwhile!
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Monday, 29 March 2021
Copying Right
Saturday, 27 March 2021
Library churches
Thursday, 25 March 2021
The fallacy of insult
I'm afraid our dear Directrix made a terrible mistake.
I realized this when I was studying background literature for my treatise on the history and customs of the Khanid. I came across a bulky tome, Tullius Ranin's famous "Heathens in heat: courtship rituals of the pre-reclaiming Khanid tribes". I read that it was common to impress potential partners by gifting cattle, to show off one's wealth and power.
It seems this tradition still holds today, Nauplius apparently gifts livestock to those he deems worthy of his romantic affections. I also learned that Lunarisse was the recipient of thousands of head of cattle. She had the dung collected and delivered right into Nauplius' quarters in Mehatoor. However, dung was not without value in the ancestral homelands of the Khanid. It was dried and kept as fuel for stoves in the cold winter months. When a potential partner would send dried dung back, it meant not only that he/she had accepted the gift of cattle, but also conveyed the lewd message "I will keep you warm at night".
To me it comes as no suprise any more that Nauplius applied for membership of SFRIM.
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Renewed exploration
The long campaign against the gate pirates has finally ended, and traveling has become more secure again. I have resumed exploration in the Takmahl pentagram constellation. Most sites are plundered long ago, or have been used by blood raiders.
I have completed my project proposal for transplanting the cybernetic implants of a Takmahl mummy to a fresh clone, and submitted it to the Amarr Science Foundation. I hope it will be funded and approved. The funding is not necessary, but since I chose the baseliner's way of doing this, I need approval of the ethics committee.
For the investigation pertaining to House Deritan, I heard today that lady Ithi Deritan adoped a former minmatar terrorist called Litheria. That sounds very weird to me, especially since I do not see any connection between Litheria and the future consort of lady Deritan. Apparently, this has drawn some attention from others on the so-called "Intergalactic Summit", and also on the "Imperial Congregation" Channel. I am glad this is exposed to the light of peer scrutiny.
Sunday, 21 March 2021
Confession is recognizing one's sin with contrition and with the intent of returning to God.
I took two confessions yesterday.
The first was from Ishta, she confessed to horrible sins committed when she was held by the Angel Cartel. The cartel performed a raid on the monastery of His Holy Peace on Chaneya VII. She got into a murderous rage. She showed me footage, a nightmare. The anger that is always lurking in her took over and possessed her like a demon. She thinks she needs this anger for her job. I think she needs another job. She seemed to need to confront herself, to get catharsis by going back o the place, and I agreed to accompany her there. However horrible her past, I am glad she starts to talk about it and to confront it, and I hope this will help her give it a place where it cannot harm her again.
The second one took me by surprise, and I'm not sure there was contrition. Two weeks ago, Nauplius came to SFRIM to apply for membership. During the interview, he mentioned that there are witches in our ranks, I remember being particularly disturbed by that accusation. Now, Aria came to visit me in the library. She told me that she had been impersonating a witch in order to trick Nauplius and make him stop his mass human sacrifices. The intent was good, and however weirdly convoluted, the plan seemed to work for a while. But the means... impersonating witches is a clear danger to the soul. Play-acting that you are the devil is an incantation that opens the door for the real devil's evil influence and for his whispers to enter the mind. And it left a stain on the reputation of Aria and of the corporation. Lunarisse was around to confirm the strange story, she seemed to be pragmatic about it and to approve. Aria is not of our faith, and did not seek to do penance, but I will pray that he is kept safe.
Post Scriptum - It seems I had some sort of promotion yesterday within the ranks of the corporation. Or maybe my trial period ended and I got approved. Lunarisse gave me a blessing - that felt good. I haven't received one since I parted with my dear Abbot.
Saturday, 20 March 2021
House Deritan
Thursday, 18 March 2021
A goodbye
My courier contract was accepted by Taienther, a Gallente pilot, who was on his way home and did not mind taking passengers along.
So, I bid goodbye to my guests, the dancers Anna, Betty and Charlene. They were glad to return home, but nevertheless it was an emotional moment, with some hugs and tears. They were grateful that station security had not been involved, and that I had offered them some modest support. They still have unreasonable fears of being imprisoned or enslaved when they set foot in the Empire, but I hope I have positively influenced their view on Amarr.
I am confident Anna's leg will heal completely so she can continue her dancing career. And I hope Charlene finds a better tailor. Betty took some canned beans as a souvenir.
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Sunday, 14 March 2021
Unexpected visitor
Saturday, 13 March 2021
Stowaways, continued
My “guests” are not eager to leave and prefer to wait a bit longer until Anna can walk around better. Nevertheless, I am eager to get them on a ship to the Federation – I do not like the situation of having stowaways living in my hangars. They stall by not deciding where they would like to be transported to, Dodixie or Luminaire.
Charlene wanted to go to confession and do penance. She claimed she had been a “very bad girl” who needed to be punished. Again, her clothing came off during her attempt at confession. As she is not of the faith, I do not think she can receive absolution for temporary sins, so it would also not make sense to take confession. So, I have started her on a study of scripture, providing a datapad with “Introduction to the Faith for Gallenteans”, bishop Delmoinne’s bestseller.
Next, I went shopping to find Charlene some clothing that does not fall off so easily.
It was a humiliating experience. The shopkeeper frowned deeply upon a friar buying women’s clothing, and I could not explain to him the true nature of my situation. He refused to serve me. His salesgirl was more accommodating, but she thought I was buying it for myself, and was always was bringing me dresses for my size. In the end I pretended I needed this for someone under my care in an orphanage. As a result, I got an Amarr Finishing School girl’s uniform. It has many buttons, so I hope it will not malfunction in the same way as Charlene’s current clothing.Friday, 12 March 2021
Grant writing
Layla’s corpse is still in statis in the Indagatrix. In order to perform an experiment on her where I try to transplant her implants to a clone, I need either permission from the closest living relative (unlikely to exist) or permission in the form of an approved research grant from the Amarr Science Foundation.
I know, as a capsuleer I could get away with doing the experiment anyway. I wanted to do it following the proper ways for a commoner like me, and as a result I brought this administrative misery upon myself. Now there’s no turning back.
There is an office of the Amarr Science Foundation in Eredan nearby Mehatoor, in the Kaalakiota Corporation Research Center. I went there to get information on writing such a grant and was helped in a very professional way. You do not have to be affiliated with Hedion University to apply for a grant (although it helps). Joint grants with industry are encouraged, maybe I can see if someone in the Bouncing Bunnies would be interested to be a co-applicant.
While there, I looked up information on past
grants in the research domain of archeology, to get some examples. Suddenly, I
got a bright idea. Why not look up Lord Aslan’s archeology projects? After all,
he was organizing a large and expensive archeological expedition in Gamdis
where he famously died. Gamdis remains a bit of a loose end in this Takmahl
lead, like a thorn in my side that I cannot seem to remove. I am still
wondering what he was looking for. Alas, it seems the whole affair was
privately funded, Holder’s prerogative. Unexpected, given the reputation of greediness of his lordship.
I am grateful that Lunarisse agreed to show me the site of the excavation - I hope this will clarify a lot of questions that remain.
Thursday, 11 March 2021
Wednesday, 10 March 2021
One mystery less
The quantum sensors that I installed recently in my item hangar detected a combination of dimethyl sulfide, methanethiol, short-chain fatty acids, and 3-methylindole with more than a smattering of hydrogen sulfide. Among laypeople, this is known as flatulence. I do not need to have an "expert system" injection of Flatology III to recognize the combination. I have stowaways, tooting on my beans.
Twice good news
Monday, 8 March 2021
Depictions of Sefrim
Thirdly, our Sefrim are often shown carring the Ametat and Avetat. If they wield a weapon, it is a sword, sometimes a flaming sword. Most uniquely, the depictions in relic sites in Araz, Kakol and surroundings show them carrying spears or lances. Rarely they are welcoming, such as the mosaic shown above, most of the time they are blocking the way, with crossed spears. The legend is that only the Takmahl emperor would be allowed entrace to the Angelic Treasury where the Ametat and Avetat are kept, and all the others (especially the Amarr they fled from) are unworthy. For them the way is blocked and they will melt at the very sight of the unmasked Sefrim.
Sunday, 7 March 2021
A failed Reclaiming
A most remarkable event took place: a membership interview of Nauplius. In the past few months, he has sunk deep into heresy by promulgating sedevacantism, denying the authority of the Throne and of the Theology Council. That man had the temerity to come to Mehatoor and apply for membership of LUMEN. In PIE, he would have been vaporized before he could knock on the front door.
Instead, the LUMEN leadership decided to explore whether he could be reclaimed.
The interview was held in the tribunal room, rather than the bar. Nauplius appeared on stage proud and self-centered, and proceeded to brag about his merits. He proclaims himself a great scholar, but although he is prolific and fluent writer, his manuscripts do not pass peer review anywhere in the cluster. I still recall our conversation on archeology, where he acted more as a grave-robber than as a scholar. What a nightmare it would be, were he to reap the fruits of my meticulous and lengthy research and put them to ill use.
He proceeded then with accusations of moral degeneracy among our ranks. Board members dating criminals, heretics, even witches? I do not know what he means but the venom from his snake tongue had me somewhat shaken and worried.
Lastly, he refused to recant sedevacantism, penance was not even discussed. He esteems himself so highly that he thinks he can be the judge of the Empress. He cares not about uniform thought, worshiping the ramblings of his own free thought instead. Thus, he begets disorder and instigates sin.
The peaceful Reclaiming of Nauplius failed miserably.
I am glad there was no violence. I tried to remember the lyrics of a song Ishta let me hear, “slow your roll”, so I could recite it to her to prevent the public evisceration of Nauplius. But she was in control of herself. It was one of the directors, Gah’Matar, who almost lost his calm.Post scriptum: Lord Garion was present, and I used the opportunity to talk to him afterwards in his office. I wanted to get his opinion on the ethics of bringing a thousand-year-old mummified Takmahl cyborg back on-line. He cautiously agreed it might be in the interest of science to do so.
Saturday, 6 March 2021
Item hangar breach
The war declaration between a capsuleer corporation and our own is now a couple of weeks old, and I am confident our adversaries are being severely trounced. However, at the onset of this inter-corporation conflict, I did not know what to expect. Indeed, this is my first time involved in such a corporate war.
Lunarisse had assured me that we did not need to bring the rare books to a safe underground planetside bunker. She even seemed surprised at my concern, apparently this sort of thing is usual. Maybe it is a way for the young nobles to show off their bravery in modern-day jousting contests.
Nevertheless, I was not reassured about this war. It is the task of any leader to tell their rank-and-file members that all will be fine if you just keep the line.
I feared temporary disruptions in supplies. In order await our inevitable glorious victory with some modicum of comfort, I decided to build up a small wartime stock of supplies. Canned beans, flour, sugar, rice, sigarettes (to trade when the economy breaks down) and a copious, feel-good amount of toilet paper.
One of the good sides of being a capsuleer is that you don’t have to wrestle for the last can of beans in the grocery store when people are hoarding. Not that there has been any hoarding, mind you. To my surprise, the baseliners in Mehatoor are quite jaded about this war, having lived through the recent Triglavian threat. Anyway, capsuleers can just order in bulk, by the ton, and have it delivered in their hangar. So that is what I did.
For some unknown reason, all bulk orders of toilet paper come with complimentary crates of hand sanitizer gel and facemasks. This mercantile tying of goods is an ancient custom in all empires. It has been done for as long as there are historical records. No-one quite knows how this habit originated, back in the mist of time, and it stands as one of the great unsolved mysteries in ethnology.
Today, I found out that someone tore open the wrapping of the pallet on which the toilet paper was stored. I first thought there was a fedo infestation, but there were also rolls missing. Fedos don’t use toilet paper. Closer inspection of the inventory revealed also missing cans of beans. None of my precious relics were missing, and also no ship equipment has been stolen. And, to make the mystery complete: there have been no recorded entries or exits in my hangar except myself.
I have bought some state-of-the-art sensors to secure the hangar, and installed surveillance drones at the entrances and exits and near the relics. I’ve also placed a fedo trap with a can of beans and a roll of toilet paper in it.
Friday, 5 March 2021
A museum
Thursday, 4 March 2021
Capsuleer wealth
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Unfortunate malfunctions
Today I found out there was a problem with the stasis pod, and repairs had to me made.
Sadly, during these repairs Layla's left leg fell off. It is amazing how fragile millennium old corpses can be.
She makes me wonder about the role of cyborgs in Takmahl society. It is known that they used them as biodroids to oversee the slaves. But cybernetic enhancements could have been of use also to the affluent population, either to overcome disabilities or to enhance potential. Layla's implants are mostly neural, with a hint of some infomorph tech - different from the Jove, maybe a Talocan influence? Did they use the enhancements to store memories so they could replay them later, a bit like a photobook? It would be wonderful if one could reactivate these, but till now I can find no other way than a transplant. I will try to get a consult with Hedion's cybernetics department.
Side note: new exploration efforts will have to wait a while as the first disadvantage of joining a corporation manifests itself: when your corporation is at war, there is no safety even in highsec space.